roller-compacted concrete mix design

Roller Compacted Concrete pavements have been successfully used for many years in northern climates where they are frequently subjected to freeze-thaw conditions. The overriding criteria for these mixtures are the shear strength between the lifts and low permeability of concrete since no protective, impermeable face is used upstream. If water content is less than optimum => voids in structure, poorly compacted concrete with loss in density and strengths. Mix design investigation : roller compacted concrete construction, Upper Stillwater Dam, Utah Publication Denver, Colo., Concrete and Structural Branch, Division of Research and Laboratory Services, Engineering and Research Center, U.S. Dept. The thickness of placement layer shall be more than 3 times the NMSA. ACI 325.10R defines Roller Compacted Concrete as concrete compacted by vibratory roller. Fatigue failure occurs when a material is subjected to repeated stresses. ICOLD Bulletin No. This type of concrete is transported, placed, distributed, 140 B. Kalantari, S. Mafian and B. Roller compacted concrete shares both properties of asphalt and concrete so it truly represents the best of both worlds delivering short and long-term value. Calculate mixture proportions Materials and Methods The RCC consists of the same ingredients as conventional concrete does, but it has a higher percentage of fine aggregates and is stiff enough to remain stable under. Roller compacted concrete is a mixture of cement with or without supplementary cementing materials, aggregates and water. Limited tests on Roller Compacted Concrete cores obtained from a full-scale test section indicate that Roller Compacted Concrete modulus of elasticity values are similar to or slightly higher than those of conventional concrete when the mixes have similar cement contents. The first fullscale RCC pavement in the U.S. designed and built by the USACE was a 3.75 acre facility at Ft. Selection of a dense, well-graded aggregate ensures optimum compaction and maximum density in the field. In addition, using Roller Compacted Concrete for new residential developments provides a strong working platform during site work and construction. It includes detailed overviews of RCC properties and materials, mix-ture proportioning, structural design issues, and production and construction considerations, plus For wearing course applications, a good starting point may be between 11 and 13 percent cement without the addition of CMs. It is also reasonable to estimate this optimum moisture content by interpolation if the percent optimum moisture content did not vary significantly over the cementitious content range used during testing. Concrete Answers Series for Architects, Engineers and Developers |. Designers are encouraged to consider the requirements for each application and design an economical roller-compacted concrete mixture to meet those requirements. = strain (in./in.). In numerous areas of the United States, widening roadways is a common way to meet new lane and edge drop-off criteria. In many instances, the road is widened into areas where soil and road foundation conditions are poor. Length feet. The material provides a stable foundation that can be surfaced with asphalt or concrete for highway traffic and that provides a long, low-maintenance life. Tests have shown that very little entrained air is necessary for adequate protection against frost-induced microcracking and deicing salt scaling. Every mixture proportion has an optimum moisture content at which it achieves the maximum dry density. Concrete Answers Series for Architects, Engineers and Developers |. Because the critical stresses in Roller Compacted Concrete pavements are flexural, fatigue due to flexural stress is used for thickness design. Please click here to view a list of the subscription services. This list is updated weekly. Please contact Val Niculae at 303-398-6549 for more information on these mix designs. Construction of an RCC dam is a relatively new and economical concept. Speed of construction, economy, and early opening to traffic are key reasons to use Roller Compacted Concrete for streets and local roads. . Some projects have reached compressive strengths higher than 7,000 psi; however, practical construction and cost considerations would likely specify increased thickness rather than strengths of this nature. (19mm) nominal maximum size provides gradation limits approaching the 0.45 Power curve for 3/4 in. In some cases, light traffic has been placed on the Roller Compacted Concrete pavement within 24 hours after construction to accommodate nearby businesses. Limitation of cement content, and/or use of fly ash is helping reduce heat generation. The percent moisture content is equal to the weight of water divided by the total weight of cementitious materials plus weight of oven-dried aggregates, and the ratio is multiplied by 100. Cast samples to measure compressive strength. Clicking a hot link below will take you directly to the test procedure listed in the title. The cementitious materials are expressed as a percent of total dry materials. In low cement content mixtures, supplements fines (material passing 0.075 mm sieve) are usually required. To achieve better surface smoothness, most projects use high-density pavers and/or diamond grinding. The low w/cm of Roller Compacted Concrete mixtures produces a low-porosity cement matrix that also contributes to the high compressive strength of the concrete. Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) is an economical, fast-construction candidate for many pavement applications. Traffic speeds are typically 30 mph or less. Choice of cementitious materials is based on the project specifications, economic considerations, availability of materials, and production considerations. As a result, the flexural strength of Roller Compacted Concrete, depending on the mix design, is generally highranging from 500 to 1,000 psi. been consolidated by vibrating rollers. The different gradation requirement comes from the need of the Roller Compacted Concrete aggregate skeleton to be consolidated under compaction efforts from the paver and the steel drum and rubber-tire rollers. Beware, because of low early strength of concrete specimens are fragile. A thin asphalt surface course placed on top of the Roller Compacted Concrete is another option. RCC should be free of damaging effects of alkali-aggregate reactivity. The 0.45 Power curve is one method that can be used to define a dense gradation approaching the maximum density of any maximum size of aggregates. . Peltz Construction RCC pavement is rougher than conventional pavement but strong and durable. Choose well-graded aggregates For drier mix, the strength is more controlled by the moisture-density relationship. Product Description. 6 Roller compacted concrete: making concrete pavements available to the whole pavement building industry RCC MIX DESIGN Concerning aggregates, a general trend is ob-served towards limiting their maximum size to 16/20 mm or even less, in order to avoid segre-gation, as well as to facilitate the mixing process and to improve surface evenness. concrete, is a dry (no-slump) concrete which has. Any kind of Portland Cement (but low heat cement is a preferred type when its is available). USA: PCA, 2003. However, another possibility is to use Roller Compacted Concrete as a base under a conventional concrete pavement. The purpose of this Master thesis is to developaguidelinefor how to design and construct a roller compacted concrete damin Sweden, which maybe of use in the future. Width feet. Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) continues to gain recognition as a competitive material for building new and rehabilitating existing dams. Strength measured on cores is also possible. It appears that good air void spacing, rather than actual air content, is a larger factor in Roller Compacted Concrete freeze-thaw resistance. The consistency is measured as the time required for a given mass of concrete to be consolidated by external vibration in the Vebe apparatus cylindrical mold. Ideal RCC projects will involve large placement areas . Roller Compacted Concrete provides an excellent construction platform and allows the thickness of the final concrete pavement surface to be reduced. = stress (psi) It has traditionally been used for pavements carrying heavy loads in low-speed areas because of its relatively course surface. However, it was reported that compared to rubber, RAP had better chance of replacing aggregate in concrete mix especially at higher percentage of 10% by total mass of mix . The mix design of Roller Compacted Concrete is a process whereby the proportions of the various ingredients in the concrete mix are proportioned and mixed so as to produce a product that meets the specified engineering requirements. Roller compacted concrete is placed much like asphalt but with a higher-density paver. With reduced costs, reduced time to use, increased durability, and increased reflectivity, RCC is a no-brainer alternative to asphalt paving and traditional concrete paving contracting. Roller-compacted concrete, or RCC, takes its name from the construction method used to build it. Roller-Compacted Concrete Mix Design Procedure with Gyratory Compactor Nader Amer, Chris Storey, and Norbert Delatte Volume 1893, Issue 1 Get access Abstract Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) pavements are durable and can be built rapidly and economically. The soil compaction method is the most widely used mixture proportioning method for Roller Compacted Concrete pavements. After final selection of the cementitious content and optimum moisture content, the final mix proportions can be calculated for the project. Clicking a hot link below will take you directly to the form listed in the title. Due to traffic constraints and the time required to place multiple asphalt lifts, some agencies have chosen to use a single lift of Roller Compacted Concrete pavement to pave arterial streets. Clicking a hot link below will take you directly to the qualified list for the material/product referenced in the title. . Thickness inches. Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) is an ideal material for the construction of concrete dams. The project specified a slab thickness of 10 inches, and the RCC mixture had a flexural strength of 800 psi. Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) is a durable material increasingly used for parking lots and high-load applications. Selection of proper materials and correct proportioning is critical to the production of quality Roller Compacted Concrete mixtures. This type of application requires pavement strength and durability to support the heavy loads. Below you will find information regarding the process and how to get materials approved. cement, precast concrete, ready-mix concrete and road construction. Eastern Canada. Similar to heavy industrial areas, light industrial areas, such as warehouse facilities and auto manufacturing facilities, provide large uninterrupted areas that are ideal for Roller Compacted Concrete. Administration of these activities requires CBMto develop new specifications or revise existing department specifications. The new dam uses roller-compacted concrete that was made by pulverizing . Why roller compacted concrete is preferred: The benefits of the material make Roller Compacted Concrete a viable option for pavement designers. Roller Compacted Concrete was first used for log handling facilities in Canada in the mid-1970s. 6509 Airport Road Mississauga, ON, L4V 1S7 Phone: (905) 738 . In the quarter century since Willow Creek, considerable research and experimentation have yielded innumerable improvements in concrete mix designs, dam designs and construction methods for roller-compacted concrete dams; by 2008, about 350 RCC dams existed worldwide. Main Sika Product for RCC: Plastiment TM 25 specifically designed for RCC. The RCC Pavement Council is a volunteer industry trade association representing the interest of those involved with the construction of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements. Roller-compacted concrete pavement (RCC) has been used for several decades in specific applications, mostly for heavy-duty industrial pavements. Additionally, due to the lower water and cement contents of the Roller Compacted Concrete mix, the required dosage of air-entraining admixture may be larger for Roller Compacted Concrete than for conventional concrete. The different concepts of design and construction of RCC dams based on type of mix are as below: . Density lb / ft 3. It is important to note that different air-entraining admixtures will require different mixing energies and times to establish a sufficiently stable air void system. The use of roller-compacted concrete (RCC) has extended beyond heavy-duty pavements. 'Roller Compacted Concrete for Gravity Dams - State of Art'. And selecting the aggregate with higher. The development of Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) was a major change in the construction practices of dams and other structures. fc = compressive strength, psi Over the past two decades, many design details and construction methods have been adapted to enhance the final product while maintaining the speed of construction that provides RCC its competitive edge. Contributing Factors For Bridge To Collapse, Maintenance Considerations in Highway Design, Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link World Longest Immersed Tunnel, Everything You Need To Know About Becoming A Civil Engineer, Check Your Construction Project for These Four Warning Signs, Real Estate Investment Learn The Basics, Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis for Dam-Reservoir systems, The Importance Of Foundation Refurbishment, Preparing For A Business Office In Your Home. (19 mm) maximum size. Economic advan- This thesis will bring all the basic knowledge needed about RCC and bring up critical parts for when designing adam.The research questions that havegoverned this thesis are: Hood, Texas, in 1984. For a fixed cementitious materials percentage, different moisture contents are selected to develop a moisture-density plot. Ports and heavy industrial facilities are large, open areas with few obstructions that may delay the construction process, making them ideal candidates for Roller Compacted Concrete. Stress ratio, as used in fatigue relationships, is the ratio of flexural stress to flexural strength. ACI 211.3R. 2. The higher strength concrete base course is more durable and prevents the rutting that might occur with a full-depth asphalt base . Compressive strength of RCC is usually measured by testing cylinder (15cm diameter,30cm long). RCC successfully and economically combines strength and durability with ease of construction. or a thin asphalt or concrete overlay can be applied. Higher cement content mixture are generally more cohesive => less tendency to segregate. Permeability of hardened Roller Compacted Concrete is comparable to that of conventional, though it may be slightly more permeable due to entrapped voids. Proper curing is critical to Roller Compacted Concretes freeze-thaw resistance. The amount of discharge and head and the frequency of use all affect the spillway design chosen. . Concrete Mix Designs. However, in recent years its use in commercial areas and for local streets and highways has been increasing. Filter & Search. The appearance is very similar to. This density most often provides the maximum strength. Higher cementitious content or high workability mixes that bond well to fresh lift joints will produce watertightness. For bonding between two layers, segregation must be prevented. Currently the highest dam of this type is the Gilgel Gibe III Dam in Ethiopia, at 250 m, with the Pakistani Diamer-Bhasha Dam . A number of mixture proportioning methods. Another use is to build a buttress on the downstream side of dams to increase dam strength. A zero-slump concrete mix, RCC doesn't need formwork, dowels, or rebar, and it requires minimal finishing. By definition it is simply a concrete mix that has a stiff consistency (Zero Slump) which enables it to spread with a special type of paver and which can be compacted under the wheels of vibratory roller. Generally, a gradation falling within the suggested band is desired to produce a product that can be compacted to near maximum density of the blended aggregates. All specimens should be molded at the optimum moisture content corresponding to the cementitious content of the mix. . The design of RCC gravity dams is similar to conven-tional concrete structures. Since these activities are under development or are being evaluated, the specifications do not have a wide distribution. It should be noted that the suggested band with a 3/4 in. Using modified Vebe apparatus (generally for mix with Vebe up to 20 seconds). We place roller compacted concrete with high-density specialized paving equipment, then compact it with rollers. Required technician training is described on the Lake Land College website for: IDOT conducts specialized testing for Alkali-Silica Reactivity (ASR) ASTM C 1293, but also approves external laboratories to perform the test on its behalf. Focus areas are testing, acceptance and approval of products such as admixtures, curing compounds, pre-packaged concrete products, freeze-thaw durable aggregates, and other miscellaneous products related to concrete. Admixtures for RCC needed mostly for set retardation (and plasticizing) effect. It is necessary to produce mixture with minimum tendency to segregate => Aggregates (especially with NSMA > 37.5mm) shall be well graded. The following factors should be taken into consideration when designing an Roller Compacted Concrete pavement for freeze-thaw resistance: Material selection for freeze-thaw durable Roller Compacted Concrete is similar to that for conventional concrete. Roller compacted concrete (RCC) or lean-rolled. Office of Highways Project Implementation, Air-Entraining Admixtures for Controlled Low-Strength Material, Controlled Low-Strength Material (CLSM) Proprietary Mix Designs by Contractors, Packaged, Dry, Combined Materials for Mortar, Packaged, Dry, Formed Concrete Repair Mixtures, Packaged, Dry, Rapid Hardening Cementitious Materials for Concrete Repairs, Field Test Procedures for Mixer Performance and Concrete Uniformity Tests, Approval of Concrete Plants and Delivery Trucks, Minimum Laboratory Requirements for Alkali-Silica Reactivity (ASR) Testing, Minimum Private Laboratory Requirements For Construction Materials Testing or Mix Design, Minimum Department and Local Agency Laboratory Requirements for Construction Materials Testing or Mix Design, Evaluation of Bond Strength by Slant Shear, Evaluation of Vertical and Overhead Adhesion for Polymer Modified Portland Cement Mortar, Fine Aggregate Classification PCC Level III Manual, Illinois Modified AASHTO T 161, Procedure B CAM II, Illinois Modified AASHTO T 161, Procedure B Concrete Admixtures, Illinois Modified AASHTO T 161, Procedure B Nonshrink Grout, Illinois Modified AASHTO T 161, Procedure B Packaged, Dry, Combined Materials, Illinois Modified AASHTO T 161, Procedure B Polymer Concrete, Illinois Modified AASHTO T 161, Procedure B Polymer Modified Portland Cement Mortar, Illinois Modified ASTM C 672 Concrete Sealers and Mix Design Evaluation, Illinois Modified ASTM C 672 - Polymer Concrete, Procedure for Freeze - Thaw Expansion Measurement, Shear Strength of Bonded Polymer Concrete, Aggregate Moisture Worksheet Pychonometer Jar Method BMPR PCCW02, Annual Inspection Certification for Concrete Delivery Trucks BMPR PCC003, Annual Inspection Certification for Concrete Plant BMPR PCC002, BMPR Concrete Laboratory Compressive Strength Testing Form BMPR CN005, Calibration of Concrete Test Equipment Air Meter Type A BMPR PCCQ02, Calibration of Concrete Test Equipment Cylinder Molds, Plastic BMPR PCCQ06, Calibration of Concrete Test Equipment Metal Retainers & Neoprene Pads BMPR PCCQ08, Calibration of Concrete Test Equipment, Beam Molds, Steel or Plastic BMPR PCCQ07, Calibration of Concrete Test Equipment, Capping Cylindrical Strength Spec BMPR PCCQ09, Calibration of Concrete Test Equipment, Cylinder Molds, Plastic, 4" x 8 BMPR PCCQ10, Calibration of Concrete Testing Equipment Air Meter, Type B BMPR PCCQ03, Calibration of Concrete Testing Equipment, Air Meter, Volumetric BMPR PCCQ04, Calibration of Concrete Testing Equipment, SLUMP BMPR PCCQ01, Calibration of Concrete Testing Equipment, Unit Weight BMPR PCCQ05, Concrete Air, Slump and Quantity BMPR MI654, Concrete Compressive Strength Record BMPR CN004, Concrete Laboratory Strength Testing BMPR CN012, Illinois Modified AASHTO T 119 Checklist Slump of Portland Cement Concrete BMPR PCCX04, Illinois Modified AASHTO T 121 Checklist Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete BMPR PCCX05, Illinois Modified AASHTO R 60 Checklist Sampling Fresh Concrete BMPR PCCX06, Illinois Modified AASHTO T 152 Checklist Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method, Type A Meter BMPR PCCX07, Illinois Modified AASHTO T 152 Checklist Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method, Type B Meter BMPR PCCX08, Illinois Modified AASHTO T 177 Checklist Procedure for Obtaining Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Center Point Beam Loading) BMPR PCCX09, Illinois Modified AASHTO T 22 Checklist Procedure for Obtaining Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens BMPR PCCX01, Illinois Modified AASHTO T 23 Checklist Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field, Casting Beams BMPR PCCX02, Illinois Modified AASHTO T 23 Checklist Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field, Casting Cylinders BMPR PCCX03, Illinois Modified ASTM C 1064 Checklist Temperature of Freshly Mixed Portland Cement Concrete BMPR PCCX10, Illinois Test Procedure SCC-1 Checklist A Sampling Fresh Self-Consolidating Concrete BMPR PCCX11, Illinois Test Procedure SCC-1 Checklist B Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Self-Consolidating Concrete BMPR PCCX12, Illinois Test Procedure SCC-2 Checklist Slump Flow and Stability of Self-Consolidating Concrete BMPR PCCX14, Illinois Test Procedure SCC-3 Checklist Passing Ability of Self-Consolidating Concrete by J-Ring and Slump Cone BMPR PCCX15, Illinois Test Procedure SCC-4 Checklist Passing Ability of Self-Consolidating Concrete by L-Box BMPR PCCX16, Illinois Test Procedure SCC-6 Checklist Static Segregation of Hardened Self-Consolidating Concrete Cylinders BMPR PCCX18, Illinois Test Procedure SCC-8 Checklist Assessment of Dynamic Segregation of Self-Consolidating Concrete During Placement BMPR PCCX19, Mobile Mixer Mix Design Calibration Worksheet BMPR PCCW03, Modulus of Rupture Test Worksheet for Concrete Beams BMPR PCCW04 (.xlsx), Model Quality Control Plan for Concrete Production BMPR PCC04 Template,,, Alkali-Silica Reactivity (ASR) ASTM C 1293, To view the Standard Specifications please navigate to the, To view the Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions please navigate to the. 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