jan 6 committee hearing today

The special House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021 assault on the. Oct 13, 2022. The last. Mr. Miller claimed that he had no idea about the hundreds of comments like these in the link that he sent to Mark Meadows. In this email, an agent received a report noting a lot of violent rhetoric on Parler directed at government people and entities, including Secret Service protectees. Agents have also reached out to several Republicans who appeared on Pennsylvanias list of alternate electors as well as some who chose not to involve themselves in that effort. As we all know now, the Oath Keepers did play a specific role in January 6th and had stashed weapons in Virginia for further violence that evening. Minutes before President Trump began his speech, members of the Federal Protective Service, an agency tasked with protecting federal buildings, were alerted about an arrest of a protester with a gun on his waistband. Dozens of these judges have been addressing January 6th cases, and many have given us plain, unmistakable warnings about the direction of our republic. In the midst of this violent chaos. This video, posted on January 6th, was apparently created prior to the attack. One question coming out of the hearings is the future of various members. A key element of this committee's responsibility is to propose reforms to prevent January 6th from ever happening again. Let my people in. What happened? President Trump's own campaign experts told him that there was no evidence to support his claims. Also also if Trump is if Trump is losing by 10:00 or 11:00 at night, it's going to be even crazier, you know, because he's gonna sit right there and say they stole it. Jan. 6 Committee Votes to Subpoena Former President Donald Trump At the conclusion of its ninth public hearing, the January 6 Committee votes 9-0 to subpoena former President Trump. Without objection, a motion to reconsider is laid on the table. And weve received, you know, probably about 800,000 pages, at least, of material.. This was something done not only with the President's knowledge, but also with his direct participation. At 11:23 a.m., agents also reported possible armed individuals, one with a glock, one with a rifle. I told him that I did believe, yes, that once the those legal processes were run, if fraud had not been established that had affected the outcome of the election, then unfortunately I believed that what had to be done was concede the outcome. First, as you will see, President Trump had a premeditated plan to declare that the election was fraudulent and stolen before Election Day, before he knew the election results. 0:34. These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously, viciously, stripped away from great patriots who have been badly unfairly treated for so long. Some of us are abiding by it.. [End videotape]. Were going to be going through, really some of what weve already found, but augmenting with new material that weve discovered through our work throughout this summer, Logfren said. Washington, D.C. - Committee on House Administration Chairperson Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) made the following remarks at the outset of today's hearing, Oversight Of The United States Capitol Police And Preparations For And Response To The Attack Of January 6th: "I'd like to note that tomorrow marks 100 days from the horrific insurrectionist attack on the United States Capitol on January 6. "With so many weapons found so far, you wonder how many are unknown," one agent wrote at 12:36 PM, "Could be sporty after dark." President Trump may not have gone to the Capitol on January 6th, but what he did from the White House cannot be justified. In this and numerous other tweets, he fraudulently and repeatedly promoted January 6 as the day Americans could come in and change the election outcome. It's about the facts, plain and simple. Advance on the Capitol. And it's about making sure our government functions under the rule of law as our Constitution demands. "I think its certainly something that will be explored," at the hearing, said the committee member who requested anonymity. But the evidence indicates that Mr. Bannon had advance knowledge of Mr. Trump's intent to declare victory falsely on election night, but also that Mr. Bannon knew about Mr. Trump's planning for January 6th. Once again, on the advice of counsel, I will assert my Fifth Amendment right to respectfully decline to answer your question. There's precedent in American history for Congress to compel the testimony of a precedent president. His efforts to overturn the election were not random or disconnected, rather, they were part of a coordinated multipart plan to ensure that he stayed in power. Watch live coverage of a hearing held by the House Jan. 6 Committee to investigate the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.More from the Wall Street Journ. Everybody is obligated to abide by rules of courts. [Begin videotape]. Groups like the Oath Keepers were standing by at the ready should POTUS request assistance by invoking the Insurrection Act, agents were informed. I thought he failed at a critical time to be the sort of leader that the nation needed. On his Truth Social website last month, he called his former Cabinet secretary crazy and her husband a broken down hack politician.). He was the central player. This is an embarrassment to our country. That afternoon at some point, myself And a handful of other folks went over and sat down with the President and communicated that the odds of us prevailing in legal challenges were very small. Each member will have a section of the hearing to talk about, Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., the panels chairman, told reporters recently. And he said, you know, a lot of times he'll tell me that he lost, but he wants to keep fighting it. Claims that President Trump actually thought the election was stolen are not supported by fact and are not a defense. I said, we'll, we're getting a counter point that is that could take time to clean up the poo poo that they're making all over the literally and figuratively in the Capitol, and that it may take days to get back. [End videotape]. [Begin videotape]. There is no suitcase. We know from our investigation that President Trump offered Jeff Clark the position of acting attorney general and that Jeff Clark had decided to accept it. And Dr. Eastman confirmed this in writing. [Begin videotape]. You have you also have troops this is Steny Hoyer, troops --, Ok, so we have a little bit of time to make that decision --. USA, USA, USA, USA. Any future president inclined to attempt what Donald Trump did in 2020 has now learned not to install people who could stand in the way. So, I say to you again as I did in June, this investigation is not about politics. Who is Rep. Scott Perry, the Trump ally from Pa., whose phone was seized by the FBI? They included Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and other allies at Fox News, his son Donald Trump Jr, the House minority leader Kevin McCarthy, others in Congress, and officials in the cabinet and the executive branch. Scott Wong is a senior congressional reporter for NBC News. We received and reviewed hundreds of thousands of pages of documents. Testimony about Jeffrey Clark, an environmental attorney at DOJ and Philly native, who Trump considered installing as Attorney General in waning days of administration. He introduced me to a gentleman named John Eastman. WASHINGTON (AP) The House Jan. 6 committee voted unanimously Thursday to subpoena Donald Trump, demanding the former president's personal testimony as it unveiled startling new video from. And when that didn't work, McCarthy called Trump's adult children to try to get them to intercede with Trump to call off the insurrectionary violence. Well, Do you believe the President should abide by the rulings of the courts? NPR - Rachel Treisman. Now following this conversation, Mr. Jacob drafted a memo to Mr. Short, which the Select Committee got from the National Archives. His office advised that --, Oh, my gosh, they're just breaking windows. As shown from the testimony of some of the president's closest allies and advisers, Donald Trump knew he lost. PBS is an American public broadcast service. America is an exception, and America continues only because we bind ourselves to our founders' principles, to our Constitution. So I was probably two or three feet catty-cornered, diagonal from him. They can march to the Capitol from here. That's what I'm fucking saying. Mr. Meadows and I were in the White House residence at a Christmas reception. The hearing will begin at 1 p.m. Eastern. And so, I recognize the Vice Chair, Ms. Cheney of Wyoming, to offer a motion. The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol Hill insurrection reconvened Tuesday for a hastily scheduled hearing, featuring blockbuster testimony from Trump White. I believe the words he used were, so there's no there there? We have testimony from several members of the president's White House staff establishing that President Trump refused entreaties from his closest advisers and family members to tell his supporters to stand down and leave the Capitol. On the evening of January 5th, President Trump gathered a few of his communications staffers in the Oval Office. The transcript was produced by CQ. The impact of that tweet was foreseeable and predictable. The gentlelady yield back. And I said, no, sir, there is no suitcase. News Sports Autos Entertainment USA TODAY . [Begin videotape], We are delivering the President's message. Past Hearings 10/13/22 Select Committee Hearing Thu, 10/13/2022 - 1:00pm 390 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 Video unavailable Watch on YouTube Watch on 07/21/22 Select Committee Hearing Donald Trump has asked everybody to go home. And what Trump's going to do is just declare victory, right? And so I was standing next to Mr. Meadows, but I had stepped back. He is the one person at the center of the story of what happened on January 6th, so we want to hear from him. With the turn of a dial or the change of a chip, you could press a button for Trump and the vote goes to Biden. To be completely honest, we were all in a state of shock. The Inquirer has been following developments. We need to figure it out. [Begin videotape]. For weeks, President Trump worked with others to plan the rally, intending all along that he would send an assembled crowd of angry supporters to the Capitol after his speech on the Ellipse on January 6. It's too early to tell, too early to call the race. [Begin videotape]. Insurrection, he said, is a war upon the first principle of popular government, the rights of the people. A newly obtained Secret Service message from that day shows how angry President Trump was about the outcome. Later on this same day, Dr. Eastman acknowledged in writing that Donald Trump knew what he was attempting was illegal. On January 6, one Secret Service agent texted at 12:36 p.m., according to a message revealed during the committee's recent hearing, "With so many weapons found so far; you wonder how many are . And I assume you also would agree the President has a particular obligation to take care that the laws be faithfully executed. Over. Although President Trump's campaign manager, Bill Stepien, House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, and Jared Kushner had advised Donald Trump to encourage mail in voting by Republicans, President Trump did not do so. The president wanted to lead tens of thousands of people to the Capitol. The Electoral College met and declared Joe Biden the winner, yet Donald Trump continued to pull out all the stops in his attempt to stay in power. Mr. Chairman, I yield back. The same day Jason Miller sent his text message, agents received reports about a spike in activity on another platform called Parler. The rulings of our courts are respected and obeyed because we as citizens pledge to accept and honor them. seized the cell phone of U.S. Rep. Scott Perry. Once again, I will assert my Fifth Amendment right to decline to answer your question. Article I gives Congress the power to call forth the militia to suppress insurrections. I cover trending national news, specializing in youth and internet culture. You know, the President directs. [End videotape]. We have got to get finish the proceedings or else they're going to have the Trump presidency. Ok, thank you, Governor. But we cited back to that to say, you know, this is an example of what people are telling you and what's being filed in some of these court filings that are just not supported by the evidence. He also attempted to press pressure state officials in Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan to change the results in those states as well. Here are 4 takeaways from Tuesday's Jan. 6 hearing. Then he raised the the big vote dump, as he called it, in Detroit. Another judge in Michigan called the claims, quote, nothing but speculation and conjecture that votes for President Trump were either destroyed, discarded or switched to votes for Vice President Biden. Mr. Trump pardoned Roger Stone on December 23rd, 2020. He's been convicted of criminal contempt of Congress and he's awaiting sentencing. Merdie Nzanga, USA TODAY 20 hrs ago The Jan. 6 House committee investigating the attack on the Capitol will resume its hearings this Thursday after a two-month pause. And the word that she relayed to you that the President called the Vice President, I apologize for being impolite, but do you remember what she said her father called him? When you first interviewed and met Colonel Douglas Macgregor, is it fair to say you discussed this decision of withdrawing from Somalia and Afghanistan, correct? They feel like the election's been stolen, that the election was rigged, that he went on and on about that for a little bit. Why would Americans assume that our Constitution and our institutions and our republic are invulnerable to another attack? With regard to Georgia, we looked at the tape. Today's theme is Trump's attempt to influence the Justice Department will be Trump's effort to "corrupt" the Justice Department. The gentlewoman yields back. Did we go back into session? That's an extraordinary demand by the president, especially since he already knew from the Justice Department there was no genuine basis for this request. An unexpected turn is occurring in the ongoing House committee hearings on January 6. Additionally, Al Schmidt, Philadelphias former chief election official, testified at one hearing about threats he received, which Trump egged on, during the presidential election vote count. What was his personal and substantial role in the multipart plan to overturn the election? It has it has spread like wildfire that Pence has betrayed us and everybody is marching on the Capitol, all million of us. As we detailed in testimony from the Metropolitan Police and White House personnel during our July 21st hearing, information about the altercation was widely known, so widely known that one former White House employee with national security responsibilities explained that this information was in fact water cooler talk in the White House complex. The January 6 Committee hearings are returning to television on Thursday for the first time since the summer, with the upcoming session set to reveal new material about former President. And that's not going to be in anyone's interest. Everyone knew that ballot counting would lawfully continue past Election Day, claiming that the counting on election night must stop before millions of votes were counted was as we now know a key part of President Trump's pre-meditated plan. All of them did what President Trump was not doing, what he simply refused to do. As you can see, the draft statement, which was sent on October 31st, declares, "we had an election today - and I won." The President bears responsibility for Wednesday's attack on Congress by mob rioters. The committee's litigation with him continues. When the Electoral College met on the 14th? And the President's response to Kevin to me was chilling. Even in spite of these warnings, Cassidy Hutchinson overheard the president say this shortly before he took stage. The anger reflected in these postings was obvious, the man at the center of the storm on January 6th, President Trump. The memo was sent on November 3rd, Election Day, and advised, "it is essential that the Vice President not be perceived by the public as having decided questions concerning disputed electoral votes prior to the full development of all relevant facts." several lawmakers in Harrisburg also reported receiving subpoenas, Agents have also reached out to several Republicans, fighting a subpoena from the Jan. 6 committee. Their investigation continues, and its unclear what that report will look like or when it will be published. The eighth hearing of the select committee investigating the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 has been locked in and it's. After today's hearing, they'll be pausing them - possibly until mid-July. I I apologize. The gentlewoman yields back The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Illinois, Mr. Kinzinger, for an opening statement. To the best of my recollection, he was always in the dining room. Get stock market quotes, personal finance advice, company news and more. What did President Trump know? Hold up. Few House members get the sort of prime-time stage that the hearings afforded, but in Cheneys case, the attention proved double-edged. I I don't I can't think of anybody, you know, on that day who didn't want people to get out of the the Capitol once the you know, particularly once the violence started, no. A federal judge concluded, based on this and other evidence, that President Trump's pressure campaign against the Vice President likely violated multiple criminal statutes. Thompson said some of that information potentially could make an appearance in the next hearing. Here's every word from the 9th Jan. 6 committee hearing on its investigation. Watch MSNBC coverage of the eighth public January 6th House committee hearing investigating the Capitol riot. [Begin videotape], So during these calls, I I only remember in hindsight because he was almost like clairvoyant. This leads us to a key question. Origin Entry . Would that have been possible? On Election Day, just after 5 pm, Mr. Fitton indicated he'd spoken with the President about the statement. McEntee duly takes it up, brings it in to the President. For example, Joshua James, the leader of the Alabama Oath Keepers, provided security for Roger Stone and was with him on January 5th. [Applause] But I'd love it if they could be allowed to come up here with us. And I said, Mark, you can't possibly think we're going to pull this off. He told us he understood that President Trump planned as early as July that he would say he won the election even if he lost. There is no doubt that President Trump's pressure campaign on Vice President Pence was significant. Yes, the president knew the crowd was angry because he had stoked that anger.

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jan 6 committee hearing today