sheep and wolves problem python

So the new node must have {boat:1} (it went to the other side) and it must take 1 or 2 lambs and 1 or two wolves with it. I also notice that the situation is not symmetrical: we may know a way to find $k$ wolves among $n$ sheep using $t$ tests, but that won't help us at all to find $n-k$ wolves among $n$ sheep. Help shepherd to find right order of moves to get to other side of the river with wolf, sheep and cabbage using breadth-first and depth-first algorithms . Firstly, it is important to determine if the move is legal: there cant be negative numbers of animals, and the number of sheep or wolves cant exceed those of the initial state. M_{t,n} = \begin{cases} 1 Sheep & Wolves: Mini-Project 1 Condor Chou [email protected] Abstract Mini-Project 1 asks us to solve the Sheep & Wolf. rot13: Vs gurer ner jbyirf ng (1,5), (2,3), (3,2), naq (4,4), gura (1,4) jvyy fubj hc nf n jbys ab znggre jung, fvapr ur'f va gur fnzr ebj, pbyhza, naq qvntbany nf n jbys. . The problem is that 10 isn't prime and @noedne's pattern doesn't work for it. My prediction, based on the formula above, is that there will be a maximum of (6^2) - 3* (6) + 2 = 36 - 18 + 2 = 20 sheep. Then if I test the mixture, I will get a positive result if the mixture contain blood from any wolf. We have 75 million+ combinations and something like 63 tests, then we know we are calculating those binary outputs many billions of times. The base line is testing all 100 sheep, which guarantees 5/100 positives and the rest negative. Everything below is what I said the first time-around. Anyone spot a predictable pattern yet? This would be something like the transpose of @Quuxplusone's matrix for 6 sheep and 2 wolves. How to generate a horizontal histogram with words? Keep doing that until all combinations are unique. 13 | 4 | 52 Alas, I still cannot find a way. C 00001111000011110000111100001111 Collect a sample from each row, column, and tests of nine sheep on all but one sheep according to the illustrated patterns: The two important properties exhibited are. Are the "possible nodes" supposed to be legal nodes? I'm having trouble explaining why being "square" is optimal, but it seems obvious having played with it for a while. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. It isn't enough either way and that's why 10x10 blocks will never be a reality. This is The blood test riddle (number theory) by another name. . What about 3? The maximum number of sheep we can fit on this 4 by 4 board is 6 sheep. It ends up being moot, exactly like it did in the first, simple, strategy. In case the next state is the goal state, it stores it in the solutions list. However, by placing a wolf anywhere in the middle, you increase the number of squares taken up by the diagonals. @noedne's pattern isn't itself a requirement, though, and we shouldn't exclude the possibility that 10x10 could still somehow work. Test 6. . $$ for each of the 96 blocks (animals) and 60 points (tests). Let's see if this checks out for a 6 by 6 board. There are two main variations to this model. He made the following announcement: Notice the nice symmetry of the first three columns (sheep), and then what we do with the next four columns in each pair of rows (tests). A simple example (partly because I'm lazy, and partly because it wraps around too much) of 32 sheep with 3 wolves among them, which requires only 5 tests and 3 iterations: The problem is as following: We have 3 lambs and 3 wolves in a side and we have to let them pass the river to the other side. While, after some struggle, I found this configuration. With this you can design an algorithm easily with BFS. Sheep cannot be left alone with the cabbage on the same side, for then the sheep eats the cabbage. Mini-Project 1: Sheep & Wolves (Fall 2021) In this mini-project, you'll implement an agent that can solve the Sheep and Wolves problem for an arbitrary number of initial wolves and sheep. Each step costs the wolves energy, and they must eat sheep in order to replenish their energy - when they run out of energy they die. . I've got my laptop working on the missing elements as we speak. There is no way to find 2,3,4,5 wolves among 6 sheep in fewer than 5 tests. (Under the spoiler tags above, I show one concrete example where $(n, k, t)$ is possible yet $(n, n-k, t)$ is not possible.). This problem gave me a little more trouble, but after messing around with the same types of configurations I used in Questions 1 & 2, I found this: If you flip and rotate this grid, you can come up with 7 more variations on the original configuration, which gives a total of 8 configurations. Simple wolf and sheep simulation written in Python - GitHub - Muszeczka/Wolf-and-sheep: Simple wolf and sheep simulation written in Python Is a planet-sized magnet a good interstellar weapon? There are ${100\choose 1} > 2^6$ possible arrangements of a single wolf among 100 sheep. Sure, probably, but it won't be anything terribly game-changing. Recently, he has lost some of them due to wolf attacks. He thus decided to place some shepherd dogs in such a way that all his sheep are protected. If the wolf and a sheep attempt to occupy the same location, the wolf begins to eat the sheep. Every test we perform is the same 100 bits but this time the "1" represents which sheep are being tested. The gist of it is that @noedne was using 9x11 blocks, which covers the required 99 sheep in testing. Not the answer you're looking for? Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Among which 5 are wolves. Is it considered harrassment in the US to call a black man the N-word? @IanMercer i didn't get it, can you elaborate more please with some codes and examples? Protect Sheep. Not just that, but we still want tests that have no sheep in common as much as possible. 2. You might say, well, that just means I can conclude that the wolves are at those positions. your most loyal servant H.Idden (not a wolf). So now when we define our 5-separable matrix $M$, it has the same 60 rows but 104 columns even more than the 100 columns we need to solve @JyotishRobin's puzzle! | | / | However, the boat can carry only 2 passengers. Note, that if it does have an inverse, then it can be done in 27 measurements. 1. I'm guessing the best way to organize the data is to think of each combination as a number with 100 bits. The key takeaway is that you need a graph between possible states not a graph between the sides of the river or the animals. 34 All the sheep were living peacefully in the Land of Shewo. \text{0}&\text{if point}_t\not\in \text{block}_n\\ I was trying to figure out a process to arrive at the heavy-handed hint of 100C5 and 2^27 by assigning each permutation to a single binary number, but that fails miserably. @noedne swapped out just one block, and it didn't break the requirements. W W W It is worse than @noedne solution, but it is still better than the trivial 99. The C++ code that produced this diagram is available at Test each group. Well, I guess its not the same story and unfortunately, the sheep live in a field, not a house but you get the idea. How to draw a grid of grids-with-polygons? Gets the next possible states of the current state and applies the legality test to each of them. Why does it matter that a group of January 6 rioters went to Olive Garden for dinner after the riot? I tried to figure out what the first row of the inverse matrix P would look like based on the fact that the first row of the product P*C should be (1, 0, , 0). The boat MUST be always carrying animals, which means you can't move an empty boat. C | Positive | Negative | Negative If we are striving for the ideal case, each test should be as close to a 50/50 chance for being positive or negative as possible. Graph approach : Nodes are (L1,L2,L3,W1,W2,W3,B) with L's being the side which the lambs are, w's being the side on which the wolves are and B the side of the boat. Groups | Iterations | Samples But suddenly they were struck by a danger. Testing 13 sheep at a time is the best in this regard, though I can't claim it is the ideal strategy. If the letter V occurs in a few native words, why isn't it included in the Irish Alphabet? Every time you add a wolf to the mix, you need an additional block to make the combinations unique. You are a sheep farmer, and are now plagued by wolves which pretend to be sheep. Suppose instead that some set of test results could have been produced by two different groups of five wolves A and B. They don't appear to be. Try a number of random tests, keep the one that worked the best (minimizes the metric). I've been focusing on thinking of every test as being effectively random, without trying too hard to build specific patterns like @noedne and others had. columns) contributed the positive results (i.e. 22 | 3 | 66 Thinking like a Wolf, a Sheep or a Firefly: Learning Biology through Constructing and Testing Computational Theories -- an Embodied Modeling Approach. Once the next state passes that test, it checks if it has already been seen in the seen_states and if it is not the final solution, it appends it in the seen_states set. \text{1}&\text{if point}_t\in \text{block}_n\\ Cognition & Instruction, 24(2), pp. Help keep the big bad wolf from eating the three little sheep. Additionally, as @noedne noted in the 1st update, you don't actually need the last test you run. INTRODUCTION The Sheep and Wolves problem is an AI game that consists of a shepherd who has to cross a certain number of sheep and wolves across the river in a boat, following some rules: The number of wolves on either side of the river cannot outnumber the sheep. Now , I am looking for ideas where I can find ALL the wolves in minimum number of pooled tests. - four sheep then skip four On his way home, the farmer came to the bank of a river and rented a boat. In C, why limit || and && to evaluate to booleans? we have the bitwise-OR of some 5 columns corresponding to wolves), then we can "decode" those results and deduce exactly which 5 animals (i.e. But suddenly they were struck by a danger. Beyond a single block, no two tests would have more than a single sheep in common. T . It avoids a combinatorial explosion by discarding illegal, unproductive and not valid moves before exploring them. next step on music theory as a guitar player. Maybe we could have a little program making sure we aren't using the same sheep in the same test, or using one sheep too often in general. Unfortunately, as has been pointed out in the comments, there are some edge cases where this solution does not narrow down the results to only 5 wolves. The problem is exactly equivalent to: Find the smallest 5-separable matrix with exactly 100 columns. Would it be illegal for me to act as a Civillian Traffic Enforcer? . This avoids the agent to loop over the same solutions over and over again, being unproductive. All rights reserved. Can "it's down to him to fix the machine" and "it's up to him to fix the machine"? So we have total When the migration is complete, you will access your Teams at, and they will no longer appear in the left sidebar on So I will add my answer. First of all, does the government have enough funds to test 99 of the sheep? the grid for each positive test result. I can't tell what's going on in the first line of your 'for' statement, but the main problem I see is that you are testing for a pile of one at the end rather than a remainder of one at each . What is a good way to make an abstract board game truly alien? I will take a blood sample from 99 randomly choosen 'sheep' and send those 99 blood samples to the doctors. This problem has two constraints: The goat will eat the cabbage if the man isn't there to stop it: cabbage goat ~~ man wolf The wolf will eat the goat if the man isn't there to stop it: wolf goat ~~ man cabbage The man has to be careful about the order in which he moves things across the river. The correct solution is 15,621. 16 | 3 | 48 Like, whats the largest number of sheep for any n by n board if there are 2 wolves? A 01010101010101010101010101010101 Do you believe you know the. \end{cases} I think the problem with my previous statement is that it only works for the case where you can use the result of the first test to formulate the second test. And, as Erick points out in the comments, some of these aren't legal according to the rules and should not have been in the graph. 10 | 5 | 50 (This breaks a tie) A few wolves dressed up as sheep entered the territory of Shewo and started killing the sheep one by one. For the counting-impaired, the numbers in the left margin simply count up the tests from 1 to 59; the (numbers) in the right margin indicate how many animals are involved in each test. To reduce the number of possible moves the agent will try, several tests are run. Remember that you are standing at the front of the queue which is at the end of the array: HOW IT WORKS. The main mission of soratemplates is to provide the best quality blogger templates which are professionally designed and perfectlly seo optimized to deliver best result for your blog. But think for a second, if we chose a test that was 13 sheep at random, it would break up roughly half of those pairs, and certainly not all of them. Can you help the king by devising a strategy? Another hint as @Quuxplusone pointed out . How to solve sheep and wolves puzzle in python? You will return a list of moves that will solve the problem, or an empty list if the problem is unsolvable based on the initial set of Sheep and Wolves. (Well, the edges are 0, and column 2 is lg n, and beyond a certain k the entries are all n-1. Thats all help you will get ;), @TerryStorm i'm sorry, you just confused me more >_< , and i'm sorry for my difficult understanding :(. Maybe it's baby wolves vs. adult rams. Since the agent consists of a smart tester, it doesnt struggle on any particular case nor with an increasing number of initial sheep and wolves. suspects = 100 * ((5 / 10) ^ iterations) Easy interview question got harder: given numbers 1..100, find the missing number(s) given exactly k are missing, Image Processing: Algorithm Improvement for 'Coca-Cola Can' Recognition. Suppose we can find $C^{-1}_{\mathrm{left}}$, a left inverse of $C$. A sheep named Ziko is attempting to document the outdoor wildlife, when he stumbles upon the wolf Grey, and flees screaming back to his village of sheep, located near a newly arrived pack of wolves in the ravine. The following code explores just a single way. If we only have 1 wolf now, whats the largest number of sheep we can add to the board? Write your answers in Python code (or; Question: You are to formulate the "River Crossing" problem (a gentleman, two sheep, and a wolf) to solve using a search algorithm. Create a new Wolf-Sheep model with the given parameters. What is the difference between Python's list methods append and extend? When you get a new state, if you have already visited that state (HashSet, Hashmap) you don't need to visit it again. If you are forced to submit all batches simultaneously, then the optimal batch size apparently needs to be larger because you need to be testing "both sides" simultaneously, meaning ones you would have ruled out had you been able to see the results immediately. T . My first thought when approaching the problem was this: for which location on the board will the wolf take up the least number of squares? 2, Programming environment Python language 3, Description of experiment content A farmer with a wolf, a sheep and a basket of vegetables wanted to take a boat from the left bank of the river to the right bank. If you could show that a second 11x9 block could be swapped without breaking the requirements, then the total tests would drop to 61 a not unbelievable number. I'd love to see the OP's answer. For example, using your 32 sheep example, if you have wolves in positions 30, 31, 32 - all tests for all iterations will be positive. Each of the 59 rows represents a test; each column represents an animal. This gives groups like the following (where 1 means the sheep is selected, 0 means it is not selected): the diagonals in one direction. i.e., I can collect bloods from any number of 'sheep' and mix them. W S S The boat, which carries the animals to the other side, can't carry more than 2. In case no solution can be achieved, it returns an empty list. T . We all know that these algorithms don't work until you provide a graph as an input, and here is the problem. In other words: \begin{equation}R_{i,j} = \cup_{k=1}^{100}(c_{i,k}\cap m_{k,j})\end{equation}. If you exclude the wolfs square from the row, column, and diagonal, you end up with the same number for each: n 1. But, in theory, this is an approach that could work, assuming $C$ has a left inverse. What is a good way to make an abstract board game truly alien? The following elements are created to store important information: to_search: A stack/queue to keep track of where to search next. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. And so on. wolf! A wolf can eat a sheep if it has a direct path to it or is in same row, column, or diagonal as that sheep. But I think there is one more step left of how you test. If the results shows 5 wolves, you got them. The Sheep - Wolves - Grass Model Step 1 - Basic Structure Step 2 - Programming the agents Step 3 - Programming the environment Step 4 - Final tweaks and plotting Conclusion References Introduction There are some complex dynamics and systems that we are not able to observe. Your calculations confirm my suspicions. What's a good single chain ring size for a 7s 12-28 cassette for better hill climbing? S S S S S So if you're thinking 63 tests isn't a great answer I would contend that it actually is. In the original Sheep & Wolves (or Guards & Prisoners) problem, we specified there were 3 sheep and 3 wolves; here, though, your agent should be able to solve the problem for an arbitrary number of initial sheep and wolves. He made the following announcement: From my secret sources, I came to know that the total number of 'sheep' (including the wolves) now present in my kingdom is 100. I am, in spite of the above, going to write out a plan to randomly generate a "decent" set of tests: @Razvan Socol already did a lot of this, presumably. Mini-Project 1: Sheep & Wolves (Fall 2021) In this mini-project, you'll implement an agent that can solve the Sheep and Wolves problem for an arbitrary number of initial wolves and sheep. According to my new and improved brute-force script, Enjoy this classic wolf and sheep problem solving game for kids. By the pigeonhole principle, at least one sheep in Group B shares more than one test with Shaun, contradicting property 2. Also, it looks like we can use the exact same series of tests, plus a one-on-one test of the newcomer, to find 2 wolves among 9 sheep in only 7 tests. Can't figure out how to fix it. 1 sheep, 0 wolves: (1,0) There is a boat that he can use to cross the river. The only saving grace was that 2^27 is almost twice as large as 100C5, so not all binary numbers have to be represented. Seems convincing to me. This is nice to know because it makes for some puzzles you could try by hand, instead of trusting a computer program. - If you substitute multiplication with "and" and addition with "or" C does not have a left inverse. Heres your chance to be the hero of the story! Since the boat is on the left side (position 0), the goal state is to bring the specified number of sheep and wolves to the right, leaving empty the left side, thus, the goal state is represented as (0,0, 0). You saved the sheep! Next a thought experiment: In the ideal case, after 26 tests, you would imagine yourself having a list of combinations that were mostly paired up with another combination, and then some smaller fraction of the list that are already unique. Wolves = I1 suspects & I2 suspects & I3 suspects Keeping the 1 wolf rule, what is the maximum number of sheep we can place on the board now? Then Shaun's remaining five tests must be accounted for by the remaining four sheep of group B, which fails as above due to the pigeonhole principle and property 2. Which doesn't leave much room for the pattern to reveal itself.) Split the population in half, in 7 different ways: I hope you see where I'm going. All the sheep were living peacefully in the Land of Shewo. There are exactly 96 blocks in Blocks. S S S S W @JyotishRobin, so are you going to post your solution, or accept an answer? We test all the groups and for each of the 6 ways we record group numbers that contain at least one wolf. $9 + 11 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 = 78$ groups. E 00000000000000001111111111111111 2 days ago, Posted \end{cases} Semantic Nets for Sheep and Wolves Problem. Test 1. Following Andrew Williamson theme I wrote a program to experiment with different splits and I found a solution with. Wolves can be alone on either side of the river. When the migration is complete, you will access your Teams at, and they will no longer appear in the left sidebar on 171-209. I don't have a solution, but I might have an approach. Now you don't know if a wolf is at 29 or 30, so this solution fails. 9 | 6 | 54 To get 99 zeros the first row of P should be all zeros, but then there is no way to get the leading 1. E | Positive | Negative | Negative Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The place where it is most "powerful" is when the blocks are square and they cover every sheep once. He cannot leave the wolf with the sheep. If the letter V occurs in a few native words, why isn't it included in the Irish Alphabet? . Basic Set Operations in Python # Create a set using set literal notation my_set = {1, 3} # Add an element to a set my_set.add(2) # Remove an element from a set my_set.remove(1) # find the length of a set print(len(my_set)) # Create a set from a list my_set = set(my_list) Have a go at creating and modifying some sets. The optimal batch size to test should be 13 because doing so splits the original 100C5 possibilities into 87C5 possibilities if the test comes back negative, and 100C5 - 87C5 if the test comes out positive. Having nothing else to go on, I will use it and I know the split for testing 13 sheep is roughly 49 negative outcomes for every 51 positive outcomes, and this still allows (barely) for 27 tests to encode all combinations. That means we know there's a cutoff for where the advanced strategy is better. As others have mentioned, the smallest number of bits to make a unique code for every combination is 27. After some tinkering around, I arrived at this: Ok, now what if I kick the difficulty up a notch? You would then just BFS search this with a HashSet/HashMap to avoid visiting the same node more than once as you search for the solution. Now you have no more wolves, and food for a good while to come. Oops, that's a spoiler, probably should learn that rot13 thing I see everywhere on this site. Though trivial, since the problem starts on the left side and its goal is to move all animals to the right side, the chosen move will be subtracted from the current state of animals. Heres your chance to be the hero of the story! Wolf cannot be left alone with the sheep on the same side, for then the wolf eats the sheep. Ignore for a moment the absurdity of wolves needing to outnumber sheep in order to overpower them. Water leaving the house when water cut off. If the wolves ever outnumber the sheep on either side of the river, the wolves will overpower and eat the sheep. The first few tests should do fine, but as we start testing sheep that were (in some way) together before, the "power" of each test is going to start diminishing. All but one sheep are tested six times. What is the difference between the following two t-statistics? 15 | 3 | 45 Where 1 represents a wolf and 0 a sheep, then the test results for each iteration are: Once the ilegal moves are discarded, the agent must verify if the move is a failure and thus breaks the rules, meaning that the number of wolves on either side of the river outnumber the sheep. . and a 4 by 4 and 5 by 5 grid (a chess or checker board works well for this). If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. In the beginning it looked easy till i stopped with these difficult circumstances: The wolves can't be more than the lambs, which means the lambs can be more than or equal to the wolves. - two sheep then skip two solutions: A list to keep track of the solutions that have already been seen. Clearly, it isn't preferred for 100 sheep. Iteration 2 suspects = 11110000000000000000000000000000 It gets more difficult though because when the man is not around the wolf will eat the sheep, the sheep will also do the same when alone with the poor little cabbage. $$. I would comfortably say 59 tests is the lower bound, however, since it would have been optimal if it were possible. Test 3. . The 11x11 blocks would allow you to solve a 121-sheep problem using 65 tests. Stack Exchange network consists of 182 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. You can generate these dynamically as you explore the tree of possible moves. M_{t,n} = \begin{cases} the solution state will be * * left bank: right bank: farmer (f), wolf (w), cabbage (c), sheep (s) * * the left bank is empty and all the occupants farmer, wolf, cabbage and * sheep are on the right bank. 18 | 3 | 54 Also more details on how the testing is done can help the reader understand it better. T T . A. Each of those blocks is itself a set of 6 points; but many of those points appear in multiple blocks; in fact there are only 60 distinct points $(a,b,c,d)$ out of all those blocks! It also shows the need for the diagonals - there are overlaps of 2 lines, which are just sheep that happen to line up with wolves. . Thinking like a Wolf, a Sheep or a Firefly: Learning Biology through Constructing and Testing Computational Theories -- an Embodied Modeling Approach. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. This series of 59 tests can identify the 5 wolves from among our 100 animals. 3 days ago. But I wrote a little Python script to do a brute-force exhaustive search, and it concluded that there is no way to unambiguously identify the two wolves out of six sheep, using only four blood tests. The Sheep and Wolves problem is an AI game that consists of a shepherd who has to cross a certain number of sheep and wolves across the river in a boat, following some rules: Before starting, it is important to set the initial and the goal state. where the $\cap$ refers to the "logical and" operation and the $\cup$ is the "logical or" operation. I number $100$ sheep by $1, 2, 3, , 100$ and split them in 6 different ways. This also means an 11x9 block would work as well. You signed in with another tab or window. T T . Well, if there were just one wolf, then yes we could. Say Shaun is in group A but not B, and Shirley in B but not A. 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Charges of my blood Fury Tattoo at once for continous-time signals or is it considered harrassment the Easy to search fill them if they were meant to be legal states test which could be used to the!

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