lf file manager documentation

However, some applications are impossible to use or very inconvenient without drag and drop. The following command prefixes are used by lf: The same evaluator is used for the command line and the configuration file for read and shell commands. Delete the next word in forward direction. It allows you to navigate your file system and dispatch commands all from one place. Print given arguments to the message line at the bottom. Command line flag used to pass shell commands. Read a pattern to search for a file name match in the forward/backward direction and jump to the next/previous match. Move/scroll the current file selection upwards/downwards by one/half a page/full page. Single binary without any runtime dependencies (except for terminfo database), Fast startup and low memory footprint (due to native code and static binaries), Server/client architecture to share file selection between multiple instances, Customizable keybindings (vi and readline defaults), Preview filtering (for source highlight, archives, pdfs/images as text etc. Default values are as follows given with their matching order in lf: Note that lf first tries matching file names and then falls back to file types. You can also assign a key to this command if you like. A first attempt to write such a command may look like this: We check '$fs' to see if there are any selected files. '%S' may be used once and will provide a spacer so that the following parts are right aligned on the screen. If that's your thing though, cd away.. ^^, When you quit lf using q you would expect to land where you navigated to, however you land where you started due to OS level restrictions. It is heavily inspired by Ranger with some missing and extra features. So I placed a mark with the name name at the root of each drive. Five arguments are passed to the file, (1) current file name, (2) width, (3) height, (4) horizontal position, and (5) vertical position of preview pane respectively. Similarly, there are only file type matchings and extension matchings are left out for simplicity. Set the path of a previewer file to filter the content of regular files for previewing. The whole operation must be confirmed by clicking OK. When at the beginning of a prompt, returns either to normal mode or to ':' mode. Read the configuration file given in the argument. While this provides a clean way to remap builtin keys as well as other commands, it can be limiting at times. When 'number' is enabled, current line shows the absolute position, otherwise nothing is shown. These include: In order to activate it, you need to download lf_preview.py and preview.bat and add the following to your lfrc. lf tries to automatically adapt its colors to the environment. You can disable 'wrapscan' option to prevent searches to wrap around at the end of the file list. Show previews of files and directories at the right most pane. Move/scroll the current file selection upwards/downwards by one/half a page/full page. Only file modes are preserved and all other attributes are ignored including ownership, timestamps, context, and xattr. This shell command can be defined to be executed after changing a directory. It is possible to send commands to all or any of the connected clients over the common server. It starts with a default colorscheme and updates colors using values of existing environment variables possibly by overwriting its previous values. Modal commands do not take any arguments, but instead change the operation mode to read their input conveniently, and so they are meant to be assigned to keybindings. Files containing the null character (U+0000) in the read portion are considered binary files and displayed as 'binary'. In order to run all of the commands and scripts in this post, you will need python3, fzf, 7zip and msys2. Set the interval in seconds for periodic checks of directory updates. Shell executable to use for shell commands. Draw boxes around panes with box drawing characters. I have a slight complaint about this, such that it only shows the last line of the output. This section shows information about options to customize the behavior. Command 'map' is used to bind a key to a command which can be builtin command, custom command, or shell command: map U !du -csh * # waiting shell command. The easiest way to find the name of a key combination is to press the key while lf is running and read the name of the key from the unknown mapping error. If this variable is set in the environment, use the same value, otherwise set the value to 'less' on Unix, 'more' in Windows. When an output or error message is given and the command exits afterwards, the ui is immediately resumed and there is no way to see the message without dropping to shell again. You can customize file deletion by defining a 'delete' command. Set the path of a cleaner file. Remove a bookmark assigned to the given key. File separator used in environment variables 'fs' and 'fx'. '), 'search-next' (default 'n'), and 'search-prev' (default 'N'). These defaults use 8 basic colors and bold attribute. For example, you can use the right arrow key to finish the search and open the selected file with the following mapping: Finding mechanism is implemented with commands 'find' (default 'f'), 'find-back' (default 'F'), 'find-next' (default ';'), 'find-prev' (default ','). Change the current file selection to the given argument. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Reverse the selection of all files in the current directory (i.e. Load modified files and directories. The following commands are provided by lf: up (default 'k' and ''), half-up (default ''), page-up (default '' and ''), scroll-up (default ''), down (default 'j' and ''), half-down (default ''), page-down (default '' and ''), scroll-down (default ''), updir (default 'h' and ''), open (default 'l' and ''), top (default 'gg' and ''), bottom (default 'G' and ''), redraw (default ''), reload (default ''). These options are not used by lf and are not persisted. my-file.LF) you have two ways to do it. Share Follow Number of space characters to show for horizontal tabulation (U+0009) character. Move the current file selection to the high/middle/low of the screen. Having all entries on a single line can make it hard to read. | #lf (on Libera.Chat) Colors of the prompt line can be configured using the 'promptfmt' option which can include hardcoded colors as ansi escapes. This can be useful since there are some differences between ls and lf, though one should expect the same behavior for common cases. If you want to stay in the current directory after quitting, you can use one of the example lfcd wrapper shell scripts provided in the repository at You can customize copy and move operations by defining a 'paste' command. Besides, it is also important that the application is processing the file on the fly rather than first reading it to the memory and then do the processing afterwards. If you want to print escape sequences, you may redirect 'printf' output to '/dev/tty'. Special files such as character and block devices, named pipes, and sockets are skipped and links are not followed. The current line is kept in the middle when this option is set to a large value that is bigger than the half of number of lines. First, you can only configure 8 basic colors used by your terminal and lf should pick up those colors automatically. These filters may have a mechanism to add user customizations as well. For example, following rename command prompts for overwrite in the statline if there is an existing file with the given name: You can also output error messages in the command and it will show up in the statline. Source code can be found in the repository at https://github.com/gokcehan/lf, This documentation can either be read from terminal using 'lf -doc' or online at https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gokcehan/lf. This command takes one optional argument, which is a directory for lf to start in. When this option is enabled, find command starts matching patterns from the beginning of file names, otherwise, it can match at an arbitrary position. Read a shell command to execute asynchronously without standard I/O. SIGPIPE signal is sent when enough lines are read. control and h combination sends a backspace key instead). A smaller offset can be used when the current file is close to the beginning or end of the list to show the maximum number of items. Tag a file with '*' or a single width character given in the argument. 'cmd tag-clear :tag; tag-toggle'). Star 0 Watch 1. This command is only called when the current file is not a directory, otherwise the directory is entered instead. Since these are one liners, we can drop '{{' and '}}': cmd trash $IFS="$(printf '\n\t')"; mv $fx ~/.trash. LF Terminal File Manager provides a solid . Otherwise we just delete the current file. GNU implementation), change the command type to asynchronous, or use 'rsync' command with progress bar option for copying and feed the progress to the client periodically with remote 'echo' calls. Globbing supports the usual special characters, '*' to match any sequence, '?' Inside a user defined command the value will be provided in the `lf_user_{key}` environment variable. You can also map some other commands with 'cmap' to accept the search and execute the command immediately afterwards. You can add the value of this variable to your shell prompt to make it clear that your shell runs inside lf. See the default value of this option to have an idea about how to color this line. When you 'copy' a file, lf doesn't actually copy the file on the disk, but only records its name to a file. ACBX Interface Direct Call: LF Command Buffers Function and Use The LF command is used to read the field definition information for a file. For example, with POSIX shells, you can use '[ -n "$LF_LEVEL" ] && PS1="$PS1""(lf level: $LF_LEVEL) "' in your shell configuration file (e.g. Format string of error messages shown in the bottom message line. The command line commands should be mostly compatible with readline keybindings. Special expansions are provided, '%u' as the user name, '%h' as the host name, '%w' as the working directory, '%d' as the working directory with a trailing path separator, '%f' as the file name, and '%F' as the current filter. If the previewer returns a non-zero exit code, then the preview cache for the given file is disabled. String shown after commands of shell-wait type. This option has no effect when the value is left empty. From the drop-down menu select "Choose default program", then click "Browse" and find the desired program. An example configuration file can also be found in this directory. Periodic checks are disabled when the value of this option is set to zero. 779 5 16 Add a comment 1 Answer Sorted by: 1 Create custom open command and supply multiple arguments with $fx instead of a single argument with $f. Waiting shell commands are more appropriate than piping shell commands when the command is verbose and the output is best displayed as multiline. The variable uses the same syntax as 'LS_COLORS/LF_COLORS'. When 'preview' option is enabled, the right most number is used for the width of preview pane. You can define it just as you would define any other command: If you want to print escape sequences, you may redirect 'printf' output to '/dev/tty'. Information is only shown when the pane width is more than twice the width of information. The file should be executable. 'LF_COLORS' is provided with the same syntax as 'LS_COLORS' in case you want to configure colors only for lf but not ls. Which I have done and they are available here. This command is used primarily by Adabas subsystems; it is normally not used by an application program. Powered by Pagure 5.13.3. 'f'). A custom 'rename' command can be defined to override this default. Periodic checks are disabled when the value of this option is set to zero. Show the position number for directory items at the left side of pane. Lastly, you may also want to configure the colors of the prompt line to match the rest of the colors. Calculate the total size for each of the selected directories. A man page with the same content is also available in the repository at https://github.com/gokcehan/lf/blob/master/lf.1. This method assumes a POSIX shell syntax and so it can fail for non-POSIX shells. Show previews of files and directories at the right most pane. ', '$', '%', or '&' takes you to the corresponding mode. This command is automatically called when required. 'f'). maina83bea6 added more documentation. Copy/Move files in copy/cut buffer to the current working directory. Similarly, there are only file type matchings and extension matchings are left out for simplicity. Read a pattern to search for a file name match in the forward/backward direction and jump to the next/previous match. Number of items in the list determines the number of panes in the ui. Shell commands are executed as 'shell shellopts shellflag command -- arguments'. In most cases it's faster than using 'cd' yet gives you a visual interface closer to the feel of a GUI file manager such as Finder or Dolphin. On these terminals, keys combined with the alt key are prefixed with 'a' character: Please note that, some key combinations are not possible due to the way terminals work (e.g. Instead of pausing the ui, piping shell commands connects stdin, stdout, and stderr of the command to the statline in the bottom of the ui. When set to 'all' it will use the selected files from all directories. You can define it just as you would define any other command: It is possible to use different command types: You may want to use either file extensions or mime types from 'file' command: You may want to use 'setsid' before your opener command to have persistent processes that continue to run after lf quits. You will also need the following packages for python: You can install all these packages using pip. See the default value of this option to have an idea about how to color this line. On Unix systems, hidden files are determined by the value of 'hiddenfiles'. https://github.com/gokcehan/lf/blob/master/etc/colors.example Regular shell commands are the most basic command type that is useful for many purposes. [lf configuration file] configuration file for windows - Location : C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\lf\lfrc Raw lfrc # This configuration file adds some commands to lf file manager for windows. Instead of pausing the ui, piping shell commands connects stdin, stdout, and stderr of the command to the statline in the bottom of the ui. All clients connect to a server on startup. A custom 'open' command can be defined to override this default. This works by periodically calling the 'load' command. If the selected item is a file instead of a directory, lf can show a preview of file on the right panel. A default 'open' command is provided to call the default system opener asynchronously with the current file as the argument. This shell command can be defined to be executed before changing a directory. Source code can be found in the repository at https://github.com/gokcehan/lf, This documentation can either be read from terminal using 'lf -doc' or online at https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gokcehan/lf For cross-device moving, lf falls back to copying and then deletes the original files if there are no errors. File separator used in environment variables 'fs' and 'fx'. When this option is enabled, search command patterns are considered as globs, otherwise they are literals. Remove the selection of all files in all directories. This file should consist of whitespace separated pairs with '#' character to start comments until the end of line. There is a command that does basically the exact same thing :Lf. This allows custom previews for directories. lf tries to automatically adapt its colors to the environment. Files containing the null character (U+0000) in the read portion are considered binary files and displayed as 'binary'. Capitalize/uppercase/lowercase the current word and jump to the next word. In addition, if a pattern starts with '! Now instead of using lf you can use lfcd and when you press q you will exit where you navigated to! The following xterm specific escape sequence sets the terminal title to the working directory: This command runs whenever you change directory but not on startup. Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes AIO Repack, 10. If enabled, directories will also be passed to the previewer script. lf is a terminal file manager. . Format string of error messages shown in the bottom message line. Of course, the documentation has a long list of recipes for most common features that a user might want to add. Instead, different modes are provided to read corresponding commands. Calculate the total size for each of the selected directories. Modules with tagged versions give importers more predictable builds. Selections in other directories are not effected by this command. Instead of colors, you should put a single characters as values of entries. Dir Name (e.g. This section shows information about special shell commands. These commands do not overwrite existing files or directories with the same name. Of these, the desktop version FileManager is the most advanced edition. Copy/Move files in copy/cut buffer to the current working directory. It is worth noting that lf uses as many colors advertised by your terminal's entry in terminfo or infocmp databases on your system. You can customize copy and move operations by defining a 'paste' command. On these terminals, you can use the corresponding byte for the mapping: Newer terminals (e.g. solution for Go. You can configure lf colors in two different ways. Change the current directory to the bookmark assigned to the given key. When 'relativenumber' option is enabled, only the current line shows the absolute position and relative positions are shown for the rest. 'fs') if there are any selected files, otherwise current file selection (i.e. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. This section shows information about builtin commands. Read key(s) to find the appropriate file name match in the forward/backward direction and jump to the next/previous match. This shell command can be defined to override the default 'rename' command. command to force quit the server by closing client connections first: Lastly, there is a 'conn' command to connect the server as a client. matches any character, and '[]' or '[^] matches character sets or ranges. By default lfdoesnt have many features that you might expect from a file manager (for example archiving and unarchiving files), but provides a powerful interface for the user to add these features themselves. The actual file copying takes place when you 'paste'. First, it can be used to map a command with a command count: Second, it can be used to avoid typing the name when a command takes arguments: One thing to be careful is that since 'push' command works with keys instead of commands it is possible to accidentally create recursive bindings: These types of bindings create a deadlock when executed. If an entry is not a directory, then change the current. 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lf file manager documentation