national intelligence academy romania

Simulations, Exercises and Games, Roman and Littlefield, New York, 2014; Dumitru Irena, Building an Intelligence Culture From Within: The SRI and Romanian Society", International Journal for Intelligence and Counterintelligence, vol. The National Intelligence Academy ( Romanian: Academia Naional de Informaii) is a Romanian university run by the Romanian Intelligence Service intended to train intelligence officers. The National Intelligence Academy (Romanian: Academia Naional de Informaii) is a Romanian university run by the Romanian Intelligence Service intended to train intelligence officers. They have been prosecuted with charges of espionage. [20] Amid press anger, SRI director Virgil Mgureanu admitted that SRI agents followed Ardeleanu and argued that the surveillance was a "mistake" and that the agents thought they were following two suspected spies. The rector of Mihai Viteazul National Intelligence Academy is an alumni of Babe-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca where he graduated as valedictorian from the Faculty of History and Philosophy, in 1994. [3] In 1940 it was founded as the Special Service of Intelligence (Serviciul Special de Informaii), with Eugen Cristescu as director. Professor Dr. Gheorghe-Teodoru tefan (2007 2013) the Academy consolidated the training programmes dedicated to future intelligence officers. In 1996 he graduated from the Faculty of Psychosociology within the "Mihai Viteazul" National Intelligence Academy. I know that it has not been built over night and that the Academy today represents the combined efforts of successive generations of professors, students and partners. Mr. Franois Fischer attends the events celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Romanian National Intelligence Academy in Bucharest Bucharest, Romania 12-13 October 2022 Between 12 and 13 of October 2022, the Director of the Permanent Secretariat of the Intelligence College in Europe attended a series of meetings with our Romanian colleagues . The October 2016 Conference sponsored by the National Intelligence Academy of Romania continued a tradition of focusing on current and future intelligence issues of common concern to an international assemblage of practitioners, academics and experts. we analyze how the new technologies sustain the intelligence services in their actions for collecting open-source intelligence and increase the efficiency of related processes. Andrea Mayer currently serves as the Director of Illinois in Washington, the Washington, DC academic program for the University of Illinois, and teaches a variety of political science courses. Forces Academy Romania LAYOUT EDITOR Elena UNEA, Ph.D. Assoc. If you continue to use the CARISMAND Website, we will assume that you agree with the use of cookies. Irena Chiru is a professor of intelligence studies at 'Mihai Viteazul' National Intelligence Academy Romania and the chair of the International Association for Intelligence Education - European Chapter. Prior to coming to the Institute, she served in the Intelligence Faculty, teaching intelligence analysis and acting as Head of the Social Sciences Department. SRI primete cel mai mult", "Momente cheie - Serviciul Romn de Informaii", "Mostenitorii Securitatii - in primii ani de democratie", "1990 ANUL 0 ERA NOASTR. [22], In 2013, George Maior, the Director of the Service, accused the press of organizing an attack campaign against the Romanian Intelligence Service, giving as example the investigations over the illegal CIA prisons in Bucharest (Bright Light), which he argued that is exposing Romania to terrorist attacks.[23]. [1] In its 20 years of existence, it had trained over 4000 intelligence officers. Prof. Chiru is responsible for leading the academic and research programs of the National Institute for Intelligence Studies and for guiding strategic planning to further those programs. Those who have a bachelors degree have the opportunity of attending the masters degree programmes Intelligence Analysis or Intelligence and National Security, organized by Mihai Viteazul National Intelligence Academy. [25] APADOR-CH argued that these citizen files can be used for nefarious purposes against some citizens (MPs, judges, prosecutors, businessmen, etc.).[25]. Bucharest, April 14 - 17, 2019. She taught courses in communication and analysis as key factors in intelligence and national security. [24] The only public information on the system is found in the government decision that followed, which mandated all state institutions to give the system all the information they have. Studies History, Media History, and History of Communism. [24] The public law does not include any kind of control mechanisms or ways to prevent abuses. Download full resume. [24], Civil rights NGO APADOR-CH (Human Rights Defense Association of Romania) contested in justice the way it worked, arguing that such a government institution couldn't have been legally created by the way of secret laws and that it broke the Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Also, the brigade is providing security on all important airports from Romania and members of the brigade are working as air marshals on all Romanian flights. [24] The names of the members of the Integrated Information System council and its headquarters are a state secret. [5] At that time, there were two other intelligence services: UM 0215 and the Foreign Intelligence Service.[6]. [19], An early controversy occurred in 1996, when Tana Ardeleanu (a journalist for Ziua who had published some articles about President Ion Iliescu) had been shadowed by SRI agents. She has a PhD in Political Science from the University of Bucharest. 10, December, 2013. Prof. Iulian FOTA, PhD, National Intelligence Academy "Mihail Viteazul", Romania; Lect. Legal Notice: The views expressed in this website are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. National Intelligence Academy Mihai Viteazul (Romania) - Corrections - CORRECTIONS Direct -The Global Prisons and Probation Directory Connect with National Intelligence Academy Mihai Viteazul (Romania), Corrections in Bucureti, Bucureti Romania. [21], The Jurnalul Naional newspaper fired its editor-in-chief, Valentin Zaschievici, in August 2012, accusing him of being an infiltrated SRI agent, following the leak of some SRI documents by Cotidianul. He also won a compensation the disrespect of the Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Western academics and practitioners must carefully study the Middle East, as a strategic area, to truly understand its history, its unique SRI inherited Securitate's archives and it has been accused of destroying parts of it or supplying sensitive parts to certain politicians. [24] The system has its activities based on secret laws that were not published in Monitorul Oficial. This website is developed, managed and administered by LIBRe Foundation. Iulian Vlad[ro], the head of the Security, together with some of his deputies, were arrested on December 31, 1989; Iliescu named Gelu Voican Voiculescu as the new head of the Securitate. Art of intelligence. Copyright 2022 Mihai Viteazul National Intelligence Academy. The research branch of the Academy is the National Institute for Intelligence Studies (INSI), organized on the following research lines: intelligence studies and security studies. Mihai Viteazul National Intelligence Academy, Bucharest (Romania) Delivering courses, seminars (intelligence analysis, public relations, security culture) coordinating Master of Science programs, research activities 2002 - 2005 University assistant National Intelligence Academy, Bucharest (Romania) Delivering courses, seminars, editing . Author Page for Bogdan-Alexandru Teodor :: SSRN. , National Intelligence Academy "Mihai Viteazul", Romania Philip Davies, Brunel Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies Brunel University, UK Daniel Duma, KROSS, Faculty of Political Science University of Bucharest, Romania Chris Farrands Only by closely following these rules, will we be able to build together a modern and transparent entity. Our university is open to a larger public, as well, through a wide-range of programmes. Master-ul care te face ofier de informaii, admitere 2014", "Istoric - Academia Naional de Informaii "Mihai Viteazul", "De ce vor magistraii s devin doctori cu ajutorul unui preedinte de partid | Romania Libera", "BIOGRAFIE: Mihai Tudose, propus ministrul Economiei, este jurist i, de 14 ani, deputat. He is . She is the author and co-author of several books, chapters and . In 2010, "the press" has been included in the list of national vulnerabilities in the "National Strategy for the Defence of the Country". "Henri Coand" Air Force Academy, Romania; Prof. Ion CHIORCEA, PhD, Mircea cel . Any high school graduate is welcome to attend one of the two bachelors degree programmes Security and Intelligence Studies and Psychology Intelligence if they want to become an intelligence analyst or a case officer. A spokesperson for the National Intelligence Academy told THE that Mr Oprea had not been a doctoral adviser at the institution's doctoral school since 1 December 2015. Throughout the week, you'll have the opportunity to explore the following subject areas: Homeland security International politics Cybersecurity Drug trafficking Moreover, we analyze how these technologies can supplement and enhance . The newspaper Adevrul was able to find in 2006 an estimate of 12,000 agents, a figure confirmed by former SIE director Ctlin Harnagea. We also contribute to advisory services, forensic casework, and expert witness in cooperation with partners from national, European and international law enforcement agencies (LEA), academia and the private sector. The IAFIE-European Chapter Chair is Prof. Irena CHIRU, National Intelligence Academy - Romania. National Institute for Intelligence Studies, National Center for Modelling and Simulation in Intelligence. The Anti-Terrorist Brigade (Brigada Antitero), also known as BAT is SRI's Special Actions Unit and the main anti-terrorist unit from Romania. The institution focuses on intelligence studies and research on complex security threats in order to protect national and regional interests. Presently she is the Head of the National Institute for Intelligence Studies. [11], During the 2000s, Virgil Mgureanu, the head of the SRI at the time, has been investigated by prosecutors (together with other leaders including President Ion Iliescu) for several counts including genocide and torture, however they decided in 2009 not to charge him with any crime. According to Maior, the average salary in the service is 2500 RON (560 Eur), a salary above the average income in Romania. Created during the mid `70s (as a response to the 1972 Munich Massacre) under the name of ARTA, the unit has changed its name later into The Special Anti-Terrorist Unit (USLA - Unitatea Special de Lupt Antiterorist). It was created in 2003 under the initiative of SRI director Radu Timofte, who sent a request to the Supreme Council of National Defence (CSAT) led by President Ion Iliescu. Electronic Technical Applications I - (TS-011) May 7, 2010. Sociologist Dr. Septimiu Chelcea (1994 1999) the educational strategy integrated new forms of training that focused on the applicability of knowledge and an effective adjustment to challenges facing the Romanian society of that time. In the last 20 years, she has taught more than 200 scientific seminars and colloquia and given more than 30 educational talks on . Its role is to gather information relevant to national security and hand it over to relevant institutions, such as Romanian Government, presidency and law enforcement departments and agencies. He has held various management and administrative positions at Babe-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, among which the Head of the Department of International Studies and Contemporary History of The Faculty of History and Philosophy, as well as the Head of Altiero Spinelli Center for the study of European Governance. Between 1995-1999, he was enrolled at the European Institute of The University of Geneva, and in 2003 he got his PhD in International Relations after defending his thesis entitled State, national majority and minority in Romania (1919-1930). Learn more. Currently, SNA is colored blue-cautious; this means that the intelligence on hand suggests there is a relatively low risk of a terrorist attack. and we translate it into the Ethos of our Academy and into the Pathos of the generations that we are shaping. [1], The university's origin can be found in the Psychosociology Faculty of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, which was created by a governmental order in 1991. This process consists of background checks, medical exams, aptitude tests, personality tests, physical fitness tests and a paper exam (for example, a general knowledge test). He has published on Intelligence Studies and political philosophy and participated in several conferences on both topics. During the Romanian Revolution, soon after taking power, Ion Iliescu signed the decree which integrated the Securitate into the Ministry of Defense, thus bringing it under his control.[4]. [20], The existence of infiltrated SRI agents in the press has been publicly known since 2006, when the press officer of SRI claimed that the Service has always had moles in the Romanian press arguing that it's not illegal. The main gate to enter the intelligence service is the National Intelligence Academy (Academia Naional de Informaii Mihai Viteazul) from Bucharest. Last but not least, the Academy provides constant training programmes for SRI staff, in different areas and lines of activity. Sorin Mihai Cmpeanu is a Romanian politician, former Minister of Education in Ponta IV cabinet and, between 5 and 17 November 2015, acting Prime Minister of Romania, after President Klaus Iohannis accepted Prime Minister Ponta's resignation. He is a member of the National Council for Titles, Diplomas and University Certifications Attestation and vice president of the Commission of Sociology, Political and Administrative Sciences. Therefore, we approach the intelligence activity in terms of educating and training future and present intelligence officers, as well as in terms of research and thorough knowledge in the field of intelligence and security. Law and Internet Foundation is a Bulgarian NGO & Research centre which supports and performs applied studies, scientific researches, programmes and projects in the field of legal, technological, economic and social issues related to the fast penetration of information and communication technologies both in public and private sectors. [2] The following year, a separate institution was created for training intelligence officers, the "High Institute of Intelligence" (Institutul Superior de Informaii). IAFIE - Europe 2019 International Conference. The National Intelligence and Research University College is established under Legal Notice No 96 of 2021 as a Constituent College of NDU-K. The National Alert System (Sistemul Naional de Alert Terorist in Romanian) is the Romanian terrorist barometer. We overcome barriers and shape characters. [14], The president of the Group of Political Investigations (a Romanian organization that independently monitors the activity of state agencies), Mugur Ciuvic, has stated that he has evidence of ongoing illegal phone tappings. About us Founded in 1971, the National Intelligence Academy (NIA) is one of the longest standing private training academies dedicated to the continuing education of law enforcement and. If not, you can change your cookie settings at any time and/or leave the website. . [27] According to former DIE general Ion Mihai Pacepa, this figure is double the number of agents of the similar service of France (which has a population three times larger than Romania's) and larger than Germany's secret services, Pacepa noting the unusual size of Romania's secret services,[27] leading to claims that Ceauescu's police state has been incompletely dismantled and that the number of officers has actually increased since 1989. She has a PhD from University of Bucharest on the topic of inter media translations of violent religious extremism imagery in the British discursive space (2000-2010). Learn. Learn! Romania reacted then and continues to react to preserve the national interest in relation with the countries of the region. Apart from training newly recruited Intelligence Officers, the academy also coordinates all other staff training programmes that are not directly related to the core function. Having closely looked at the path the Academy has walked along the years, it raised my respectful attention. in Political Science from the University of Bucharest and an M.A. [16] Between 1991 and 2002, a number of 14,000 authorizations were given by the government for national security-related issues. ), Valentin Stoian, A comparative analysis of the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice and the Romanian Constitutional Court on metadata retention in. The Bulgarians have denied any connection with Zikolov. Irena Chiru is a Professor of intelligence studies and the Director of the Higher Council for Doctoral Studies, the "Mihai Viteazul" National Intelligence Academy, Romania. In the last few decades, the classical concept of national security as related predominantly to military aspects has given way to new elements of analysis. See more Sorin Cmpeanu. She is the chair of the International Association for Intelligence Education-European Chapter. Bogdan-Alexandru Teodor Romanian Intelligence Service - National Intelligence Academy Date Written: April 28, 2015 Abstract After the World War I Romania was forced to rethink its national security architecture. [5] Voiculescu assured the Securitate agents that he does not intent to wage a war against individual Securitate officers and, by mid-January 1990, the Securitate officers continued their activity in their old headquarters. I believe that the human resource of a modern intelligence service must be well educated and, at the same time, flexible and adaptable to the shifts in the security environment. [5] This led to the adoption of a law on state secrets, which banned publication of any SRI documents. "Mihai Viteazul" National Intelligence Academy (MVNIA) is a higher education military institution, part of the Romanian Intelligence Service. October 15, 2021: Approved studies delivered to publisher Editors Mihaela TEODOR (National Institute for Intelligence Studies, Romania), Matthew CROSSTON (Bowie State University, USA), Jordan BAEV (Rakovski National Defense College, Bulgaria), to take the first step together with us, invest passion and desire in your career as a Romanian intelligence officer. Learn more. With more than 25 years of experience behind, the Academy is the place where intelligence professionals are brought up. On 28 February 2008, the Romanian counter-intelligence officers arrested a Bulgarian military attache, Petar Marinov Zikolov, and a Romanian NCO, Floricel Achim. Our students benefit of both academic training and personal development. [24] The NGO lost the trial. After Romania's accession to the European Union, he became one of the first Romanian MEPs (January 1 st - December 9 th, 2007). [25] The project includes a "good behavior" file for each citizen, which aggregates data from all government agencies. PDF | The paper analyses the architecture of the national economic intelligence system of the French Republic, evaluating its degree of compliance in. They also confirmed that "a number of those supervised by Gabriel Oprea have asked to have their PhDs cancelled.the requests were filed to the Romanian Ministry of Education." He is fluent in English and French. A message from the future), Romanian Intelligence Studies Review, no. "Mihai Viteazul" National Intelligence Academy (MVNIA) is a higher education military institution, part of the Romanian Intelligence Service. The International Association for Intelligence Education European Chapter (IAFIE-EC) - -aims to advance IAFIE goals in Europe, building on the diverse models and rich experiences in the European continent. National Intelligence Academy of Romania, describes the importance of the cul - tural element in security-related research and the importance of understanding a country's society and values. About "Mihai Viteazul" National Intelligence Academy. The Academy is part of SRI and offers higher education, military discipline, and practical training through continous undergraduate and postgraduate (Masters, PhD) studies . Ivan Cristina, Rolul democraiei participative, al meta-naraiunilor i autorului colectiv n secolul XXI. [25] The project is financed by the e-government program of the EU, but parts of it such as "interception of communications" and "facial recognition" show that one of the goals is surveillance. [16], In 2006, a new illegal wiretapping scandal erupted after transcripts of businessman Dinu Patriciu's phone discussions with his associates were leaked to the press.

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national intelligence academy romania