continental prop strike ad

Comments are specifically invited on the overall regulatory, economic, environmental, and energy aspects of the rule that might suggest a need to modify the rule. It turned out to be a salvage shop and the owner confirmed that the logs for the engine were available, and the crank had been dialed, and found to be OK. Dialing checks the run-out, which is the amount of movement at the flange when the crank is rotated. The FAA has determined that all of the defects were due to unique material composition characteristics combined with process control variations that occurred during the material melt process. Includes: Fuel Injection Spyder Starter Alternator Bendix Magnetos Gamijectors I will be more than happy to ship this engine to you. Each document posted on the site includes a link to the Recently, a transient aircraft hit a rubber traffic cone with the prop and kept going, taking off and disappearing into the western sky. Accordingly, pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the Administrator, the Federal Aviation Administration amends part 39 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR part 39) as follows: 1. Replace the rotobroach after the sixth core sample, or before if the rotobroach does not cut with the maximum torque applied. AOPA Members DO more LEARN more SAVE more - Get MORE out of being a pilot -. TCM mandatory service bulletin (MSB) 005B, dated May 25, 2000, and MSB 005C, dated October 10, 2000, were issued to include the SN's of those additional suspect crankshafts. to a sudden stop. As he approached the director of maintenance he asks, Pilot: "When does a prop strike require engine tear-down and inspection? 13132, because it would not have a substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship between the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government. Information about this document as published in the Federal Register. continental prop strike ad 21 May. The request should include an assessment of the effect of the modification, alteration, or repair on the unsafe condition addressed by this AD; and, if the unsafe condition has not been eliminated, the request should include specific proposed actions to address it. A bit of homework will go a long way towards helping you persuade your customer to do the right thing. Engine inspection requirements after prop strikes can become complicated, however, and the regulations and recommendations seem to overlap and intertwine. This AD, defines a propeller strike as follows: (i) For the purposes of this AD, a propeller strike is defined as follows: (1) Any incident, whether or not the engine is operating, that requires repair to the propeller other than minor blade dressing. The other thing to consider is all of the accessories on the engine or parts of the engine that are spinning at high speeds that could come John Schwaner, author of the Sky Ranch Engineering Manual, a must have for all those interested in aircraft engines, and owner of Sacramento Sky Ranch, in Sacramento, California, said the quandary is, "How do you know if something is good or not? Its possible to do major engine/accessory damage without obviously damaging the prop by hitting water or heavy, tall grass that stops or slows the running engine. Following any propeller strike, complete disassembly and inspection of all rotating engine components is mandatory and must be accomplished prior to Now that I had a definition, what would I have to do about such an event? On Lycoming engines, which are not nitrided, the flange can be bent. Its also important to point out that this is not the only Lycoming bulletinthat discusses prop strikes. CONTINENTAL TSIO-520-J $18,995 FOR SALE Engine with Accessories TSMO=488.2 No Prop Strike Photos, logs, details per request. Teledyne Continental Motors has a slightly different approach, but not much different in practice. On TCM engines with the geared alternators up front, he has seen the mounting flange and the gear drive bolts break during a prop strike. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. In many instances prop strikes will fall into the major repair category, which necessitates repair station or manufacturer repair of the prop (if needed). Textron Lycoming must take the position that in the case of a sudden stoppage, propeller/rotor strike or loss of propeller/ rotor blade or tip, the safest procedure is to remove and disassemble the engine and completely inspect the reciprocating and rotating parts including crankshaft gear and dowel parts. Its not a smoking gun, but perusing the accident reports makes one wonder about such coincidences. If you've attended AirVenture or any of the other major airshows, you've heard it. Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association Find it free on the store. Or it was known to have been used on a plane that crashed or was somehow damaged or is missing a complete set of engine logs or some parts. The President of the United States issues other types of documents, including but not limited to; memoranda, notices, determinations, letters, messages, and orders. In light of the preceding information, would you be comfortable doing that? In fact it is a very insidious situation since there is often no obvious damage-no harm, no foul so to speak. SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) that supersedes an existing AD, for Lycoming Engines (formerly Textron Lycoming), direct-drive Putting the puzzle together Or it could be an engine with illegal performance enhancements for a certified engine such as shaved decks to increase compression. Unfortunately, it had experienced a prop strike. After the extent of the inspection has been determined, it is important, as with any major repairs that are accomplished on your aircraft, to find out exactly what is included in the estimate to repair your engine following a prop strike. Yet, the company recently published a new Service Bulletin, SB No. The bulletin reads as follows: Definition of Propeller Strike (i) For the purposes of this AD, a propeller strike is defined as follows: (1) Any incident, whether or not the engine is operating, that requires repair to the propeller other than minor dressing of the blades. karen rietz baldwin; hidden valley high Also, on prop strikes involving frontal impact, the crank can be pushed back into the engine, cracking the case at the slinger ring, and this may not be visible. Below are three important links from the FAA, Lycoming, and Teledyne Continental regarding the definition of a Prop Strike and sudden stoppage. It is recommended that the technician views and understands Instructional Video for Compliance with Teledyne Continental Motors Mandatory Service Bulletin MSB 00-5C before performing these procedures. 1 in 2022, Southwest To Build Aircraft Hangar, Create 100 Jobs at Reid Airport, Boeing, United Airlines Finalize 737 MAX and 787 Order, Including Record Purchase for 100 Dreamliners. Well, for one i dont think i want to take out any of the clubs planes ever again. So, when it comes time for that prop strike/sudden. The oil pump on the Continental IO-360 is driven by a very small shaft, for instance, and can be easily sheared as a result of a strike," says DeJoris. PROPELLER STRIKE INSPECTIONS. Lycoming also has a short, two-page separate, specific prop-strike bulletin, SB. Compliance with the requirements of this AD is required within the next 10 hours time-in-service from the effective date of this AD, unless already done. A copy of it, if filed, may be obtained from the Rules Docket at the location provided under the caption ADDRESSES. TCM's SB 97-6 specifies the mandatory items that must be replaced when the engine is torn down. The Public Inspection page may also This damage can result in catastrophic engine failure. informational resource until the Administrative Committee of the Federal But if there's 1,000 hours or more left on the engine, you're probably better off with just an inspection. The FAA has reviewed and approved the technical contents of TCM Mandatory Service Bulletin (MSB) 005C, dated October 10, 2000. Secure the airplane and figure that it will be out of commission for a few months. There used to be, but it was kind of informal and there was a lot open to interpretation. Emergency AD 2000-08-51 was sent to all known U.S. owners and operators of Teledyne Continental Motors (TCM) IO-360, TSIO-360, LTSIO-360, O-470, IO-470, TSIO-470, IO-520, TSIO-520, LTSIO-520, IO-550, TSIO-550, and TSIOL-550 series reciprocating engines by individual letters. Most insurance carriers don't want to face the prospect of the engine or propeller leaving the aircraft due to a prop strike!". The argument goes would you rather be paying for an in flight engine failure 100 hours from now. He used a football analogy of a player who can be brutally tackled and get right up, then trip over a bucket and break his leg. Since an unsafe condition has been identified that is likely to exist or develop on other engines of this same type design, this airworthiness directive (AD) requires removing a core sample of material from the propeller mounting flange and sending the core sample to TCM for evaluation. What you see in the pictures is what you are getting. Unfortunately, it may be the next owner who discovers any hidden damage. How much liability insurance do you have? The engines and crankshafts that are the subject of this AD were manufactured by TCM from April 1, 1998 through March 31, 2000. There may be other additional requirements mandated by insurance policies or engine manufacturer and/or overhauler warranty. Dye Penetrant test didn't show any cracks on the flange, runout is .001 which is well within tolerance. A prop that hits so hard as to bend the crank flange is only one of several considerations. Also, some engines with a gear-driven alternator have a large, relatively thin and very vulnerable gear bolted to the forward end of the crankshaft. This could indicate a gear-up landing, or other source of damage that took time to fix. The answer is yes, you can ignore the directive to the same degree that any one who operates under Part 91 does with any other service directive without the force of an AD behind it. Nitride hardened cranks have a greater tendency to crack, since the nitride hardened materials resist bending. And as we previously mentioned, the Lycoming 475C bulletin is broader than a prop strike; it is oriented to general engine overhaul crank inspections or crankshaft gear removal for inspection as well as prop strikes. Mahlon Russell, production manager for Mattituck Aviation Corporation, an engine overhauler in Mattituck, NY, says, "The only pertinent FAA definition that I have been able to find for sudden stoppage' is in Advisory Circular 43.13-1A. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters, Fora Area Brasileira FAB Comando da Aeronutica (Brazilian Air Force), Establishing the President's Advisory Council on African Diaspora Engagement in the United States,, MODS: Government Publishing Office metadata. 106(g), 40113, 44701. Following any propeller strike complete disassembly and inspection of all rotating engine components is mandatory and must be accomplished prior to further operation. They were legitimate, having been initiated after an inspection, but that doesn't help when selling the airplane. They are often ignored in the prop-strike evaluation, yet they have prescribed inspection criteria even if involved in only a sudden stoppage. Dealing with them on this issue is fodder for another article, however. Never allow an insurance adjuster to dictate the inspection requirements after an incident. Prop strike. These two words are guaranteed to make any pilot wince. certain lots, of steel production or forming operations. documents in the last year, 16 Counts are subject to sampling, reprocessing and revision (up or down) throughout the day. MSB 005C lists additional serial numbers (SN's) of affected engines and suspect crankshafts that were manufactured between April 1, 1998, and March 31, 2000, inclusive. Register (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status. Over the years, Continental has built a service offering for aircraft operators and owners These services include engine overhauls at the Continental factory service center for Continental, Titan, and LYCOMING engines, factory overhauls for Continental AvGas engines, sudden stoppage/propeller strikes, shock inspections, fleet overhaul programs, Jet-A burning engine (a) For those engines and crankshafts listed by SN in TCM MSB 00-5C, dated October 10, 2000, do the crankshaft material inspection (crankshaft propeller flange core sample) as follows: The engine SN's listed in TCM MSB 00-5C contain only the numerical portion of the SN. Communications should identify the Rules Docket number and be submitted Start Printed Page 70655in triplicate to the address specified under the caption ADDRESSES. He also said prospective owners should review the logs to see if the propeller has been changed. Located in Burlington, North Carolina, we provide an array of aircraft maintenance services, including engine, cylinder, and propeller overhaul and repair. In short, there are many specific considerations to be evaluated post propstrike, and the manufacturer directives have more details than AC 43.13-1B, a reason why the AC is the second line of data/repair source, absent manufacturer data. Got a nick on your prop? A Rule by the Federal Aviation Administration on 11/27/2000. The pins are more than adequate for running loads, but they are totally inadequate when you subject them to sudden stoppage. Compliance with this service bulletin is mandatory per AD 91-14-22. The AD specifies the inspection at each engine overhaul, after a propeller strike, sudden stoppage, or whenever gear train repair is required. Lycoming's new SB seems to generalize the term propeller strike and sudden stoppage to be quite inclusive. Both major engine manufacturer's have service literature that explains the desired course of action after accidental propeller damage and, in the case of Teledyne Continental, defines what their interpretation of a propeller strike is.". A propeller strike is: (1) any incident, whether or not the engine is operating, that requires repair to the propeller other than minor dressing of the blades as set forth in Part 1, B of S/N: 217920-73J Contact Sales Staff - TEXAS AIR SALVAGE, - located Bloomburg, TX 75556 United States Telephone: 9032557878 Posted January 9, 2023 Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser Recommend This Ad to a Friend A propeller strike is: (1) any incident, whether or not the engine is operating, that requires repair to the propeller other than minor dressing of the blades as set forth in Part 1, B of this Service Bulletin or (2) any incident while the engine is operating in which the propeller makes contact with any object that results in a loss of engine RPM. the most are "prop strike." It is not an official legal edition of the Federal Lycoming's Service Bulletin 475B requires that in the event that the engine has experienced a propeller strike, inspection and possible rework of the accessory gear train as well as the rear of the engine's crankshaft is required. This is one failure no one wants to experience. Per the Lycoming website it is still an active bulletin, which we quote in part as follows: On numerous occasions Textron Lycoming has been consulted about recommendations on whether to continue using an aircraft engine that has been involved in the separation of the propeller/rotor blade from the hub, the loss of a propeller/rotor blade tip or sudden stoppage following accidental propeller/rotor damage (such as propeller/rotor strike). Be especially wary if this is some form of private cash sale that has to be done right away, unless you are planning to have it torn down and rebuilt by a shop with the right inspection equipment to inspect for crank and gear damage, and be prepared for costs potentially exceeding a factory reman engine i.e. Both Lycoming and Continental express concerns about prop-strikes causing damage to the rear of the crank in the vicinity of the rear radius of the oil slinger, which can be shoved back into the case rear. This document has been published in the Federal Register. documents in the last year, 37 If it has, and there's no indication in the engine logs about a teardown and inspection, it's time for a long explanation from the seller. for the aircraft owner. Jerry Robinette, Senior Engineer, Propulsion, Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, Small Airplane Directorate, One Crown Center, 1895 Phoenix Blvd., Suite 450, Atlanta, GA 30349; telephone: (770) 703-6096, fax: (770) 703-6097. TCM is less equivocal. DeJoris says he is dealing with claims adjusters on a regular basis, and many adjusters today choose to have you go the extra mile and tear down the entire engine and propeller and do a thorough inspection." I've heard that a Continental doesn't require a tear down and inspection as a Lycoming does, but looking at Continental's Service Bulletin SB96-11B it looks Home. Engines that have been rebuilt by TCM will have a letter R at the end of the six digit numerical portion. Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar for the official electronic format. 2 Blade Continental O-200/Lycoming O-235 Ground Adjustable STOL Propeller $ 74CK $ 76AK-2 $ FIND A DEALER NEAR YOU. The engine makers seem to agree quite strongly as does the FAA. And again, Chapter 8 of AC 43.13-1B is a good place to start gathering unbiased information. These markup elements allow the user to see how the document follows the But what is a prop strike and what exactly are the ramifications? Lycoming, in their prop-strike Service Bulletin 533A, takes the approach that the safest procedure is to take the engine apart for inspection following any incident involving propeller blade damage. According to the salvage yard, the prop strike came about after an out-of-fuel landing on a road in Louisiana. AD/PROP/1 Amdt 2 (continued) Page 6 of 9 HOFFMAN (continued) Continental IO-346 engines 1000 All other Fixed Pitch Types 2000 Flottorp storage, overspeed, ground strike or aerobatic requirements refer mt-propeller Service Bulletin 1 Revision X. publication in the future. For those engines that were overhauled in the field with factory new crankshafts, the crankshaft SN should be shown in work orders, log books or other maintenance records. the official SGML-based PDF version on, those relying on it for Everyone was happy and the prices were right. A propeller strike is: (1) any incident, whether or not the engine is operating, that requires repair to the propeller other than minor dressing of the blades as set forth in Part I, B of this Service Bulletin or (2) any incident while the engine is operating in which the propeller makes contact with any object that results in a loss of engine RPM. developer tools pages. On severe prop strikes, the mounts can be easily twisted and loaded in a way that it was not designed to withstand," he says. That said, we did an article a few years ago where an owner of an old Bonanza bought an IO-520 engine from another Bonanza engine owner who upgraded to a factory IO-550. A tear down of most direct drive engines isnt a major repair but we recommend using a certified repair station or the factory for that action as well as the level of NDT testing will be significant and required to be done by certified people for such critical NDT inspections. This can cause major internal engine damage without visible prop damage. This is a minor or major prop repair issue, but not a potential engine tear down issue. For engines that have been modified, altered, or repaired so that the performance of the requirements of this AD is affected, the owner/operator must request approval for an alternative method of compliance in accordance with paragraph (d) of this AD. This amendment is prompted by reports of crankshaft failures, and by the addition of additional crankshaft serial numbers (SN) that have been added to the suspect population. Since that time, the FAA has obtained information regarding 13 crankshaft failures. Sure, some of these arguments are specious, but the point is, there's a lot of gray area, and this can cause many incidents to be ignored. In another incident a prop hit a small rock, which had been dislodged and thrown back by a larger aircraft. Factual information that supports the commenter's ideas and suggestions is extremely helpful in evaluating the effectiveness of the AD action and determining whether additional rulemaking action would be needed. Another thing to look for in the logs is a prolonged period of inactivity, such as years between annual inspections and oil changes. Federal Register issue. You can bet the fellow who hit the traffic cone never made a logbook entry unless the engine had to be repaired. We like to think that those we deal with are honest, however, there's a chance of impropiety by a seller, so when buying an airplane, be careful. More than the prop and crankshaft Their decision would involve the specific engine involved, the severity of the prop damage, the cost, the time on the engine, whether the prop was stopped or appreciably slowed, who was flying at the time, what else is going on in the shop, and maybe the time of year and their mother's maiden name. He continues, "T.C.M. Accordingly, the FAA has not consulted with state authorities prior to publication of this proposed rule. Following any propeller strike, complete disassembly and inspection of all rotating engine components is mandatory and must be accomplished prior to This prototype edition of the If the engine is being disassembled does the estimate include testing after reassembly? (2) Any incident during engine operation in which the propeller impacts a solid object that causes a drop in revolutions per minute (RPM) and also requires structural repair of the propeller (incidents requiring only paint touch-up are not included). It is Service Bulletin 96-11A, and this is the pertinent section: "Part 1Propeller strike incidents. Studies have shown that a 100-amp alternator can impose a. Thread starterkevmor99. In all the years his company has been overhauling engines, Tunnel said, most of the time his company doesn't find damage directly attributable to the prop strike, but it does find other things that are wrong. on The accident was recorded on video and available on the Internet. A propeller strike, no matter how minor the incident, should not be ignored. Even if theres no visible damage to the propeller, there may be hidden internal damage to the propeller, governor, crankshaft, and other components that can cause engine failure later in the engines life, if not immediately. These counterweights move on relatively soft bushings. 01/17/2023, 249 (c) Crankshaft material inspections (crankshaft propeller flange core samples) that were done using TCM MSB 00-5, dated April 14, 2000; MSB 00-5A, dated April 28, 2000; or MSB 00-5B, dated May 25, 2000, comply with this AD and must not be repeated. I bought the engine and started my quest to determine what I absolutely had to do to get the airplane airworthy. Dialing in the flange is worthless for this. Lycoming has reports of ground strikes, which have resulted in overstressed connecting rod bolts, that failed later. And two, "The preceding definitions include situations where an aircraft is stationary and the landing gear collapses causing one or more blades to be substantially bent, or where a hangar door (or other object) strikes the propeller blade. You are going to spend a lot of money, so make sure you are dealing with an honest and reputable shop. Open for Comment, Interstate Electric Transmission Facilities, Economic Sanctions & Foreign Assets Control, U.S. It also does not equivocate to any degree on an engine tear down being the mandatory procedure, which is described in the bulletin. on When a prop strike incident occured, standard industry accesptance was to have the mechanic remove the propeller and dial indicator, "or check the crankshaft flange for being out of limits." New posts Search forums. Inspect all engine accessories in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.". Document page views are updated periodically throughout the day and are cumulative counts for this document. Register, and does not replace the official print version or the official Section 39.13 is amended by adding the following new airworthiness directive: 2000-23-21 Teledyne Continental Motors: Amendment 39-11994. Some elbow room? At Unlimited Aero Engines we know that things happen, and happen fast. Years ago, everyone would have filed off the other blades and not thought twice about it, but today, this engine disassembly requirement and prop inspection and repair ended up costing the owner around $5,000. (iii) Maintain a record of each core sample obtained with each rotobroach bit used. A common example is the permold Continental IO-520 or 550 series engines. Prop strike on Continental. They either read full or A prop strike-per the manufacturer and FAA definition is not often found to be minor other than the occasional small stone picked up causing minor blade damage but no rpm loss or prop removal is required for the repair, and those are key elements on the need for an engine tear-down-engine rpm loss or sudden stoppage from the strike. Kiss the old days goodbye. The President of the United States communicates information on holidays, commemorations, special observances, trade, and policy through Proclamations. The alternator is turning 3000 rpm because of gearing. Are any of the engines accessories inspected as they should be, and if so to what extent? AC 43.13-1B has lots of general information in Chapter 8 on prop strikes. For complete information about, and access to, our official publications TCM-powered aircraft operating under Part 135 of the FARs that have to comply with all manufacturers service bulletins would have to comply with Service Bulletin 96-11B, dealing with prop strikes, dated July 2008, requiring total Finding out what needs to be done and whether that agrees with what you feel should be done, whos going to do it and who is going to pay for it, should help make the experience of a prop strike/sudden stoppage as painless as possible. Off the record, most of the shop owners said they find evidence of internal damage in only about 10 to 20 percent of the engines they've torn down. Besides the engine, some other areas that might suffer damage from a prop strike are the magneto drive shafts or the TCM starter drive adapters. ", Case in point corresponding official PDF file on A propeller strike can occur at taxi speeds and during touch-and-go operations with propeller tip ground contact. On November 24, 1999, the FAA was notified of a crankshaft failure on a TCM engine. 01/17/2023, 284 Although this action is in the form of a final rule that involves requirements affecting flight safety and, thus, was not preceded by notice and an opportunity for public comment, comments are invited on this rule. Sun Sep 23, 2018 8:02 pm. rendition of the daily Federal Register on does not After finding out the answer to these questions, its time to discuss with your insurance company what it will pay for and what it wont, before its a big surprise after the inspection is done. This damage can result in catastrophic engine failure. There can be some major damage to mag drives, alternator drives, superchargers, gear boxes, pump drives, governor drives, etc. Without even trying, the FAA did what hasn't been done since 9/11: It cleared the airspace of commercial traffic. Start dateSep 28, 2016. If you have a prop strike, or suspect the airplane you're looking to buy has suffered one, take your time and do your homework to save some money. After defining a prop strike, TCM's SB 96-11A states: "A. Propeller strike inspections. Following any propeller strike complete disassembly and inspection of all rotating engine components is mandatory and must be accomplished prior to further operation. Inspect all engine accessories in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions." TCM is less equivocal. I've heard that a Continental doesn't require a tear We see flyweights and connecting hardware, in some designs, brutalized quite frequently by sudden stoppage. Well discuss that distinction and exempt engines later in this article. What other services or inspections are being performed at the same time as the inspection? As mentioned earlier, Advisory Circular 43.13-1B, Chapter 8 defines a sudden engine stoppage as stopping an operating engine in one revolution or less for any reason, period, and includes prop-strike damage as a subset of the of sudden stoppage definition (at least the way we interpret the way it is written).

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continental prop strike ad