connective ethnography

These themes emerged from a small body of work that examined the on/off-line realm in 2003. A CONNECTIVE ETHNOGRAPHY OF A FILE SHARING PRACTICE: THE BULGARIAN CASE Maya Georgieva Ninova 2015 P a g e | 11 Paige Alfonzo Ph.D. My expertise is akin to a Swiss Army knife of research approaches under which I can select the qualitative or quantitative tool/skill as needed (w/ interest in topics lying at . One means of assessing this point was to discuss the list with the interviewees whom I met face-to-face, asking whether they used the list and what it meant to them. Connective ethnography has been used primarily to create detailed tracings of people and their traveling practices, often using small numbers of participants (Lam, 2000;Leander & Lovvorn, 2006). The complex status of the report was an issue for discussion in interviews with some of the key players who informed the report and institutional responses to it. J. Gaming Comput. The aim was a holistic understanding of the disciplinary scene which made specific uses of information and communication technologies into meaningful practices for participants to engage in. When challenged to introduce radical transformation, systematists have been able to argue that they have transformed, but in appropriate forms that express considerable continuity with disciplinary tradition. Relevance is not always obvious in advance, and so this approach involves a certain amount of tentative exploration of potential research directions. The list was therefore a considerable practical aid to the observation of the discipline, as a complement to conversations that I was already having with individual interviewees face-to-face about their involvement in online initiatives. Just because an activity happens online does not mean that it is oriented to, or wholly consumed by, an immediate online audience. Everyday practices need to be understood as made possible by and also appropriated and made meaningful by an institutional environment. Taking this approach offers a way of remaining skeptical about the possibility of spatial transformation (Green, Harvey, & Knox, 2005), and in particular about the status of the offline in relation to the online. Laboratory ethnographies have offered an iconic exemplar for science studies in their close attention to scientific practice as a site of social action, but they far from monopolize the theoretically-interesting ways to define the field. orange county vs las vegas lights prediction. As Jankowski and van Selm (2005) suggest, many methodological responses to new information and communication technologies have been of the order of minor adjustments rather than radical rethinking. Nonetheless, it was possible to calculate that the perception that U.S. concerns were over-represented on the list was justified, since U.S. subscribers were both numerically the largest group and a relatively high proportion of taxonomists from the U.S. were subscribers. This article describes a case study that took a connective approach to ethnography of e-science, describing three different strategies for pursuing the connection that emerged as important in this particular case. I am grateful to Nicholas Jankowski and two anonymous referees for comments that helped in revising the article. This report provided a significant resource for the ethnography, offering as it did a set of explicit recommendations for systematics and involving along the way considerable comment on the role of information and communication technology in the future of the discipline. 3099067 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG 2022 Informa UK Limited, Registered in England & Wales No. Content moved beyond the boundaries of overt list membership, and readers appeared actively to consume and to question what they read. Anamnesis: Connective (Re)Collections Part 2 Project 2020 Aine Walker University College Cork Cork | Ireland University College Cork Cork | Ireland Systematists have had to face many of the issues that trouble e-science implementations, including the design of data structures, development of standards, and emergence of intellectual property concerns. Author(s): Deborah A. Countries who signed up to the convention were required to share with others their expertise and resources in systematics, thus addressing the geographical inequalities that left some countries rich in biodiversity poor in the resources to understand and conserve it. Landscaping climate change: A mapping technique for understanding science and technology debates on the World Wide Web, Link Analysis: An Information Science Approach, The mysterious morphology of immiscible liquids: A study of scientific practice, 2007 International Communication Association, Information processing on smartphones in public versus private, Disconnectivity synced with identity cultivation: adolescent narratives of digital disconnection, Come on fer, just load! Powerlessness, waiting, and life without broadband, Valuing digital possessions: the role of affordances, Confronting whiteness through virtual humans: a review of 20 years of research in prejudice and racial bias using virtual environments, About Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, About International Communication Association, Conclusion: e-Science and Ethnographic Evolution,, Palackal, Anderson, Miller, & Shrum, 2006,, Beccaloni, Scoble, Robinson, Downton, & Lucas, 2003,,,, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Information and Communication Technologies, Copyright 2022 International Communication Association. Controversial issues were particularly likely to feature in list discussions. acquire the Ethnographic Interpretations 16 . Geography is heavily politicized in systematics. In particular, we do not know whether the members of the list are representative of the discipline as a whole, nor do we know whether contributions on the list represent a fair portrayal of the kind of concerns that might be discussed in other locations. These included recognition that various vocal participants had particular issues that they championed, and that these positions were therefore over-represented. Registered in England & Wales No. The second perception of ICT, as an (dis)embedding mechanism (Giddens, 1991), shows how informants use the technology in order to stay in touch with both people and information resources of one s own group and connect to other networks of systems and people, e.g. Nonetheless, a report of this kind does provide some kind of map of the territory and the concerns that populate it. Participation was seen as a service to the discipline, and in that sense continuous with other aspects of systematics as a vocation. exceeding the formal boundaries of the core organisation. These fields of e-science may not therefore be as readily explored through the use of search engines and visualization tools, or indeed more formal link analysis. In exploring the institutional landscape of contemporary systematics, it became clear that there was an over-riding commitment to digitization as something the community had to engage in. In 1927 the California State Legislature put a plan in motion to create a "comprehensive, well balanced state park system." The California State Park Commission hired Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., of the Olmsted Brothers firm, who partnered with regional landscape architects and scores of volunteers to create a comprehensive survey identifying potential public parks that would represent the . It does so by considering how technology has. The ethnography thus also traveled from practices within systematics institutions and in online forums into the policy domain and back again, exploring the features of that domain to which systematists oriented themselves and the ways in which systematists both represented and were represented by policy. Institute for Community Inquiry . The tool that I used was the TouchGraph Google browser ( In doing so, it is possible to find out more about the characteristics of the phenomenon and the motivations of those who are . This kind of connective ethnography offers up an alternative and a challenge to more conventional ethnographic work in media studies. of Design, my group of 15 directs was responsible for the industrial design and controls interaction (UX/ ID) of all products in the Cooking, Refrigeration, Laundry . Utah State University - Cited by 3,628 - identity - connective ethnography - virtual worlds - computer science education - maker education Breadcrumbs Section. She is the author of Virtual Ethnography (Sage, 2000) and editor of Virtual Methods (Berg, 2005) and New Infrastructures for Knowledge Production (Idea Group, 2006). Interviewees confirmed the report as an expression of a policy climate of which they were aware and which they had to some extent helped to shape, and which in turn informed their assessment of desirable actions to take. The article examines the challenges university teachers face when adopting connective pedagogy in organizing teaching. In the multimodal and increasingly participatory culture of digital media, children, for instance, are no longer only recipients but also authors and cocreators of expressive and creative content. We found that. Disciplinary membership by country was available from the World Taxonomist Database maintained by ETI Bioinformatics ( All of the major museums and herbaria had websites, which often included a public-facing component with information for a general public and a research-oriented site with resources for other systematists. The Connective Ethnography of E?Science. As applied to science, ethnography has offered a way of delving beneath surface-level accounts of the knowledge-making process. It therefore proved to be important within the overall ethnographic approach to explore where this perception arose, and how it informed practice. One key starting point for understanding and experiencing contemporary systematics was a mailing list. Ethnographic studies in Australia, Asia, and Europe have identified reasons for this continued frequenting of cybercaf s, namely the informal learning and dynamic social interactions The chapter starts with an introduction to ethnography and its challenges when going digital. In order to extend my assessment of the list as a reflection of disciplinary concerns, I deployed the list itself, posting a message asking for assistance in finding out what the list meant to its users. Some interviewees were avid users, but most had some reservations about the usefulness of the list, for example, because it consumed too much time, or it over-emphasized particular topics, or because it was dominated by a few vocal personalities. This paper further articulate connective ethnography and considers how it may add to qualitative studies of collaborative learning in naturalistic, computer-mediated settings and outlines principles for an affinity space ethnography designed to capture the collaborative web of social interactions and audiences inherent to participation in affinity spaces. The list was also felt to be skewed towards the concerns of the USA. Contemporary systematics is not, strictly, e-science according to most definitions (Hey & Trefethen, 2002), most notably in that high-end computation is largely absent. Other connections came into visibility as the project progressed, when drawn on by interviewees and mailing list members in their accounts or uncovered in literature searches and explorations of the online landscape. I also used the list quite specifically to track some particular issues that were relevant for my research, drawing on list archives that were available online going back to 1991. In this article it is not the intention to give an account of the entire ethnography. DOI link for Towards a Connective Ethnography of Childrens Literature and Digital Media, Towards a Connective Ethnography of Childrens Literature and Digital Media book. The second section pursues online/offline connections again, this time focusing on the variable visibility of institutional structures within online landscapes, and highlighting one tactic for raising questions about connections between online and offline structures. pp. Shifting the frame can help to bring into focus new connections to explore, and highlight issues that might otherwise be taken for granted. The methodological approach of virtual ethnography has been broadened and reformulated through new proposals such as digital ethnography, ethnography on/of/through the Internet, connective ethnography, networked ethnography, cyberethnography, etc. This situation is highly specific to systematics, but has a broader methodological significance. eBook ISBN 9781315621814 ABSTRACT In many ways, the new media encounter is a challenge to rethink the study of young people's texts. 3099067 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG 2022 Informa UK Limited, Registered in England & Wales No. Clearly, for some observers the Natural History Museum is a tourist site or a piece of national heritage, while for others it is a key location for study of natural history. example of ethnography of communication; maybank mobile banking; windy city ninja camp; Select Page. by . Indeed, many domains of contemporary life would be amenable to such an approach, appropriately adapted to explore the various strands of interpretation and expectation that make sense of particular technological choices. The ethnography visited a diverse array of online and offline sites. When returning to the, This paper aims to contribute to current discussions about methods in anthropological (especially ethnographic) research on the cultures of the internet. We have no way of judging whether the majority of readers agree with points being made, even though silence on a mailing list often appears as if it is acquiescence (Hine, 2000). Nonetheless, this did not mean wholesale adoption of every suggestion that the report made. Little is known concerning how young players learn to participate in various activities in virtual worlds. responsible use of internet essay; which statement applies to vulnerability management policies? This form of ethnography moves between online and offline as users of computer-mediated communication do (Leander & McKim, 2003), looking at the construction of boundaries and the ways in which different forms of communication are used to contextualize one another. Ethnography is a research method in which researchers observe the traits and behaviors of a specific demographic, community, group or organization in real time. Esta tesis llamada "Etnografia conectada de una practica de intercambio de archivos: El caso bulgaro", tiene como objetivo proporcionar una comprension acerca de las actividades de intercambio de archivos, teniendo en cuenta el contexto local de un pais especifico. This suggests that individual initiatives may have a visibility quite different from that of their host institutions, and that outsiders may orient to the initiative rather than the institution that houses it. Its peer network, according to the TouchGraph Google browser, consists of other resources relating to Lepidoptera. Specials; Thermo King. An ethnographer could usefully explore online forums and the extent to which they represent and transform disciplinary identity; institutional structures and their representation in Web landscapes; and policy directions and their consumption and reproduction in and of on-the-ground activities. Sometimes this requires moving from online observations to offline, but sometimes an analytic mobility is required instead, shifting the frame in pursuit of the other meaning-making practices that a setting embeds and is embedded within. As signatories to the convention, nation states are the site of formal reporting and assessment under the convention. Mailing list observation can be a useful part of an ethnography of e-science, but it is valuable also to move the observation beyond list boundaries qualitatively and quantitatively, in order to situate list observations in other contexts relevant to the specific case. An initial set of questions invited respondents to tell me about their list subscription, about the other lists they subscribed to, and about how well they felt the list reflected the concerns of the discipline. This is a problem if one seeks an objective statement of what is out there. When looking for the major landmarks in a landscape, according to the people who live there, it becomes an invaluable asset. This visualization demonstrates how methods are related and connects users to relevant content. important for reconceiving Internet research as connective ethnography" (p. 218). Fields & Yasmin B. Kafai University of California, Los Angeles 2331 Moore Hall 95121 . In the, Among the social sciences, anthropology relies most fundamentally on "fieldwork"--the long-term immersion in another way of life as the basis for knowledge. This web-based service is a Java applet that piggybacks on the related facility in Google. This chapter explores some of these different approaches to ethnography and how they also imply different ways of understanding the Internet as a field and . For the purposes of the methodological discussion in this article the main point to make about the report is its reliance on information and communication technologies, which were proposed as a solution to the problems that it identified for systematics in terms of efficiency and reputation. In particular, it prompted questions about the response of institutions to the Web, and the varying visibility of institutions and the initiatives that populated them. In the situation described here shifting the analytic frame back and forth between mailing list and discipline proved an effective and methodologically important strategy. The House of Lords report made particular mention of a radical vision for the transformation of systematics, based around adoption of the Web for publication of consensus taxonomies (C. Godfray, 2002; H. C. J. Godfray, 2002). This article describes a methodological response to e-science that builds on ethnographic traditions for understanding scientific practice. Her research in sociology of science and technology focuses on the development of ethnographic methodologies for scientific and technical settings including the Internet, and on the role of information and communication technologies in science. This paper illustrates what different methods can reveal about the dating and flirting practices of tweens in, a virtual world with over 1.5 million registered players in 2005 between the ages 8-16 years old and suggests that player expertise might contribute to the striking contrast between formal writing about dating and the frequency of it on the site. 10.1007/s11412-008-9057-1 . Supercharge your meetings with new meeting widgets from Prezi International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Prior studies have shown how knowledge diffusion occurs in classrooms and structured small groups around assigned tasks yet have not begun to account for widespread knowledge sharing in more native, unstructured group settings found in online games and virtual worlds. Tying/Untying . In spring 2019, as a part of our new degree programme . As a point of methodological rigor, it therefore proved important to explore the extent to which the list could plausibly be considered reflective of the discipline. ethnographic-interpretations-16-711 1/2 Downloaded from on November 4, 2022 by guest Ethnographic Interpretations 16 711 Recognizing the mannerism ways to get this book Ethnographic Interpretations 16 711 is additionally useful. TriPac (Diesel) TriPac (Battery) Power Management Int. Our study focuses on the play of a single participant, collecting ethnographic data about how he enacts play across several different technologies as both a player and a server administrator. Address: Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK, Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. I brought field notes and transcripts, artifacts of my own, with me to our meeting so we could collaboratively configure the stretches of . August 21, 2017. The outcomes of this ethnography are highly specific in terms of the particular response of systematics to information and communication technologies and the form of the ethnography in terms of the sites visited and the connections between them. I also developed an experiential sense of the web landscape through my ongoing efforts to find relevant initiatives and work out how they were related to one another. We suggest that an ethnographic treatment, This pathbreaking book is the first to provide a rigorous and comprehensive examination of Internet culture and consumption. While exploring the mutual elaboration between online and offline activities is important, as Leander and McKim describe (2003), it proved significant in this case also to track connections between activities and expectations about those activities. It is quite plausible to anchor current adaptations of ethnography in disciplinary legacies even while highlighting innovation, and there is a methodological rationale for consciously adopting an ambiguous stance. The Natural History Museums web presence orients to this diverse set of audiences. Cambridge University Press, 265-274. A description has not been provided for this grant. As Sr. Dir. 3099067. A study about e-science using the connective ethnography method has revealed that many people in the field feel a sense of wholeness through their use of technology. Instead of studying the learning outcomes of the method, we decided in this research to focus on the teachers' experiences when doing things differently in a fairly traditional pedagogical institution like a university. Employing connective ethnography to trace the movements in learning and teaching this practice, we coordinated data records from videos, tracking data, field notes, and interviews. TouchGraph Google browser representation of a related sites network centered on the Natural History Museum, London. Respondents varied in the contrasts that they drew and the strands of continuity that they pointed to between the discipline and the list. This paper discusses the complexities of investigating the experiences of participants in hybrid (online/offline) learning communities through educational ethnography. These distinctive qualities have shaped an approach to information and communications technologies that is in dialogue with e-science, but diverges from the stricter definitions of that phenomenon. We found that club members took advantage of the different spaces, people, and times available to them across Whyville, the club, and even home and classroom spaces. It is particularly important to make connections between expectations and practices in e-science, to explore the way that expectations shape what it is possible and desirable for scientists to do online, and to consider the ways in which online activities are repackaged as they travel into other domains. It simply makes sense, in the contemporary media environment, to use the web as a tool for finding out about institutions, and in this sense there is no exoticized virtual sphere separate from the real (Miller & Slater, 2000). View 3 excerpts, references background and results, In Play Between Worlds, T. L. Taylor examines multiplayer gaming life as it is lived on the borders, in the gaps -- as players slip in and out of complex social networks that cross online and offline, View 2 excerpts, references methods and background, Abstract: While research on group learning has focused almost exclusively on interactions among individuals within groups, there has been little research on phenomena occurring between groups of. I found myself using the mood of the list as a means to judge the reaction of systematists to proposals that I was reading in the literature. Cited By ~ 44. The ethnographic approach described above was highly specific to the cultural context in question. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. The broader recommendation to explore online landscapes and consider the ways in which they reflect or reconstruct offline structures is, however, applicable across e-science. It is interesting to think about the many "ways of speaking" used in different situations within a single culture or across different cultures. Find step-by-step guidance to complete your research project. Oct. 26, 2022. Volume 1 aims to explore what constitutes 'contemporary ethnography'. In the case described here, none of these issues seemed significantly to outweigh the requirement for a low-commitment exploratory approach that would facilitate development of questions about the web landscape. More than a million books are available now via BitTorrent. 45 PDF View 2 excerpts, cites background Systematists use the specimens within these collections as a resource for undertaking work on classification, and virtual resources are increasingly being developed in conjunction with specimen collections in order to give wider access to information about specimens. Methods Map. By asking about the list face-to-face, I began to find out about diverse perspectives on its status. In interviews it was possible to discuss the conflicting pressures and complex responses that the different public personae of institutions impose for those implementing their Web strategies. Access full book title Asian American Connective Action In The Age Of Social Media by James S. Lai, the book also available in format PDF, . Thinking of the Web as landscape in this way proved to be a useful ethnographic strategy. This dissertation called "A connective ethnography of a file sharing practice: The Bulgarian case" aims to provide an understanding about file sharing activities while considering the local context of a specific country. I was also able to use the list archive to pinpoint the early acceptance of images as a way of identifying unknown specimens at a distance. The hybrid experience engendered by this encounter can be described as the result of a combination of new childhood, new "texts", new views of literacies, and new ecologies of reading. A Connective Ethnography in a Teen Online Game World Deborah A. Christine Hine, Connective Ethnography for the Exploration of e-Science, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Volume 12, Issue 2, 1 January 2007, Pages 618634, In the approach proposed here different sites emerge as important and inform one another in various ways, and while sometimes the online/offline distinction will be apparent, in other cases it will seamlessly be crossed. In practice I found that permission was always granted, and the approach often led to additional insights and discussions. New questions also arise, focused around the extent to which distributed scientific practice reshapes knowledge production processes and outcomes and the degree to which developments are experienced differently across diverse disciplines (Hine, 2006). This chapter describes a connective and multi-faceted ethnographic strategy developed to explore a phenomenon that was enacted in diverse sites connected in multiple and complex ways. This focus tends to separate the spatial characteristics of these, AcknowledgmentsIntroduction: Anthropology on the Move3Pt. Where do ethnographers have to be, Ethnographic and ethnographically inspired approaches are becoming increasingly popular in studies of digital media and digital culture, and are being used by scholars from a variety of disciplinary, Over the last few decades, ethnographers have begun to orient to the digital world as both a site of new data and a domain of study itself. One of the main findings of this study was that many scientists and engineers feel a sense of connection to their work and to the larger . We found that club members took advantage of the different spaces, people, and times available to them across Whyville, the club, and even home and classroom spaces. This picture contrasted dramatically with the related sites depicted by searching not for the institution itself, but for an initiative which is housed within that institution.

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