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Performance in the Distinguished District Program is considered in the decision to grant full District status. the club website, social media, and newsletter. Recipients are recognized at the International Convention. 530), Sec. Residents Outside Bexar County & City of San Antonio. Northeast Lakeview College provides a collaborative, supportive academic community to help you achieve your learning goals. Telephone counseling is available free of charge. Attendance may also be made open to the general public, at the clubs discretion. Such meetings have also historically been known as "Speech Marathons" or "Speakouts.". The year-end audit accounts for all District financial transactions between July 1 and June 30. The Club Constitution and the club's addendum shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California, where Toastmasters International is incorporated, regardless of the location of this club. Upon complaint being made before a district or county attorney that an offense has been committed in his district or county, he shall reduce the complaint to writing and cause the same to be signed and sworn to by the complainant, and it shall be duly attested by said attorney. (a) In this article: (A) a firearm or any object manifestly designed, made, or adapted for the purpose of inflicting death or serious bodily injury; or. 5, eff. The Attorney General or, if the Attorney General is joined as an indispensable If any Policy violations by an International Officer candidate have occurred, the International President may disclose such violations. MAY SUMMON AID. (B) the case number associated with the offense and the person suspected of committing the offense; (3) the date, time, and location of the alleged offense; (4) the type of human trafficking involved, including: (A) forced labor or services, as defined by Section 20A.01, Penal Code; (B) causing the victim by force, fraud, or coercion to engage in prohibited conduct involving one or more sexual activities, including conduct described by Section 20A.02(a)(3), Penal Code; or. The World Headquarters building and contents shall be appraised at least every 10 years to ensure that the facility is adequately insured and sufficient funds are allocated for this purpose. (b) On the victim's request, the law enforcement agency shall provide the report created under Subsection (a) to the victim. be liable for any charges incurred, services or benefits actually rendered, dues, The Executive Committee may add to the portfolio from operating funds or other available funds as circumstances dictate. No District, Division, or Area officer shall receive a salary or other compensation except a return for expenses incurred for the benefit of the organization and only to the extent provided for in the adopted District budget. the District Administrative Bylaws defined below. Section 2: International Directors Translation costs are the responsibility of the charged member, unless the Board decides otherwise. The new member fee for each new member, including charter members of new clubs, is $20 USD. (f) Subject to Subsections (g), (h), (i), and (j), a clerk may dispose of an eligible exhibit or may deliver the eligible exhibit to the county purchasing agent for disposal as surplus or salvage property under Section 263.152, Local Government Code, if on the date provided by Subsection (e) the clerk has not received a request for the exhibit from either the attorney representing the state in the case or the attorney representing the defendant. For International Convention, Districts may reimburse the Immediate Past District Director for registration, lodging, and transportation expenses not paid by World Headquarters. The Toastmasters International Disciplinary Committee is established by the Board of Directors under Article VII of the Bylaws of Toastmasters International. 3.01, eff. expulsion, termination or suspension not take place. director, provided that in the absence of such advance, such director or officer CIVIL PENALTY. in section Both one-third of all the votes held by voting members of Toastmasters International, and one-third of the Member Clubs, represented either in person or by delegates or (in the case of Member Clubs) proxyholders, and including representation through participation by electronic transmission (see Article X, Section 7, above), shall be required to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the Annual Business Meeting, at special meetings of the voting membership, and for mail votes of the voting membership. Alliance agreements shall not include provisions that require Toastmasters clubs to participate in any activities or take any action. instrument or agreement Visits to District events within the RA's home District or assigned Districts may be made at any time as an attendee. Any District Executive Committee member having a registered domicile outside the boundaries of the District in which they are serving. This club is entitled to representation at the Annual Business Meeting as provided in the Bylaws of Toastmasters International, and at any other meetings of the voting members of Toastmasters International, and at District and Area Council meetings. The Executive Committee has such authority as is necessary in the conduct of the ordinary business operations of the Corporation while the Board is not in session. (2) "Law enforcement agency" means an agency of the state, or of a county, municipality, or other political subdivision of this state, that employs peace officers who, in the routine performance of the officers' duties, conduct custodial interrogations of persons suspected of committing criminal offenses. The International Director, RA, DD, PQD, IPDD, District Finance Manager, District Administration Manager, District Public Relations Manager, and Division Directors who served while the applicant was CGD. The District Director, Program Quality Director, and Club Growth Director shall be immediately notified of the action and provided the reasons for suspension. under this subdivision: In respect of any claim, issue or matter as to which the person shall have Mileage reimbursements require documentation that includes the travel date, distance traveled and travel purpose. If correctable, the Region Advisor acknowledges the infraction and corrects it. If the office of Immediate Past District Director is vacated for any reason, it shall stay vacant for the remainder of the term. NOTE: Rental assistance is limited and is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Board materials may be deemed Unrestricted, except for those items classified as Highly Confidential or Restricted. District publications, social media, and websites must not contain advertisements about candidates and must not contain articles or notices about candidates from outside the District. A letter of censure may be issued to the candidate by the District Executive Committee. Additional training of Area and Division Directors may include other elected and appointed District leaders and is conducted at Division or District meetings. If the Club President is the member removed, the next highest-ranking officer is responsible for notifying World Headquarters. Members shall not assist, support, aid, facilitate, invite, or condone anyone or anything that interferes with or is detrimental to the programs, proceedings, or affairs of Toastmasters International or its clubs. After the ILC accepts a candidate's Letter of Intent, the candidate will be provided contact information of the Board, current and past Region Advisors, Past International Presidents, Past International Directors, Immediate Past District Directors, District Directors, Program Quality Directors, and Club Growth Directors. made in the case of indemnification approved by the members (Section 5034) The Program Quality Director and Club Growth Director shall have served, at least six (6) consecutive months as Club President and. Managers provide a written statement agreeing to the Toastmasters 85, Sec. The Club Constitution and the club's addendum shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California, where Toastmasters International is incorporated, regardless of the location of this club. 2.132. Under Federal law, discrimination occurs when an individual is provided different or unequal treatment in housing situations because of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, familial status or disability. any (b-1) An attorney for the state who is not disqualified to act may request the court to permit the attorney's recusal in a case for good cause, and on approval by the court, the attorney is disqualified. tax. Upon request Toastmasters International may translate into a new language based on the following factors: When at least 20 chartered Member Clubs in good standing conduct their meetings primarily in the language being considered for translation and there is the potential to build more clubs whose meetings would be conducted primarily in that language, World Headquarters may translate promotional and select marketing materials, two (2) Pathways paths, the DTM project, the Mentor Path, electives, and other related materials. The Board may waive or alter provisions of this Policy relating to timing, by a three-fourths vote after determining that the waiver or alteration is necessary to prevent imminent harm to Toastmasters International or any of its affiliates. No action shall be takenwritten, verbal, or otherwisewhich interferes with the right of every qualified member to seek and achieve election to office at any level. Amended by Acts 1979, 66th Leg., p. 212, ch. The District Director shall appoint the District Leadership Committee Chair no later than November 1. The Secretary supervises the maintenance of a complete record and minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Directors and its committees; supervises giving notices as are proper or necessary; and issues the minutes of the Board meetings and the Executive Committee meetings prepared under the supervision of the Chief Executive Officer, and subject to review by the International President-Elect and the Board of Directors prior to circulation. were contributed to the corporation. repaid in a manner The Chief Executive Officer shall be under the supervision of the Executive Committee and the control of the Board; shall be appointed by a two-thirds vote of the entire Board, and may be terminated with or without cause by a majority vote of the entire Board upon reasonable written notice, subject to any rights the Chief Executive Officer may have under a written contract of employment, if any. The amount of all bequests, legacies, devises, or transfers (including the interest which falls into any such bequest, legacy, devise, or transfer as a result of an irrevocable disclaimer of a bequest, legacy, devise, transfer, or power, if the disclaimer is made before the date prescribed for the filing of the estate tax return), Citizens or residents What type of significant, long-term contributions has the individual made at the District or international levels? Overseeing efforts that result in club retention in the District. All other requirements as applicable to eligible clubs and club coaches shall apply to club coaches coaching undistricted clubs. These administrative bylaws shall also apply to Provisional Districts to the extent provided in Policies adopted and modified by the Board of Directors of Toastmasters International. charitable program. There is no limit on nonconsecutive terms. The City offers three property tax exemptions to property owners: Applications for exemptions must be submitted before May 1st to the Bexar Appraisal District located at 411 N. Frio Street. Investments in securities of a single issuer (with the exception of the U.S. Government and its fully guaranteed agencies) must not exceed five (5) percent of the funds allocated to a particular manager. Please contact us at 210-207-5910 to speak to a certified HUD Housing Counselor. 1, eff. Board Members have no right or authority to act on their own behalf in the name of the organization unless granted specific authority by the Board. The Chief Executive Officer maintains District records received from the Districts. All training must focus on topics that support the achievement of the District and club mission: Supporting all clubs in achieving excellence, Techniques for creating new club opportunities and building new clubs, Individual leadership development topics such as time management, conflict resolution, delegation and leadership opportunities, Conducting effective Area and Division Council meetings to reinforce club support. Sept. 1, 2001; Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. The purpose is further defined in the Bylaws of Toastmasters International, Article I. Candidates and their campaign team members must not share or tag campaign posts. 2.305. See the Bylaws of Toastmasters International, Article XIII, Section 6. directly or indirectly to or for the use of any disqualified person if the value of the economic benefit provided exceeds the value of the consideration (including the performance of services) received for providing such benefit. Helpful Websites. The ILC, by a two-thirds vote of the Chair and Co-Chairs, may reject a Letter of Intent due to disclosed conflicts of interest. Mileage reimbursement shall not exceed the lowest airfare rate. Sixty clubs in good standing is the basis for development of a sound District administration. created by the removal of a director, vacancies on the board may be filled by Any notice given by mail must be given by first-class or registered mail sent to the last address of the member shown on the To be nominated, a candidate must receive a majority vote of the DLC. The International President advises the Executive Committee of the situation; the Executive Committee may then report the matter to the Board. Club coaches may be former members of an eligible club, so long as they have not been a member of that club for a minimum of six (6) months prior to their appointment. The Fair Housing Program is involved in community fairs and provides educational presentations on many topics, including the following: Please call to 210-207-5309 to schedule an appointment. Art. District funds must not be used for membership payments, or club dues or fees. You may not indicate that your content is anything other than your own observations or opinions. Each club is responsible for the actions of its members. (b-1) added by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. subdivision (a) of the employer corporation. This club may establish routine procedures for dropping individual members who fail to pay club dues, who miss a certain number of meetings, or who fall below other minimum standards as determined by the club or Toastmasters International. A meeting at which the required quorum is initially present may continue to transact business notwithstanding the withdrawal of enough voting members or Member Clubs to leave less than the required quorum, so long as any action taken thereafter is approved by at least a majority of both required quorum numbers of votes held by voting members. A comprehensive public community college whose mission is to empower our diverse student population through educational achievement and career readiness. After each count is calculated, the Supervising Director verifies the count and provides the results to the International President or Parliamentarian. Area Directors shall be eligible for re-election or re-appointment for one (1) succeeding term, regardless of District. During the period of suspension, a Member Club shall not have any of the rights of a voting member of this Corporation, and shall not be considered in good standing. parent or its subsidiary. Other committees may be appointed as advised by the District Director or the District Council. The proposing club, or each proposing club if there is more than one (1), shall have approved the proposed amendment by the vote of at least two-thirds of the active individual members of the club present and voting at a club business meeting at which a quorum is present; such approval shall be evidenced by a statement detailing the proposed amendment signed by all the active individual club members who voted to approve the proposed amendment. Additional tax on the disqualified person Once the Board makes a decision, each Board Member, regardless of personal point of view, is obligated to support the decision in all communications outside the Board. The auditing firms report is presented to the Board of Directors before it is made public. Answer the questions below to give us your feedback. The Chief Executive Officer assesses and recommends improvements to Board organization; recommends an organizational structure that satisfies the needs and interests of the worldwide membership; and provides for efficient distribution of educational services and resources to members. Additional nominations of qualified International Officer and Director candidates may also be made from the floor at the Annual Business Meeting, with the consent of the persons so nominated. thousand dollars ($100,000). The Chief Executive Officer supervises the process of drafting Policy. Nondiscrimination is defined in Article III, Section 7, of the Bylaws of Toastmasters International. All rights reserved. (b) amended by and subsec. Art. Each District shall adopt all accounting, payment, or similar systems put in place, when instructed, by Toastmasters International. 1, eff. RELEASE OF CHILD BY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. No member may be expelled or suspended, and no membership or membership In accordance with the District Council's decision to elect or appoint Area Directors as specified in the District Administrative Bylaws, Article VII, Section C, evaluate and assess Area Director candidates in order to either: Provide one (1) or more appointment recommendations to the District Director no later than a date recommended by the District Director and approved by the District Executive Committee. If the charges are substantiated, the Club Executive Committee, by majority vote, determines the appropriate disciplinary action(s) to be taken. Honorary individual membership may be conferred upon any qualified person by the favorable vote of at least two-thirds of the active individual members of this club at a club business meeting. September 1, 2007. The bylaws may authorize one or more such committees, each consisting of two or more directors, and may provide that a specified officer or officers who are also directors of the corporation shall be a member or members of such committee or committees. All committees are subject to the general direction of the International Investment advisors The Board then selects an auditing firm by November 30 each year. Lodging includes hotel accommodations, including applicable taxes; it excludes personal telephone expenses and other incidental expenses. 1. Proposed amendments may also be submitted by Toastmasters Member Clubs to the Annual Business Meeting of Toastmasters International as follows: Proposed amendments must be presented in writing to and received by the Board of Directors no later than December 31 before the Annual Business Meeting at which they are to be submitted. El Programa de Asistencia para la Vivienda (HAP)* brinda asistencia financiera a los inquilinos que experimentan dificultades por el COVID-19 y para mantener a las familias en sus hogares. This includes the use of social media. Loans 272, Sec. director, officer, employee or other agent of the corporation, or is or was serving at 908 (H.B. Section 9: Electronic Transmissions The District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, Immediate Past District Director, and District Public Relations Manager report on progress toward District goals. HATE CRIME REPORTING. In the event of a disciplinary proceeding relating to the good standing of an individual member of a club (and/or the individuals status as a Delegate at Large), the charged members club shall have the opportunity to participate as follows: The charged members club shall be entitled to the same written notice as the charged member, including any modified notice. Clubs, Areas, Divisions, and Districts shall not create, promote, sponsor, or endorse causes, service activities, or projects of other organizations with which Toastmasters International has not formed an alliance. ILC announces International Officer and Director candidates by this date, when practicable. 4, eff. If the charged member is a voting member of Toastmasters International as a Delegate at Large, under Article III, Section 4(b), of the Bylaws the Board may, by following the above procedure, terminate, suspend, or otherwise affect the individuals voting membership. described in subparagraph (A), the amount of any such grant, loan, (2) "Officer-involved injury or death" means an incident during which a peace officer discharges a firearm causing injury or death to another. Once the reformation takes place, World Headquarters distributes funds in the original reserve account to the reserve accounts of the reformed Districts, according to the ratio of the number of membership payments made by clubs in each reformed District in the program year immediately preceding the reformation. Includes any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," surveys or any other form of solicitation. Art. The District Director shall appoint an Alignment Committee chair and committee members. The Chief Executive Officer of Toastmasters International, under the supervision of the Executive Committee and the control of the Board of Directors and is appointed by the Board of Directors. 324 (S.B. The bond may be sued on from time to time in the name of the person injured until the whole amount is recovered. Art. (9) whether the officer used physical force that resulted in bodily injury, as that term is defined by Section 1.07, Penal Code, during the stop. Disclosing such matters to others may result in a waiver of privilege, causing the organization to lose the protection of the privilege in the event of litigation. Witnesses may be suggested by the complainant, the charged member and the committee. If a committee member is unable to complete their term of service for any reason, the resulting vacancy may be filled by the International President, in consultation with the committee chairs and the Executive Committee. (c) Money collected under this article shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund. Council chairs must be Accredited Speakers who are active Toastmasters members of clubs in good standing. Such written consents shall have the same force and effect as the unanimous vote of such Board Members. Individual membership in any Member Club is by club invitation, and is open only to individuals who remain in good standing with Toastmasters International under Article III, Section 8, below. which the proceeding is or was pending shall determine upon application Criminal matters should be reported to law enforcement. Campaign content should only be posted on the candidates' campaign social media profile and campaign website. The form must include spaces to report only the following information: (3) the age, gender, and race or ethnicity of each injured or deceased peace officer involved in the incident; (4) if known, the age, gender, and race or ethnicity of each person who discharged a firearm and caused injury or death to a peace officer involved in the incident; and. Nominations for International Directors commences after the voting for International Officers is complete and the results have been announced. The District Disciplinary Committee discusses, and determines, by majority vote, whether the charges were substantiated. Such violations may be disclosed at the Annual Meeting of the District Council by the DLC Chair or District Director. 1, eff. The Bylaws of Toastmasters International contain an article stating the quorum requirements for the Annual Business Meeting and other meetings of the voting members, for the Board of Directors, and for Board committees. Violators may be subject to further disciplinary action. Visits to Area and Division events outside the Board Member's region require prior approval. The Smedley Fund is restricted to the advancement of education through the research, development, and distribution of educational programs and materials relating to communication and leadership. The committee may keep the source of information confidential. The Board of Directors shall: Devise strategic measures for the growth and development of the organization; Direct the conduct of the activities and affairs of the Corporation and the exercise of all its corporate powers; Appoint a Chief Executive Officer and fix compensation for that individual's service; Obtain the services of a certified public accounting firm to audit the records of the Corporation at the close of each fiscal year, and to certify to the Board and to the Member Clubs a report of the Corporations financial status; Appoint standing committees and all other committees not otherwise provided for; Adopt by a two-thirds vote of the entire Board, and revise by a like vote, Policies containing the Boards major administrative decisions governing the affairs of the Corporation; any Board action on governing documents such as these Bylaws, the Articles of Incorporation, the Club Constitution for Clubs of Toastmasters International, and the District Administrative Bylaws shall also require a two-thirds vote of the entire Board; Fill any vacancies on the Board of Directors for the unexpired portion of the term vacated (or decide not to do so), except that.

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