your own philosophy of education essay

Without a personal philosophy, we end up living without direction. One such philosophy is the use of education to enhance critical consciousness and enabling human beings to pursue completeness by acting consciously upon their abilities and limitations. Need urgent help with your paper? Socrates claimed that such knowledge was obtainable through interaction with the environment. Providing education for citizens manages to develop a responsible and thoughtful community. Montessoris Sensory Materials Founded on the ideas and practices of Maria Montessori, I would utilize the core principles of her methods in my daily routine. With regards to learning, I do not expect students to have a full understanding of a certain lesson within a forty-minute or an hour class. True education does not only contain achievement of academic degrees. You can use it as an example when writing She keeps on talking to the child to train him to talk, as the child grows, she holds his hand to train him to walk and she gives all her heart and support to teach him to face life. He is credited with the title of an American psychologist, philosopher and educational reformer. My personal philosophy of education is, 'educators must nurture/guide students within the academic field, to that the aims, goals and results during this task of educating or being educated are achieved '. Wessam Elamawy As an educator, I believe that I have the responsibility in shaping the minds of the young, developing their cognitive and psychomotor skills, and making them into responsible individuals of this country. Overall, an educator must be propelled toward excellence. Interactions with classmates will provide the necessary social skills and establish methods of early conflict resolution practices. Summer 2015 Furthermore, I see learning as acquiring knowledge or experience. harmony in order to life, Own Philosophy on Education. Students I believe that these are beings with innate knowledge. No one must be deprived with one of the aims of the government especially the Education for All (EFA)., * Philosophy Many teachers want to know how children learn and how to respond to their needs, so they must have guidelines on how to deal with those needs. It represents my ideas and values about teaching and learning; it reveals my personal teaching beliefs and their relation to the five major established educational philosophies; it shows my role and responsibilities in educational process. Subjects should be functional to todays world. The Philosophy of Education Ideals A standard by which we Judge things In our existence. The paper also highlights my career aspiration and orientation., TEACHER ROLES: I believe that the teacher of elementary students has many roles. As for formal assessments, standardized testing is one of the most relied upon methods for assessing a child and interpreting their skill levels to determine if the child is ready to proceed or be held back. If we think about the number of philosophers and psychologists that have made discoveries and hypothesis. The classroom will revolve around the students. During this stage, children are egocentric, preoperational, and unable to properly manage their time or self regulatory skills. In order for them to develop and grow into mature responsible adults, they must be able to use their own knowledge and reasoning. As a teacher it is important for me to be consistent with how I manage my classes. I believe that as a future teacher, I shouldn't seek to discipline my students. teachers must facilitate learning and personal, spiritual, ethical and academic development. Your philosophy of education is reflected in your dealings with students, colleagues, parents and administrators. My philosophy is student centered. in todays classroom. As a child, at the tender age of seven years, I was blessed with an educator, Mrs. Cager, whose commitment to her students was so profound until I have never forgotten her. Introduction: In addition to the text, include a minimum of one additional scholarly source. You can use it as an example when writing 48 Vitosha Boulevard, ground floor, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian reg. A "center" based classroom set up encourages children to interact with others in developmentally appropriate play and inspires creativity. Ultimately, people take on philosophy as an action when they wish to pursue an understanding in the fundamental authenticity about themselves, the type of world they exist in, and their relationships with the world and the people around them. This assignment will allow you to articulate your own philosophy of education and organize the bits and pieces of a lifetime of being a student and observing the world around you. My Philosophy on Education I admit that writing my own philosophy on education had me thinking for quite some time. In order to properly engage the childs mind, the classroom must be appropriate, safe, interactive, organized, and embracing to the different cultures and ethnicities present in todays society. In a similar way, teachers live by philosophy. . Three key components that I find valuable to my mission as a teacher include forming the whole child, making sure every student feels comfortable when they step foot into my classroom, and making sure that I provide the best support that I can for each individual student. Lastly, What I teach? Our academic writing service offers professional academic help to students in high schools, colleges, universities and other learning institutions. Another goal of mine is to have the students interact in a positive way. Coloroso states that When teachers use the four steps, discipline deals with the reality of the situation rather than the power and control of the adult. Teachers need to have many skills when implementing classroom management and most important sticking to what you say.. Being in school is where students gain the knowledge that they will need in the future and to also help them determine what they want to do with their lives. Therefore, it requires a certain level of skill and training to be deemed professionally fit to enter into this career path and even then, continuous professional development will always walk hand in hand with being a teacher., In this paper I have written regarding my educational philosophy. By teaching skills related to everyday life, such as walking in an orderly fashion or carrying objects to the table, the children will be able to practice self care skills. I expect that they understand, but the absorption of such information should be reinforced by giving short tests and quizzes on the following days to come. Retrieved from, Hire skilled expert and get original paper in 3+ hours, Run a free check or have your essay done for you, Didn`t find the right sample? Inside the class, I will let students be exposed in learning environments where they can easily grasp the ideas by providing them meaningful and real life activities. Many classical educational philosophies exist today, including old to newly recent additions, but as an educator of anything to anyone, it is important to own a personal educational philosophy to help make everyday decisions throughout a career. Which states the approach towards curriculum that I believe in. The liberal philosophy, which Socrates is known for, aims to develop intellectual powers of the mind. Free play (a. k. a. informal play) helps broaden the childs creative aspects, and allows for development of personal interests. Focusing on the childs key experiences will serve to foster development of important skills and abilities. Parents, siblings, friends, experience and the society are teachers because they affect and influence a person of how he should act, react, behave, think and decide. Which view do I feel embodies my personal beliefs about education? Therefore, every person needs their own philosophy to have direction. The problem is that I see far too many problems, yet offer few answers. Additionally, it is important for me to consider not only the regulated standards, but also each childs individual background. Furthermore, I see learning as acquiring knowledge or experience, This said acquisition is not only limited within the four corners of the room but is also experienced right outside the school - the environment. The teacher is not just the mentor inside the classroom giving lectures, explaining theories and concepts, teaching the ABCs and 123s. Philosophy of Education in Action David W. Nicholson 2022-02-07 Philosophy of Education in Action: An Inquiry-Based Approach (Second Edition) is an innovative introductory text that invites readers to explore philosophy of education through the lens of their own observations and experiences. My uncle earned a Ph.D. in Engineering . True education does not only contain achievement of academic degrees. It is characterized much by its methods than subject matter. It is when we grow up we begin to achieve the purpose of education and understanding of its application in daily life. . Symbolic (pretend) and constructive play help children build and test theories, while functional and outdoor play enforce muscular activities. Writing is a necessity in order to accurately document events and opinions. I see students as free beings; however, they have to be responsible enough to stand on their decisions because in anything that they do, it is their choice that they have made and they should know the pros and cons of it. When I run my own class, I will make it sure that there is a friendly environment between me and my students. I believe that every student is different with an individual way of learning and their own set of needs and gifts that are brought to the classroom. Order custom essay Essay about My Philosophy of Education Get expert help in mere 10 minutes with: PhD Essay Education School Classroom Essay about My Philosophy of Education, Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life //= $post_title Theme-related material will serve to peak their interest and establish the link between the core aspects of the lesson and real-life applications. What is philosophy in your own words essay? Ideally, I will create a healthy, respectful, supportive and challenging environment that also maintains the developmentally appropriate practices and incorporates all children into the classroom learning environment. There has been a number of questions that emerged In. Students should be given the right to think on their own. Hodge, African American Author Personally, I consider the teaching profession as an honorable profession. Education is important because it gradually prepares students for a future career. Adema Scanners, collectors and aggregators. I want them to understand the importance of education. Children that are not able to grasp the major content areas will be assessed more in-depth, and a conference with the parent(s) will be scheduled. I will sometimes be a facilitator-guide, sometimes a supportive, nurturing mother-like figure, and sometimes a sage who imparts knowledge. Your focus can be broad or you can focus on one specific area that you find of part. I will encourage my students to become more self-aware and self-managing. Each student is different, and their education should fit their needs. For my classroom, I would like to create a warm and educational environment that provides intellectual as well as emotional support for the child and their family, while demonstrating the sound skills absorbed in class. Running a class is a difficult task. cookie policy. your own essay or use it as a source, but you need I will be their guiding hand through education. I will encourage my students to become more self-aware and self-managing. It will also be demonstrated that my personal philosophy is in contrast to B.F. Skinner and A.S. Neill., My perception of education is that it must enrich the lives of students, regardless of their background, challenges, or learning abilities. Scholars It will also be demonstrated that my personal philosophy is in contrast to B.F. Skinner and A.S. Neill., My perception of education is that it must enrich the lives of students, regardless of their background, challenges, or learning abilities. The education philosophy of John Dewy, Aristotle, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau will be explored and how their views on education set the foundation for learning. Formal education begins with primary and then secondary education and higher education. ?>. especially her husband's . By noting individual interests and preferences, I can identify the methods that best suit each childs learning curve. My Personal Philosophy of Education I believe that every child is special and deserves to be taught to the best of my abilities. Describe your views on teaching and learning and provide evidence from the text to support your assertions. database? Her encouraging words instilled a level of confidence within me that I still cling to and apply more than 40 years later. One of the philosophies that is important to adult education is the liberal philosophy. It is through this profession that millions of learned men have become great professionals excelling on their own fields of expertise. One of the philosophies that is important to adult education is the liberal philosophy. Mr Essay Writer. This essay was written by a fellow student. Your ideas about education and teaching should come from reflecting on your past experiences with education and the educational theories you have learned in your education courses. Ideally I would aim to balance the old school and the new school theories of education. Submitted by: Personal Philosophy of Education Justification of my personal philosophy will be provided with references to four theorists- Mathew Lipman, Paulo Freire, John Dewey, Jean-Jacques Rousseau. I believe it is the responsibility of the church to educate its youth in these areas. Educational Experience: Provide examples from your own educational experience that have influenced your teaching philosophy. essay. In my philosophy of education, students are often encouraged to help determine curriculum and learn by doing. Allyson C. Taylor A philosophy of education statement is an opportunity to define what teaching means to you, and to describe how and why you teach as you do. They are not empty vessels, but are bodies that have this "natural knowledge". He is a co-founder of the online non-profit encyclopedia Wikipedia and the for-profit wiki hosting service Fandom (formerly Wikia). with free plagiarism report. I am of the opinion that each and every one of my pupils possesses the capacity to learn, and . cite it. It can arouse a lifetime commitment to the pursuit of knowledge, it can provide gratification at simply having knowledge about the world, and it can establish the groundwork individuals need in order to pursue a successful career, for the profession of teaching is what makes all other professions possible.. These are motives that we seek to achieve. "My philosophy of education is that all children are unique and must have a stimulating educational environment where they can grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. English education is, in my opinion, kind of a shady subject. By examining the key elements of the following 4 ideologies, I will create, present, and explain my own philosophy as it applies to my own career and the students that I love. Providing education for citizens manages to develop a responsible and thoughtful community. But the more she seeks your reassurance that she should be valued, loved, appreciated, or. I was born in a highly educated family . Play provides for unintentional yet effective learning. An ideal learning environment would be a setting where interaction and collaboration are encouraged. Also, one of the beliefs about the purpose of education is that education aims to create a good teacher., A teacher's educational philosophy is their personal beliefs that constitutes effective teaching and learning in the classroom. There has been a number of questions that emerged In my mind while pondering on coming up with my own philosophy. This paper is a statement of your personal philosophy of education, which should focus on the purpose of education, which is why education is carried out and not so much how it is carried out. These outcomes are focused on education in academic, social, and spiritual domains (Buehrer, 2014; De Muynck, Hegeman, & Vos 2011). Explore how the human body functions as one unit in The field of ethics, along with aesthetics, concerns matters of value; these fields comprise the branch of philosophy called axiology.. Ethics seeks to resolve questions of human morality by defining concepts such as good and evil, right and . As a teacher, I hope to instill in the children a sense of knowledge and self-worth that will remain with them throughout their lives. Her commitment is directly responsible for my personal philosophy of education also being commitment., This paper is my personal educational philosophy statement. This said acquisition is not only limited within the four corners of the room but is also experienced right outside the school the environment. I will sometimes be a facilitator-guide, sometimes a supportive, nurturing mother-like figure, and sometimes a sage who imparts knowledge. Hence, I first defined what an education theory meaner to me and Imagined a teacher I had that I look up to. It involves. Did you know that we have over 70,000 essays on 3,000 topics in our I place great significance on personal style of instruction and its influence on curriculum implementation. Distinguishing the difference between fact and fiction can be quite difficult. A teacher is someone whose heart and soul is devoted in shaping a child. She made me feel like I was the most important person in her classroom. Our affordable tuition promise. It unfolds the function of philosophy in a teachers life, my view on the purpose of education, the student teacher- relationship and the philosophy which influences my, These beliefs of education are known as the philosophy of education. PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are collected. When I was still a student, particularly in the university, I was more motivated to teachers that were very friendly and approachable in and outside class. Maintaining a daily schedule allows for children to get accustomed to routine and also for teachers to correctly determine the children's individual schedules and learning processes. These are the questions that I will answer through this paper., Learning however, wont take place just because one wishes it; the opportunity for learning must be created by the teacher. I want to create a classroom environment where students have the equal chance to learn, be heard, and participate in any classroom undertaking. Cavell's philosophy of education inspired me to appreciate individual differences in the quest for truth, as Cavell was "concerned with the finding or recovery of the human voice, and of finding one's own voice," (Peters 1999). Visual/spatial skills relate to the visual realm and how things are perceived or seen. In addition to that, it is about developing abilities in critical thinking, understanding how to find solutions to challenges, and cultivating a love for learning. The purpose of getting an education is to achieve progress in the areas of operation to enable every member of the community of learners to earn a living. Love learning, enjoy life, form good philosophies and attain good life. A mother for instance, is the childs first teacher. Your attitude towards problems and life as whole has an underlying philosophy. Formal education begins with primary and then secondary education and higher education. Quite literally, the meaning of philosophy is "love of wisdom". Develop your own philosophy of education, or philosophy of professional practice, using material examined in the unit and the associated wider reading you have engaged in. Education helps in imbibing moral and ethical values in individuals and education, in turn, helps in creating a healthy society, which holds a deep understanding of the principles and philosophy of life. It is customary that on New Years Eve, we make New Year resolution. I will make it an obligation to not let one single student leave my room at the end of a year without having helped them realize their potential. With regards to learning, I do not expect students to have a full understanding of a certain lesson within a forty-minute or an hour class. A classroom is like a zoo wherein different animals with different characteristics and needs are present, as what others say. Classroom Environment Geared towards the current stages of development of the child, my program would utilize the broad and realistic educational experiences that are designed to promote a constructive process of learning. Although I feel that portfolio assessment can sometimes be too broad and open to interpretation, I do think that keeping artistic evidence of the childs skill achievements can serve not only to pinpoint the progress of the child, but also as a confidence and self-esteem builder for the child. The prepared and organized centers and related lesson activities will serve to support children in their self-education (a. k. a. auto-education) phase, and allow children freedom and choice of activity. Incorporating work time, recall time and cleanup time further fosters the development of routine-based practices and will help teach the importance of self accountability. Students learn best in an environment that they are comfortable with (Ornsteind, Pejak, & Orstein, 2007) During this stage, children attempt to control their world through social play and other childhood games, asserting dominance and taking on leadership roles. Identity of a Preschooler. In order for this to be in progress there must be teachers who will prepare them and take them through the steps they need to go through., My personal philosophy of education is to develop life-long learners with reflective skills in discussing my personal philosophy of education; I will elaborate on the aim of education, address the role of the teacher and the learner and explain the method of classroom practices. , math/logical, body/kinesthic, musical/rhythmic, intrapersonal, interpersonal and naturalistic directly responsible for the parents to sustained! /A > Show more coming up with my own philosophy of life an effective and! Individuals and societythe outcome of theory of psychosocial development occurs in stages, and our subject matter we begin feel: from the midlands region of the child is much more apt to excel in school a standard by we, and sometimes a sage who imparts knowledge: from the very beginning of my life recognized! 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your own philosophy of education essay