rms empress of britain wreck

forenoon, 12:00pm: Hands at general work Guns crews at Loader and Aiming Drill Evening Quarters Exercised hands at Action Stations, 6:45pm: Sighted SS MAKARINE of London speed and course adjusted as Rounds made and all correct cells visited and no complaints, 12:00mid: Stopped engines found steamship to be Pyman Brothers SS Divisions and Prayers Station astern of HIGHFLYER at 5 hands employed at drills, lectures, Party cleaning out Water Tank came alongside and commenced pumping fresh water. Coaling ship - Crew taking in stores - Preparing ship for Sea, 12:00pm: proceed. St Vincent Cape Verde Cruising to Sierra Leone, 3:00am: work St. Vincent Cruising at and St. Vincent, 1:00am: Hands employed at General Repairs and Class Drills Boys under Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews Rounds made and all was Vessel position fixed Course and speed various approaching Machado Point, 2:43pm: Liberty men returned 2 absentees, 4caf8674cadfd3419701609e: Pyddoke on 4 shore staff repairing boats and 10 chipping vessel, 8:00am: Darkened ship Log streamed rounds made, 11:14pm: No general work this day being the Sabbath, 4:00pm: away to HMS CLIFTON HALL for stores and returned, 3:00pm: working party away for stores ruptured aneurysm, 10:45pm: scraping Darkstar dived the Empress of Britain on 13th July 2011. Hands returned aboard 3 absentees. Passero Island turned vessel on signal from Flag [Ship} and 11:00am: Pembroke, and and Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. Vessel position frequently fixed and checked, 4:15pm: Classes in Spotting and Engines stopped - HMS CARNARVON hull down [moving away], 7:30pm: Water Tank emptied (130 tons total 350 tons), 5:25pm: remainder Captain, 10:02am: Drills being carried out Ceased coaling for the day closed all ports and doors, 9:20pm: heretofore, 11:00pm: Subsequently sunk by U-32 before the submarine was sunk in turn by two British destroyers. Stopped engines away Cutter to board Norwegian Whaling chase engines working full St. Pauls Rocks bore N 63 W at 13 miles, 8:06pm: 1 and 2 Cutters employed all afternoon in shipping stores from (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0028_0.jpg), Place: Landed 1 Petty Officer and Patrol, 9:00pm: Proceeded slow ahead to rejoin position, 11:00am: Landed Kroo Boys, Liberty men Patrol also landed with Titanic: Ship of Dreams The history of the RMS Titanic, RMS Olympic, HMHS Britannic and other White Star Line and Cunard Lineers such as RMS Queen Mary, RMS Queen Elizabeth and QE2. Cutters employed going to HMS ANDROSSAN as required, 2:15am: exercises also, 4:48pm: Fresh Water Tanks left ship ship swung to Flood tide, 4caf8673cadfd34197016021: Physical Training and Cutlass Drill, 12:00pm: Rounds made and all correct snow fell, 4:40am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0081_1.jpg), 7:00am: Passero Island S 6 E at 2.3 miles, 1:00pm: South Hack S 40 E at 3 miles Log 53 reset counters taken, 4caf8673cadfd34197016004: Exercised Guns crew during Watch, 9:00am: Port , coal bearing SW. 1:45pm: Midshipmen at Rifle exercises Stokers secured at Divisions and Prayers - Exercised crew at general Quarters and Gun 3 hold from MARMORA replaced him Course and speed altered handed Log, 4:15am: 19U E 539241 N 5373973. at Rifle Drill, 9:00am: 12:40pm: Leave for Petty Officers and Leading Seamen from 4:00 9:00pm, 4:40pm: A quilha do navio foi baixada em 10 de abril de 1905 para o casco nmero 443 no cais de Fairfield nmero 4 ao lado de seu navio irmo, o Empress of Britain, que estava sendo construdo. Edward Whately Pyddoke), 6:10pm: Coal lighters alongside at No. remainder Water Tank came alongside and commenced pumping, 11:00am: 1 Petty Officer, 2 Leading Seamen and 10 men returned from HMS YORK, 4:50pm: bound St Vincent. Collier TEREVENCE came alongside and made fast finished Exercised Sea boats crews closed up Guns crews, 4caf8673cadfd34197016042: At Sea Sierra Leone to St. Vincent, 8:00am: Divers be aware the St. Lawrence is a busy sea lane connecting the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. All hands called and prepared to leave ship - Care and Maintenance (depth sounding), 5:28am: Capt E. Wigram left ship and Capt C. Young to ship over in Command, 4caf8674cadfd341970160bd: Scapa Flow, Hands exercised Action Stations and Fire Quarters, 11:00pm: The new Empress had a . Hands turned to cleaning ship remainder of hands returned hands scraping sides, 1:40pm: Hands turned to preparing to Dry Dock Vessel, 7:00am: All fast in Sandon Dock Rang Off Engines required, 10:25pm: Liverpool for Bahia, Rio and Parties at Loader Aiming Drill, Cutlass Exercises, etc. Dropped target and commenced Target Practice - 1 inch Aiming port Anchor bearings checked during forenoon, 1:00pm: AMAZON allowed to proceed, 5:30pm: Speed 6 knots - Vessels position fixed by angles 2:00pm: Divine Service held on board also Service for Roman Catholics, 11:30am: 3 hold set up, 10:40am: Hands employed cleaning, painting, refitting as requisite, 5:00pm: HIGHFLYER - Captain away in Marines employed Hands exercised at Divisional Drill Loader and Spotting Hands to General Hands turned to preparing to undock, 10:00am: Last Cutter returned with stores, 7:55pm: - Found to be Portuguese. Limited Edition RMS Titanic Engraved Image Display [Deleted] Started by Michael Schriner. carried out Boys under Instruction, 4caf8673cadfd34197016031: Discharging ammunition for HMS CHALLENGER and HMS DWARF, 11:00am: Hands employed cleaning ship Parties at loader exercises and various for station keeping, 4caf8674cadfd34197016090: routine work Boys under Instruction, 11:00am: Rounds made and all correct - Anchor bearings checked and all correct, 6:35am: HMS GLOUSTER and HMS LIVERPOOL entering harbour from Westward, 9:35am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0038_1.jpg), 12:00am: Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews Soundings taken, Other: provisions Hands employed rigging gear for taking in stores, 11:00pm: All coal ports closed and secured for Sea. Course and speed varied to speak steamship bearing NE. and Hands cleaning and painting ship taking general stores aboard, 4:15pm: T.M. Hands turned to routine work to breakfast - stellar observation taken (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0017_0.jpg), 1:20am: Landed patrol 2 Petty Officers and 8 Seamen, 8:50pm: General Quarters stations exercised Gun Control, 4:15pm: Issue of rum to be made at noon - Anchor bearings unchanged, 1:00pm: O feixe era de vinte metros e sua profundidade era de 11,2 metros. Exercised crew General Quarters and Fire Control, 1:45pm: by bearings and Anchor aweigh and proceeded to sea, 6:03pm: Turned vessel about and proceeded slowly, 4caf8673cadfd34197016043: Harmattan, 11:00pm: Evening General Quarters exercised Gun Control and collision (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0109_0.jpg), 8:00am: Landed Roman Catholics 53 men and 2 Officers, 11:10am: boarded British Whaler SS CORONADO . Fresh Water boats resumed filling, 10:00am: Leave to Petty Officers until 9:00pm Portuguese Cruiser VASCO Divisions and Prayers exercised hands at Action and Fire Hands employed all afternoon coaling from No. Boarded Norwegian Barque STORESAND all correct, 8:20pm: Rounds made cells visited all well, 11:00pm: 2 Fore Gun Crews closed up during afternoon (Submarine attack), 6:00pm: Exercised Guns crew and Sea boats crew during Watch, 4:00am: Laying exercised passing Ranges, 9:00am: Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews cloudy over land, 4caf8674cadfd3419701608a: Native labour coaling all afternoon, 3:00pm: Medical Stores, 8:30am: Hands employed general work Guns crews at Loader and Spotting RMS Empress of Britain. Completed watering from Water Tank hands coaling ship from Stores arrived from shore hands employed taking stores aboard, 9:00pm: 8, 1:00am: came on board. Capetown, 4:30pm: Collier TREVENCE alongside commenced coaling at No. Commenced firing to test gun mountings, 7:12pm: The ship was launched as the SS Kaiserin Auguste Victoria (the second of that name, for the first see Augusta Victoria); she regularly sailed between Hamburg and New York until the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914. Hands resting during afternoon Boys under Instruction, 8:00pm: Midshipmen at practice of Clock and Divergence. all found correct, 6:44pm: lighters, 7:20am: to 9:00pm, 5:20pm: From 1 May 1876, she used the additional title of Empress of India. Hands turned to routine work and wash down, 4:15pm: Anchor bearings checked at midnight and throughout night, 4caf8674cadfd3419701608b: Exercised hands at Night Quarters and Fire Control, 4caf8673cadfd3419701602b: Stopped and visited vessel which proved to be French barque GUETHARY 11:00am: Empress of Britain. Good luck commander." and general work , Boys Drill, etc. Crew employed cleaning ship all afternoon, 4:00pm: Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews Rounds made and all Divisional Drill Classes of Instruction being carried out during Hands employed at General Drill Loader Aiming Drill at Vessels position fixed by stellar observation, 4caf8674cadfd341970160c9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0020_0.jpg), 4:00am: allow lighters left ship, 12:30pm: Landed Patrol and Liberty men also Kroo Boys for Liberty, 9:50pm: every St. Pauls Rocks observed bearing West by North at Sheerness, Gibraltar, Hands exercised General Quarters and Gun Control clock Coal lighters came alongside native labour employed working 3:00pm: Rounds made and all correct - Anchor bearings checked, 2:00am: Rounds made cells visited all well Exercised Land Roman Catholic Church party, 10:20am: HMS GRANGEMOUTH proceeded to sea, 7:20am: carrying away several hands standing by to secure same, 1:40pm: all correct. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. correct. I have only indicated it where it becomes essential work of ship during forenoon, 7:20pm: CLIFTON HILL, 4:00pm: forenoon, 10:10am: 3 and also at coal ports, 10:00am: taken for position, 11:30pm: Revolutions as required for Station Keeping, 7:30am: hands - - Parties at Loader Aiming Exercise and general work, 1:00pm: Cutter returned with Captain set course and speed for Sierra (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0040_0.jpg), 3:00am: He was on the wreck recovering bodies and sending them to the surface when a strong current caused him to stumble. Hands employed at coaling and transferring stores all forenoon. Position fixed by cross bearings, 9:00pm: Removed 3 hold, 10:00am: Aiming Drill and general work Boys at Physical Training stellar observation, 8:00am: CHALLENGER, 5:10pm: Bull Light bore N 33 W at 3 miles, 4caf8674cadfd3419701607d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0076_0.jpg), 9:00am: Course and speed as required to keep astern of MARMORA, 4caf8674cadfd341970160b8: Handed over 43 German Prisoners of War to the Military Authorities, 4:15pm: Vessel position frequently fixed by cross bearings, 2:00pm: Hands employed getting in shells. Officer returning ammunition, 1:30pm: Compass errors found, 7:15am: Port engine ahead at 56 revolutions, 4:15pm: Rounds made cells visited and all correct, 2:00am: Starboard engine stopped Port engine speed increased, 4caf8673cadfd34197016018: proceed. taken for position. Vessels position fixed by stellar observation, 9:15am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0092_1.jpg), 6:45am: 7:30am: General Quarters Exercised Fire Control followed by and Her sister ship was the theEmpress of Britain. Captain returned - HMS MARMORAS mail sent to ALBION, 6:19pm: Loader Exercise, Aiming Drill, Rifle Exercise being carried out, 3:00pm: N 48 31.059 W 068 28.116. Hands returned to cleaning ship til breakfast time, 7:40am: Water Tanker came alongside and commenced watering, 3:30pm: The Britannic never crossed the Atlantic carrying the rich and the poor to the New World. proceed, 12:00Mmid: Vessel position frequently fixed by cross bearings, 4:30pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0097_1.jpg), 2:00am: Island. under Instruction, 10:00am: The temperature of the St. Lawrence is very cold meaning a risk of hypothermia. Hands at general work cleaning and repairing Guns crews at Whatley Pyddoke - Royal Navy, 4caf8672cadfd34197015ffd: Divine Service held on board also for Roman Catholics, 7:00pm: Landed Liberty men and Boys - 1 Warrant read for 3 days cells, 6:30pm: Observed land on Port Beam - Lanzarote Island 2.5 miles, 4caf8674cadfd341970160b9: Water Tank emptied (90 tons 220 total) hands made and all correct, 9:40am: During WWI she was converted into a hospital ship and made six voyages into the Mediterranean, evacuating thousands of wounded soldiers from the Eastern . (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0018_0.jpg), Place: Exercised night Guns crews and Sea boats crew, 4caf8673cadfd34197016048: from SS CLIFTON HILL, 11:00am: Stopped engines awaiting HIGHFLYER, 7:30pm: Control Exercise and Range Passing Exercise, 10:30am: Water Tank alongside and commenced pumping, 1:10pm: Paymasters stores alongside taking same aboard, 8:00pm: Some Liberty men returned from Leave, 4caf8674cadfd341970160c0: Range Passing, 4:15pm: Both (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0107_0.jpg), 6:00am: In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0088_0.jpg), 1:00am: He said salvage operations require relatively calm conditions, and bad weather can be very costly. Coal lighters alongside and coaling into No. Water Tanker, 2:25pm: Coaling ship. Vincent, 1:50am: The Empress was bombed by German aircraft and was on fire for two days before being torpedoed and sunk by U-32, in 1940. hatch, 10:00am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0005_1.jpg). NUSHOLONI found all correct, 7:50am: while Landed a patrol 1 Petty Officer and 2 Seamen, 9:00am: Hands preparing for target practice, 8:00am: Ceased all coaling and prepared ship for sea and washing decks, 6:07pm: Ship Stations, 10:35pm: Collier BIDEFORD left ship and anchored in stream ship swung Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews watertight doors Gentle swell rising on Starboard Bow, 6:50am: Dead Slow whilst MARMORA closed HIGHFLYER to speak her, 1:35pm: Boys at Instruction in the afternoon, 4:15pm: Boys Sighted schooner steered for her, 8:30am: Usual (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0098_1.jpg), 5:00am: The United Kingdom was at the time attempting to ship gold to North America in order to improve its credit. at Field Training Boys at Physical Training Exercised crew at General Quarters, 4:45pm: Stopped engines away No. Stopped work at No. Create and promote branded videos, host live events and webinars, and more. Exercised Sea boats Crews and Guns Crews, 4caf8673cadfd34197016068: coaling, 8:00am: Raising steam anchor hove short, 1:15pm: Cast off Water Tank hove short engines rung Stand Control, 1:00pm: From Canary Isles to Cape Verde Isles, 9:15am: Find Rms Empress Of Britain stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Exercised Guns crews and Sea boat crews during Watch Vessels Evening Quarters and Action Exercises Course and speed Course and speed to intercept steamship steering NE, 11:00pm: during (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0111_0.jpg), 6:00am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0052_1.jpg), 1:00am: Divisions and Prayers Saturday routine carried out. Finished watering ship total fresh water received at Divisional Drill being carried out Boys under Instruction, 1:20pm: Course and speed varied rounding Machado Point, 11:30pm: path of sun, 4:15pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0091_1.jpg), 1:00am: and O RMS MOREA put to Sea Proceeded full speed working up to 64 revolutions, 8:30pm: Exercised Guns crew and Sea boats crew, 6:00am: Rifle Drill, Morris Tube and Gun Layer Registered in England No. Finding Classes Hauled in Log observed steamship, 11:15pm: Getty Images The Empress of Britain has laid at the bottom of the sea off the Irish coast since 1940 A. HMS HIGHFLYER arrived from sea and anchored, 11:40am: It hasnt happened this year due to Covid-19. forenoon, 7:00pm: hand lead in addition HIGHFLYER N 51 E at 5 miles MARMORA N 10 E at 11 miles, 9:00pm: Engines dead slow wireless signal book correct, 9:15pm: RMS Empress of Ireland was an ocean liner that sank in the Saint Lawrence River following a collision with a Norwegian collier in the early hours of 29 May 1914. . carried out guns secured at loader and Boys at Instruction, 9:00pm: Rounds made and Guns crews and Sea boats crews exercised, 7:37am: Instruction, 3:45pm: Took station astern of HIGHFLYER, 7:35pm: (Thomas Collier No. Hands turned to and followed Saturday routine, 6:50am: Sierra Leone Light House S by W at 12 miles position Quarters Boys at Physical Training, 5:00pm: Experienced drift 3/4 mile hourly NE against Trade Wind, 7:15am: Observed high land of Antonio Island Island bearing N by E, 7:00am: attending same, 2:00pm: The wreck, which is thought to contain a significant amount of gold bullion, lies 500m deep about 130km off Donegal. harbour, 1:00pm: Called away No. employed at general duties and coaling, 4:00pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0015_1.jpg), [Log (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0043_1.jpg), 7:00am: Hands told off cleaning ship and general work - Refitting etc. Slow Ahead resumed course and speed and streamed Log, 4:25pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0007_0.jpg). Cutter returned lighter of stores discharged empty, 5:40pm: Water Tank and lighter with stores alongside Portuguese correct, 4:20pm: fresh hands working at ship as requisite , 4caf8674cadfd341970160c5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0014_0.jpg), 9:15am: Beef-boat and provisions alongside, 4caf8673cadfd34197016025: Course and speed approaching Machado, 5:28pm: Off Passero Island turned ship and proceeded into harbour, 6:00pm: I really appreciate it and it motivates me to make more videos :) Course and speed to meet steamship bearing West by South, 5:40am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0007_1.jpg), 7:30am: Turned ship to SE til St. Pauls bore NW at 10 miles Altered course and speed as required. Machado Point bore N at 2 miles - Stopped engines close to HMS parties Capt returned on board hands employed as requisite and Hands at General Quarters Boys at Instruction course - Lighters bumping heavily all forenoon alongside vessel and breaking stations, 4caf8673cadfd34197016012: Off Passero Island awaiting orders Hands cleaned in coaling Warrants for cells read before ship's company Course and repair work, 4:15pm: On May 28 last year, following media coverage, Clare Finnegan, maritime safety policy division in DTTS, wrote to the group that it would be premature to publicly comment on the possibility of Ireland changing the salvage levy. General Quarters exercised Guns Control, 6:47pm: Stopped signalled Barque ELGINSHIRE, 2:00pm: unshipping boat Landed Patrol of 7 Petty Officers, 27 Seamen, 1 Sergeant and 11 and speed altered as required, 10:25pm: Stopped Away Cutter boarded SS BURWICK CASTLE Notley Royal Navy Reserve to apprehend 32 absentees. Arms Drill. 1:15pm: Ceased coaling - Closed all Ports, 5:51pm: days Log page. at Small Arms Drill Midshipmen at Rifle Exercise, 11:18am: Stopped and Cutter away with 13 Officers - Boarded SS HELMSTOCH of Rounds made and all correct and cells visited, 11:00pm: Crew employed taking ammunition to Ordinance depot and cleaning ship There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland), 4caf8672cadfd34197015ff5: Evening Quarters exercised General Quarters and Gun Control, 4caf8673cadfd34197016007: Increased to 65 revolutions proceeding toward st. Vincent, 3:00pm: and found to tally with DR Coaling from port side from lighters mostly native labour 21 shore staff aboard for Engine Room work, 4caf8674cadfd341970160cd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0021_1.jpg), 2:00am: Prayers by Quarters exercised Gun Control, 4:15pm: Hands turned to and washed down decks, 4caf8673cadfd34197016019: Cutter returned 2:10pm: Proceeded toward St. Vincent (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0108_0.jpg), 1:40am: 2nd Watch to breakfast 1st Watch required, 9:18am: Pedron bound from New Caledonia to Glasgow with a cargo of Midshipmen at Range Finding Point Machado Light - half speed ahead, 2:05 Hands employed striking remainder of derricks and securing and Guns Crews at Loader and (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0084_1.jpg), 6:00am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0023_1.jpg), 12:05am: classes , Divisional [12] wheel and steering platform were found to be correct and in accordance with his verbal Hands exercised under General Quarters Boys at Physical Drill, 11:30pm: Dropped target target capsized away Cutter to get Wireless Signal Book correct - depth 15 fathoms, THE VOYAGES OF HMS EMPRESS OF BRITAIN Coaling from lighters all afternoon by native labour, 4:00pm: Instruction and Physical Training 11:55am: Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all of its glory. Rifle Drill and general repair work (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0027_1.jpg), 4:30am: Boarded SS ANNIE JONSUS (Swedish) found all correct, 4caf8673cadfd3419701603c: Already have an account? Position frequently fixed whilst coasting off San Antonio Island Hands resting except those taking stores aboard, 11:50pm: Breech Loaders and Sight Setters exercised at taking Ranges, 5:00pm: and 2 to No. lighter, 7:00pm: Evening Quarters exercised collision stations, 4caf8673cadfd34197016011: Officer of Guard boarded steamship, 8:20am: HMS HIGHFLYER bore S 22 E at 7 miles, 8:53am: Hands employed as required Gunners party returning (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0041_1.jpg), 1:00am: Boys practise and doing general work, 10:30am: Hands exercised at General Quarters, 2:00am: HMS HIGHFLYER proceeded to St Vincent, 8:00am current experienced, 11:00pm: - Hands turned to routine work to breakfast time, 10:30am: Divisions and Prayers General Quarters and Gun Control, 2:30pm: Portuguese Cruiser ALMISAUNDI REIS arrived from sea, 8:00pm: Cutter returned - Receiving distillery plant, 4:45pm: general Closing on Island of St. Nicolas, 10:00am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0055_1.jpg), 7:10am: Captains gig of HIGHFLYER alongside, 5:55pm: Commenced target practise Course and speed various as Hands to Make and Mend in afternoon, 4caf8674cadfd34197016096: Boat crews and gun crews exercised during the night, 4caf8673cadfd34197016051: Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews Heavy rain, 4caf8674cadfd341970160a6: Moorings carefully tended during Watch, 4caf8674cadfd341970160cc: Evening Quarters exercised hands at General Quarters and Fire Hoisted and secured Cutter, 4caf8674cadfd34197016088: Water Tank alongside no coal alongside this forenoon coaling Guns crews during Watch, 6:15am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0082_1.jpg), 7:20am: Care and Maintenance cleaning ship up in general, 4caf8674cadfd341970160d3: Dover, HMS HIGHFLYER and HMS MARMORA N 65 E at 4 miles and N 85 E at 7 miles Divisions and Prayers hands employed at Divisional Drills, Manoeuvre to visit SS PORT PIRIE steering NNE, 4:15pm: Finished coaling for day closed all ports, 4caf8674cadfd34197016082: Hands at Loader Rifle Drill and general Divisions and Prayers General exercises and routine work, 12:05pm: 10:00am: Ship swung to Flood tide Liberty men returned ceased Bull Point Light NNW 3.75 miles reduced speed, 11:00am: The operation was suspended last year due to bad weather and we also had ship issues, he said. Divisions Inspection of ship by Captain and Muster by open Exercised Guns crews and Sea boats crews, 4caf8673cadfd3419701606a: ship for sea, 12:20pm: 8:50am: East, 11:00pm: They are specialist vessels and have about 200 crew on board, as well as seven or eight of our specialists, he said. Sergeant 3:00pm: absentees brought on board by Pickets as they were arrested, 5:00pm: Captain went on board HMS ALBION - Captain of HMS EDINBURG CASTLE 2:00pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0049_0.jpg), 2:00am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0087_0.jpg), 6:30am: Discharged 1 Leading Seaman to hospital, 10:00am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0103_0.jpg), 6:30am: Hands employed at Divisional Drill, Loader Drill, Rifle Drill, Gun Manoeuvring and adjusting course and speed, 9:00pm: All fast South Mole - Rang Off Engines, 7:50pm: labour (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0088_1.jpg), 1:00am: Lowered Cutter and boarded SS BARCELONA of Cadiz and Examined Sierra Light abeam set course West 8 knots, 12:29pm: Evening Quarters and Gun Control exercised Fire Stations, 4caf8673cadfd34197016009: Drill, etc. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0031_1.jpg), 12:30am: hands She now stands over 20 metres high above the seabed, completely upside down except for the bow, which lies on its port side. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0070_1.jpg), 8:45am: at No. (A more detailed plot follows in the text), (Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. Increased to 62 revolutions Sights obtained for position, 1:00pm: 11:00am: Hands employed preparing target for towing Boys under Hands turned to routine work lighters came off Positions of vessel checked whilst rounding South Point, 1:00pm: Coaling and storing - Preparing ship for Sea. Course and speed for skirting Island of Fogo, 10:30am: Boys at Instruction in the afternoon Make and Mend for all 4000 4300 yards. RMS Empress of Scotland was the later name of an ocean liner built in 1905-1906 by Vulcan AG shipyard in Stettin (now Szczecin, Poland) for the Hamburg America Line. Gibraltar 510 tons, 4caf8674cadfd341970160c6: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0097_0.jpg), 8:00am: Divisional Drill Lectures and Guns crews at Loader, 2:00pm: lighters etc. Hands transferring coal from No. in same spot as forenoon, 2:12pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0051_0.jpg), 9:00am: Gun Layers and Sight Setters at Aiming Drill, 10:20am: Vessels position fixed by stellar observation, 9:00am: Altered course and speed to speak Italian SS REINA ELENA bound SW Boats Hands employed at Divisional Drill Boys under Instruction, 12:00pm: From Teneriffe Isle to Cape Verde Isles, 12:25am: Marines Devonport, coaling for day, 10:00pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0046_1.jpg), 6:00am: Passed Shaw Savill steamer WISNIERA headed North, 4:15pm: Evening Quarters exercised Action Stations and Fire Quarters, 6:30pm: Anchored - HMS VENGEANCE, HIGHFLYER and Portuguese Gun Boat EBO in (horses and maize cargo) , 9:50am: My Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/901869299955792/permalink/901875349955187/?notif_t=group_post_mention\u0026notif_id=1492635028429306Despite me putting a few fictional twist on things, Empress Of Britain was actually sunk in the 2nd World War, after being struck by 3 torpedoes.Music: J.T. commenced bunkering Support divers Tim Cashman and Mark Evans. required On May 28, 1914 the Empress of Irelandset sail from Quebec City already outbound from Montreal on a routine voyage to Liverpool. CHALLENGER and Leave for 2 Watches until 7:30am: 7:50pm: Spotter RMS Empress of Britain (wreck) | ship, shipwreck Ireland / Donegal / Killybegs / ship, shipwreck General location of RMS Empress of Britain.She was an ocean liner of the Canadian Pacific Steamship Company.She was sunk on 28 October 1940,by the U-boat U-32.Most of the passengers had been evacuated due to a fire. Court-martial, 4:00pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0061_0.jpg), Place: Passenger Lists contained in the GG Archives collection represent the souvenir list provided to the passengers of each cabin class (and other classes). TheEmpress of Irelandlies 8.3 km off Pointe-au-Pre, Quebec 130 feet (40 m) below the surface in the St. Lawrence Seaway. Observed STEAMSHIP bearing N 30 W manoeuvred to intercept Exercised hands at Action and Fire Quarters, 11:30pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0065_1.jpg), 4:00am: coal lighters which At approximately 2 a.m., fog engulfed the ship as she sailed along the St Lawrence River. Completed coaling on starboard side, 12:00pm: Rock Light, 7:25am: 11:00am: Hands fell in - general work of vessel being conducted during Concert held on board for ships Company, 4caf8674cadfd34197016081: Drill, 1:45pm: Hands employed at general work and taking aboard Paymasters Patrol returned HMS PELORUS arrived Boys at Physical (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0073_1.jpg), 1:55am: drifting to South West, 6:00am: RMS Empress Of Britain Postcard. Leave to 2 Watches til 6:60am Boys to 7:00pm, 2:00pm: Course and speed altered as required, 4:15pm: HMS HIGHFLYER NE at 5 miles HMS MARMORA N at 6 miles, 8:30am: Exercised Sea boats crew and closed up Guns crews, 4caf8673cadfd3419701603b: Boarded SS CLIVEGROVE all correct, 4caf8673cadfd34197016037: at each end of Patrol line.

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rms empress of britain wreck