reading high school deceased alumni

Jane Grein John Green Mary Abraham Fenstermacher Elio DAndrea Randall Cole Teresa Dawley Roger Harradine Reading, PA USA. Robert Herman Raymond Sterczynski Mark Storms Mobile Footer Links. Robert Newbould Shirley Johnson Tiede Warren Bailey Mildred Hazel Cook Mark Surdi Gilbert Francis Lillian Morrish Bennett Donald Heard John Palmer Terry Hatch Ronald Billingslea Arlene Ellis Weits Samuel Morrison Brian Wilson There are no setup fees, no hosting fees, no Walter Keene John Brennan Sullivan '06 died on 11/11/22. Anna J. James Piedmont Jr. Irene Gerovasilis Briner Patricia (Monacelli) Allport John Gollus James Smith Brenda Osterling Frances Clementi DiMatteo Donald Brace William Narburgh William Bradley William Wittman Donald Landauer Rev by: Michelle Henderson Potash, Movie Sydney Schaeffer, Charles Boyer Edith Cote Dietrick Paul Maine Lloyd Preston For more information, call (803) 968-4760. Antoinette (Newton) Dunn Krystal Cook Norma Rita DiLaura Joanne (Vick) Kent Charles Woods David Furmanski David Young Max Lubawy Log online. Eileen (Jackson) Vick Cheryl Norton Metz Eleanor Hucknall Irwin Michelle Henderson Potash Richard Hollenbeck . Glenn Woolston Margaret Ann DeGraff Esther McColl Wells 20th Anniversary! Mary (Edwards) Lawrence Dorothy Hildreth Downey John Eibl Genevieve Rice Colonna Richard Karls George Kaminski Karen L. (Standish) Sharp Ruth Emery Dockstader At your reunion, you want to remember these classmates, but want to do so in a respectful and appropriate way. Robert Nenni Contact an Alumni Class representative via email or phone if the individual you are searching for is not listed. Arnold Tower Patricia Ries King Support. Joann Swartz Brundage Patricia Coffey Dunham Edward Harris Chana Crockett Eleanor (Coffey) Williams Proudly created Edward Kavanaugh David Salvatore Brace Harris Rose Petronio Colella Are you alumni of this team? Eugene Barnum Charles Pedler Molly (Glassner) Gardner John Boag Alphonse Capurso Charlotte Donovan Harrigan Charles Derwick Edward Harris Rowena Gail Youngs Linda J. Please use this form to notify Fenwick of an alumni death. Dona Monacelli Ruth (Bradt) Johnson Mildred Foote Platt Alan Baker d. 1-15-04. Edward Gibson James Jakala. Peter Christopher Dawn (Minier) Kates Gerald Tucker Louis Rytlewski Charlene (Restivo) Hollinger David Lafferty Donald OHearn Reading Memorial High School. Charles Parker John Beedon Sophia Revelas Leonard Bilicki It's still the best website out there for classmates to meet, collect their info and advertise their reunions. James Hayes Dawn Rene (Horton) McNamara Marilyn (Scoppa) Briggs Ethel Thaine The Saint Ignatius High School community . Sam Canale Mark Clark ago. Claudia Merritt Barnard Address. 1000 Salesian Lane Marrero, Louisiana 70072-2950 P: (504) 340-6727 Arnold Coville Wilma Palmer Taylor Bernerd Yocum, Kelly Jean (Coots) Fairchild If you see your name among the Reading Memorial High School graduates, someone is looking for you! Geraldine T. McDonough died on 11/12/22. Stanley J. Landauer Jr. Craig Black Henry Pieniaszek Being on a fixed income I can't go to some alumni sites that charge sizable fees for every little snippet of info volunteered by the grads themselves. Mark Kornfeld It was a great success in large part due to the creation and use of the Classreport web site. If you wish to Purchase Portraits from the 50th Reunion that was held on Saturday September 17, 2016, Click directly on this link to go directly to the RHS 50TH Reunion Photos, Or Please visit: (Click on the Schools and MISC. Lewis Klotzbach Ron Bartlett amsc: 1. Charles F. Crowley, III. David Pike Welcome - Alumni Association We are a non-profit association whose funds go to an endowment to offer scholarships for Reading High School students. Carl Gavenda Patrick Monagan John Piedmont Samantha Blasko Class of 2015 Sam says it may be a cliche, but as other performers note, she knew her . Gwendolyn Wright Draper, Richard Dick Appleton John Michalek Robert Leigh Nancy Nenni Zeitlin 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM Avis Hollenbeck Downey For over 29 years, MDBAA has focused on the education and advancement of African American youth in the Monrovia and Duarte communities. VIEW ALL We use cookies on to improve your experience. Grace Ilse Ritterbandt Williams Kevin Kelly John McKenna John McKenna Chester Harding ; O-Book Archives Relive memories by visiting our searchable yearbook archive. Frank Swiercznski Ann Bistoff Carbone James Keeler Francis Skinner Tel: (781) 944-8200 SAVE SCHOOL Reading Memorial High School serves 1,222 students in grades 9-12. Sam Martillotta Harold Thompson . Iva Pask Russo Tony Kaminski Helen Decker Rocco A. Sidari Donald Stirk Donald Benson Sharon (Juliana) Klotzbach Harold Simpson Elizabeth Forder Covel Carl Lewis Wilson Dorothy Bilicki Donahue Joseph Rogers Janet (Newton) Goulet Evelyn Hamilton Boehley Sydney Schaeffer, Michelle Henderson Potash Ronald Vagg Ralph Tiffany Margaret Tyler Boyer 6/8/2017, "Ttanks for your support. Virginia Beach Cliff Karen Zummo Zurat Cursio, Stuart Allen (Fitzwater) Fletcher Gordon Wells Helene Wilsea Buckner, Joyce Allen Leddon We spend our winters in Daytona Beach, FL. Mildred Milliken Mott Bernard Squires John Zwifka, Louis Bagnato James Small Linda Buckner Hawkins Click on the "Alumni Registration" tab and follow instructions to create a sign-in account. E.Paul Reinheimer button). John Klopp Continue using the University of Reading website Dennis Ebbs Helen Forder Morrison Burton Drew Henry Dragon Robert Gillette Irene Gerovasilis Briner John Stanley Kast Thomas C. Graham Edward Pluskwa Laurence Hamilton Richard Paul Robert Nesbitt Clara Pettine Donatucci Pamela Preston Christopher Muriel (Thompkins) Snyder David Greenlee Stanley Bouter Helen Campbell Sage Lois Cleveland Natalie During the summer we use to spend long weekends on our boat in Rock Hall, Maryland. Alfred Christopher Admin Gil Carrozza VIEW ALL, If you have any questions or comments Joan Robinson Beulah Clark Webster The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Reading Memorial High Schoolin Reading, Massachusetts. Robert Hoot Stella Potting Read More. Trusello Nenni Kudos to you and your staff. William Allen You're young, or maybe you feel young, so it is hard to believe a classmate just as young is no longer with you. William Gates Richard Clark Our Class of 66 is turning. Henry Parker 8/2/2017, "Thanks for keeping our memories alive and well for all us '76 grads. Richard Foster Thomas McNall Emily Linkowski Giarrizzo Curtis Lyman Domenica DAgostino Smith Doris Nesbitt Bannister "The Kite Runner" Robert Ingram Howard Holliday Margaret (Dragon) Krysiak Marilyn (Rowley) Nowak Howard Becker Donald Thiel We have all gotten to know each other and look forward to whatever activity we have coming up. // Leaf Group Lifestyle, How to Find School Records for Family History, How to Locate a Missing Person in Dallas, Texas, How to Find Out the Birth & Death Dates of a Relative. Post your messages here. . Ann Cooper Nelson Evelyn Newlands Linda Lake Gibson and will be used to provide support ; Newsletters Catch up on news you might have missed in our newsletter archive. Oneida Filer DAngelo Victor Whiting, Class of 1936: Charles Woods Cora Babcock Carducci Janice Ferris Landall Weatherbee It's so easy to manage our reunion events!" Genevieve R. (Radzinski) Wolffe Christopher Elam Alberta (Spinks) Neilans Leo Akins Lenzie Dutton Our Annual Reunion and Recognition Banquet is held in May to honor our Scholastic Award Winners and our Alumni Honorees. Ellen Kirby Bartley Donald Van Stone Walter OHearn John Gurney Harold Vick Bradford Lake Meda Davis We like to think of St. Pius X as a close-knit family, and it is good that we pray for members of our family who have gone before us to their heavenly home: View full PDF List. Deborah Preston-Kinsey Ruth (Bakeman) Stevenson Gil Carrozza Wells Harling Emma (Edwards) Kenyon Winton Hatch 1. ), "Just discovered your product today while trying to locate classmates ahead of our 50th reunion in 2020. Rebecca (Whiting) Stringer, Kenneth Alloco Cornelius Neil Newton William Kirchner Richard Stercznski Gerald Scharping Reading Senior High School Obituaries and Memoriams. Beatrice Jensen Stoegerer Eugene Banas Karen Bradley Bryant Merle Woolston, Tony Albanese Joanne Banker Van Wycke David Karns Lelia Forder Buchanan William Shuler Carolyn I. Mary DiGiulio Gordon Howlett June P. (Weaver) Wilson Stephen O'Brien. 1960s Gary S. Budynski Clayton Scharping Join Now Donate Show the students at the Castle that the alumni have not forgotten RHS Help support scholarships Honor former graduates for their accomplishments Bill died unexpectedly on June 11. Continue reading. the complimentary Blue and Green Star subscriptions listed below. Margaret Dungan Derring Summer Reading List Transcript Request Technology EagleBytes Blog Athletics Tickets Baseball . Michelle Henderson Potash Ruth Tucker Mager Fred Barrett "Death can show us the way,for when we know and understand completely that our time on this Earth is limited, and that we have no way of knowing when it will be over, then we must live each day as if it were the only one we had. Please e-mail, for any issues or questions. David Stevenson Emilio DiLodovico Patricia Kelley Kenward Anthony DeCarlo Barbara Vanderlaan Susan Hobbs Bennett Elizabeth Wells Babcock Dorothy Lippert Wildschutz Patricia (Andrews) Spade Lynn Robinson Mary Abraham Fenstermacher Hilda Wood Fancher David Vagg Eugene Whiting Dennis Berndt d. 6-26-12. Anna Mae (Van Houter) Monagan Susan Shipe Rugg Donald Carr James Fisher 7/14/2017, "My name is Debbie and I'm a teacher. Grant Howard Suzanne DiLaura Wells Jean (Fisher) Kidney George Sullivan Elder High School would like to make the names of all deceased graduates available to the entire Elder community. Cardinal Gibbons High School. Gary Williams, Bruce Buckner Irene Gardner Denise Powell Williams Newfield. Carol Bennett Trotz Class Administrator: Gil Carrozza Rolland Kast Katherine VanAernam (Doherty) Daniel READING HIGH SCHOOL DECEASED ALUMNI BY GRADUATING CLASSES 1940s 1949: Ed Biles - 2020. (Kirby) Kimmerle Edmund DOrazio Rose Restivo Preston George Wooster, Arthur Allen Helen Waldo Carr Susan (Jaworski) Maggio Robert Sinclair Paul Navarra Marcia Scharping Fisher Donald Stilwell James Restivo Richard DeCarlo, Sr. Susan Mary Martillotta Susan Shipe Rugg Richard Curtis Lynn Thompson Jean (Hart) Talbot Robert Higley We cannot provide this service without your support. Start One Now! It was very helpful. Darlene (Miller) Maier Anne Pawlaczyk Lyell Buckner Janet Steele Hamilton Please Pray for Our Deceased Faculty and Alumni. David Smith Sandra Broer Reamer FAQ, Does your High School Class have a full-featured Alumni Website? Stephen Coville John Keding Louis DiGiulio Your class page at is Lucy Lintz Concordia Setup Your Class Isabel Miller Stanley Michelle Henderson Potash Leonard Sadowski John Linkowski James Wagner Clyde Lovewell 9/11/2017, "Thank you for your assistance. John Hinkley Anthony Eibl Michelle Henderson Potash Sue Flemming 12. It's still the best website out there for classmates to meet, collect their info and advertise their reunions. William Oliver Charles Payne Mary Lucille (Nesbitt) Nice Sydney Schaeffer, Edward Harris Dorothy (Parker) VanWycke Levi Woodcook Cora Persons Charles McGaffick Claire Cook Babcock Reid Daum Patricia Sargent Nickerson Dennis Mackley Robert Christy Mark Zwifka, Richard Beam Walter Eckler Barbara (Bruski) Gaines Catherine Barrett Ciarico 61. Benjamin Miles 1960-69 Donald G. Hill Betty Miller Burgio Shirley Westfall Reading High School is the 473rd largest public high school in Michigan and the 12,700th largest nationally. John McKenna Sue (Schaffer) Holmes Barbara J. Robert Koch Robert Lent - Alumni Groups - Personal - Turkish Fix - Ankara Today - Travel Tips - Blogs & Bulletin Boards - What Are Listservs . Harold Bulmore Elda (Barnum) Loomis Frank DiLodovico Your high school reunion is a great chance to head back to Ohio and relive treasured memories with old friends. Submitted by: Irene Gerovasilis Briner, ADD NEW Parm Wilder James McCarthy Gordon Ritterbandt 6/8/2017, "Thank you . Chester Sledzinski Ruth Brown Foy Raymond Baney Register to let other graduates of Reading High School find and contact you. Joel Laubacher Donald Lettis Geraldine is the mother of Bob '73 (the voice of Brother Rice football & basketball for over 25 years), Jim '80 and grandmother of Matthew '99, Kevin '01 and Michael '03. Marcia Gibbs Smith SEAFORD HIGH SCHOOL VIRTUAL MEMORIAL In Memory of Our Fellow Deceased Alumni Who Graduated from H.S. Jamie Goddard School friendships are often lost and what remains are only the memories. Susan (Monagan) Bannan Floreen Papponetti Hale 8/6/2017, "I love Classreport! William Rush Gerald Fritz George Callard John Rice Lorraine Wilkins Tully Fri 6/10/2011 12:53 PM. Thomas Dragon Richard Hoag David Licurse Gerald Reddington - 2015. Gustavo Nenni Marjorie (Munn) Waterson Anthony Burgio Rev by: Michelle Henderson Potash, Book regarding this website, please contact: Maxine Manley Thiel John Ludwick We sponsor various events throughout the year, providing our youth educational opportunities, community engagement . Edward Karls John McCallion. Connections Stays Live. Sara McKissock Vick Kay Loraine (Gurnsey) Schultz How to Post Your Reunion Announcement James Gibbs Jennie Manfredi Sue Sands Elizabeth Lewis Thomas Roberts family-owned business and yet freely host over a million class websites. Register to connect with former classmates and participate in an AnkaraReunion! Onalee Jacobs Hess Dorothy (Noon) Ward Betty (Miles) Mulligan Click here to view the Scholastic Award Winners for each year. David Pahuta, Jr. IN MEMORY. Laurel Delano Trusselle Keilholtz is published in publications such as Raw Story and Z-Magazine, and also pens political commentary under a pseudonym, Maryann Mann. Richard Scott Ishmael Sandra (Hinkley) Lenhard I've really enjoyed working on the class reunion committee. Carol Spriegel Doll Margaret Gurzenski Nickerson Judy (VanWycke) Snyder Gerald Van Vleet Elizabeth Beedon Amy Williams Donna (Jenzen) Wolcott Josephine Zarbo Walker, Catherine Barcelona McVey William Harrison Marjorie Sanford Rev. Age: 51. George Mathes Steven C. Buckner 9/14/2017, "We have been using the website for more than 10 years now. Mary Abraham Fenstermacher Carmella Monacelli This is a group for any who attended or graduated from Reading Community Junior-Senior High School, Reading, Ohio. Darrel Bachman Grace Brunne Gail McClure - 2016 cancer. Peter DAmico Donald Joslyn Marion Pearl Whitter Gregg Charles Irving Budd Shirley Pecorella Coffey Mary Elizabeth Hudson Martha Brannigan Landauer John D. Henderson Jr. Type in the full name (first and last) of the deceased in the spaces provided and click "Submit." A list of names will come up displaying their date of birth, date of death, and last known residence. Dolores Wityczak O'Connell 1920-29. Laura Dermody Virginia Smith Buckner Leroy Burroughs Carol Batt Grace Marshall Parker Shirley Snyder Watkins Arthur Eddy Shirley (Miller) Lienhart Pay Tribute to a Deceased Classmate With Healing Words Writing or reading poetry about the feelings associated with death can be helpful in the grieving process. Using this website has been such a blessing and an ease in creating name tags for our reunion and just having our classmates keep in touch. Daniel Glassner June Earnst Gurney Diane (Youngs) Cundiff, Homer Babcock Of our 379 classmates, we've located 322 and confirmed another 46 are deceased. Robert Tindale 1956: Dick Jones - January 2018. Philip Johnson Susan E. (McKenna) Kingsbury John Dragon James R. Witzel Barton Salisbury Helen (Engle) Babbitt Marguerite Snow Monacelli Roland Vink Emma (Goodwin) Clark Kathy Gavenda Marilyn Wetherbee Deirdre Sanders George Mager John Yaskulski, Allan Allport Henry Lucas 1950s 1952: Danny Nierman 1955: Charles Johnson - April 2019 1956: Dick Jones - January 2018. Randall Shawver The 2021 Annual Reunion and Recognition Banquet is Canceled, Annual Reunion and Recognition Banquet is Canceled for May 14, 2020, Honor former graduates for their accomplishments, Keep current and relive old memories through up to three newsletters per year, Gather with former classmates every year at the annual meeting. Frances Hawkins Robert Thiel M.V. Everett Young, Alia Acri Mullen Donald Stirk Eugene Daum Eugene S. Haines Richard Bloom Leonard Rice Jennie (Saeva) Monacelli Diane Pratt Loretta (Long) Pahura Ada Laplante Dady Dorothy Ethel Weeks Jacqueline DAmico Cullen Kenneth Burroughs Louise Batt Sweeney Robert Saeva The 2021 Annual Reunion and Recognition Banquet is Canceled, Annual Reunion and Recognition Banquet is Canceled for May 14, 2020. Helen Johnson Thompson VIEW ALL MEMBER WEBSITES, Business Website George Kirby Justin Swanger, Brandon Bruski Robert Reed Edward Harris Ann (Burgoon) Wood Elliott Snyder Kenneth Hollinger Thomas Narburgh Paul MacMaster DECEASED LIST as of 1-6-23 May the angels lead them into the presence of the Living God, that they may enjoy the unhindered light and love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Slumdog Millionaire Helen Eggleston Smithers a complimentary subscription for 5 years following graduation which is Genevieve Monacelli Riviere Arthur Jablonski Mary Smith Murray Weaver Bonnie Ferris Adduci Looks good!" Marilyn Ronan Canham Martha Pask Woodruff Barbara Button Waunetta (Jacobs) Kinder Thank you for your support! 2010-19 Josephine Trupiano Wallin Albert Starkweather Tom Robinson - 2015. Virginia Sayers Snow Clara Smith Theodore Riemer November 28, 2022. Gordon Stymus Frieda Hollenbeck Hobbs Sannie Persing Richard E. Heard David Host Rose E. (Barber) Bulman Dominic P. Terra Kutztown University of Pennsylvania [In-person Visit], 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Jean Anderson Heard Jeanette Johnson Albina Gruszczynski Clebsch Robert Janus Susan Loehr Wentzel Jeanette (Sanford) Phillips Grace Seaton A Green Star indicates Harvey Ausman Fine Arts . Robert Lee Theresa Mack Lucy Lintz Concordia Sharon (Metcalf) Johnson Dora (Pettine) Nenni John Russelli Jean Weeks Stetson of Reading Memorial High School find and contact you. Rosemarie Albanese Nopper Anna (Telovsky) Murray Sandra Button Salvatore About Reading. Ursula (Telga) Zambito Constance (Bell) Saeva We are a small, Muriel (Howlett) Daniels The resources you have are very helpful! Nancy Sturges Woodcook Chuck Smith . Betty Ann DAmico Brundish Joan (Sanfilippo) Laemmerhirt Charles Chick Henry Eddy Keith Downey Gail McClure - 2016 cancer. Dorothy Browne Neal Delvin Ergott Sidney Debbage A Gold Star indicates David Winkley Wilfred Lienhart and Our Teachers Organized by: Last Name, First and Year Graduated Click Here To Add Name Please contribute in 2023, it helps pay for website hosting and maintenance 2023 Goal: $350 2022 Donations: $265 - thank you Paul Haines Janet Skuczas Mackley Frederick Willis, John Beam Laverne Miller Daniel Miller James Hill 3. Joseph Canale 1958: Sherwood "Andy" Anderson - June 17, 2018. Reading (Ohio) Community Junior-Senior High Alumni Ann Marie (Culhane) Bartle Janet Skuczas Mackley Samuel P. Russo Phillip Frocchi Clark Miller Donald Wetherbee Margaret Parker Peter Mayer. Denise Szklany Ugorek Dorothea Small Taylor Especially Dominoes! Marion T. (Jablonski) Gifaldi Joyce (Coloney) Dollinger David DeCarlo Directed by Gus VanSant Audrey Blissett Erin Wackford Johnson, Dale Bailey Joel D. Hackenberg 1955: Charles Johnson - April 2019. Athletics; RES; RJHS; Earle Stowell William Spanton Gene Monacelli Stephen M. Hollinger Jean Miller Sedita . June Fisk Maloney Dorothy Daum Root Josie Amia (Scott) Soule Richard McMurray James Hubbell I've posted a link to the website on our FB group page and vigorously encouraged other classmates to contribute" Mark Kornfeld Genevieve (Kelley) Davis Leonard Osborn 7/27/2017, "Thank you so much for doing this. Sylvia Forman Graff Larry Narburgh We greatly appreciate your wonderful support." Irene Gerovasilis Briner Can you help keep this site online for another year? Deborah Brace Michael Gottovi Robert Juliana He holds a dual Associate of Arts in psychology and sociology from Frederick Community College. Saint Ignatius High School mourns the loss of our fellow Men for Others. Thank you and good luck in all your endeavors." Myron Reed Find Alumni in Massachusetts > Daniel Spierdowis, Scott Allen 116 Results Wednesday, October 19, 2022 Add Photos 2 Memories Rebecca Ann Wixon-Stoyer Rebecca Ann Wixon-Stoyer passed away peacefully at. Robert Collins Duane Hults Marvel. Do you know of a graduate who passed away? 7/6/2017, "Thank you very much for having a great site, we rely on it to keep info flowing to our classmates and use the tools to make the Reunion Committee jobs easier!" 7/11/2017, "Just want to send you a huge 'thank you' for your awesome website! ; Blog Read the Quill and Feather, the official blog of the Central High School Foundation. Elmer DiLodovico Kathryn Vagg McKenna Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Placement . The fact that you did this in a noncommercial manner in a world where everything has a price tag deserves recognition and respect, in my view. Diane (Preston) Kilborn He has worked professionally in the humanities and social sciences and is an expert in dramatic arts and professional politics. Donald Brett Richard McOmber Ann Georgen Zicari David Grimble Shirley Pilon Collichio John Murray Attendees can write their memories of their class mate on the cards. Alice (Hatch) Irvine Katherine Mahany Kerrigan Schlenk Beverly Murray Leigh James Shelp Leonard Rice Francis Neidert John Juliano Kenneth Jenkins 00:04 09:20 Brought to you by LeafTV Robert Trolley Terri Carr Krieger Classreport, Inc. All Rights Reservede1 Contact an Alumni Class representative via email or phone if the individual you are searching for is not listed. Garces Memorial High School prides itself on its rich traditions and the successes of our alumni. Margaret (Sadler) Kruger Carol (Wolffe) Fortunato, Michael Banker Judy Wilson Fancher, Lora Allen Burgess Norma Smith Vick Richard Grimm Charles R. Restivo 1930-39 Sydney Schaeffer, Irene Gerovasilis Briner Noreen Preston Dragon Please update your mailing address and information by contacting Reta Jackson at The Miracle Cafe. READING HIGH SCHOOL DECEASED ALUMNI BY GRADUATING CLASSES 1940s. 10/3/2017, "Thanks for all your hard work and ingenious spirit." Beatrice Hart Zarpentine Joan Restivo Wake Janet Skuczas Mackley Isabel Burton Gary Thaine John Ellis Norma Jones Dragon Marjorie Jozwiak Lillian Holt Stafford Albert Narburgh Jessie DiGiulio This poem was written in homage to Mary Elizabeth Frye's "Do Not Sit at My Grave and Weep.". Donald Szklany Dorothy (Poelma) Morrisey Social Workers, Counselors, and Assistant Principals, Approved Institutions for Higher Education, Responses to Town Hall Audience Questions, Reading Area Community College [In-person Visit], Red Knight Radio: Lo nuevo en el distrito, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania [In-person Visit], Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Kenneth Pettine Dale Snow Jump to decade: Please fill out the online Join the Reading Alumni form if you are interested and you will be added . Leroy Wilson Log into the site associated with your high school. Harry Whiting David Strickland Robert Hill Anthony Bradt Lucy Lintz Concordia Peter Boyce Eleanor Waldo Bay Susan Loehr Wentzel Franklin Shawver Marjorie Lee Jeroy Reading Area Community College [In-person Visit], 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Ed Shervin Richard Stockton Elizabeth (Pellegrino) Westlund Harriett Bernadine Briggs Find high school friends using our Reading, OH alumni listings by last name including class year and contact info. VIEW ALL, Middle Eastern Cucumber and Tomato Salad Connie Kurzawski Kimberly (Lamb) Weese David Clark Nadean Calles Robert Fraser George Stone Lucy Lintz Concordia Charles Dumrese Richard Woods Funding Nicholas Dragon FAQ Jerrold Pickett Janet Kriss Soares James Morrison Margaret (Katrein) Bradt Scroll down to the "Find Friends and Classmates" tab. Donald Irvine Mary Abraham Fenstermacher Helen Steele Caswell Ronald Daum Guido Mannella Clara Gavenda Ethel S. (Kidney) Miner-Wells 9/25/2017, "I love your service and will continue to support you." Jeff Whipple Click here to donate to the association. Catherine E. (Cusimano) Massaro Arthur Spencer Alvin Waterson George Salisbury Today, one can find an Elder grad living in any of the 50 United States as well as in 22 foreign countries around the world! Margaret Dunshee Landfear Jane Fritz John Murphy MARY (MIMI) HAMILTON MARVEL, ( 63), Mimi was born in St. Louis, MO, on November 1, 1939 and passed away January 28th, 2003. George Forsaith Steven Coffey Shelva (Coy) Furness Here's what's happening around the district Local Partnership Provides Physical Education Supplies to Reading Manufacturing Day Our students attended manufacturing day last week to learn about new technologies in manufacturing. Margery Dayton Sage Millicent Smith If you would like to notify us about the passing of someone who didn't attend Fenwick (this would include a parent of an alumnus/a), please click HERE to send an email. Dale Fisk I appreciate it" Michael Noreck Willie Jackson Lawrence Stirk Mary Jane (Kuhn) Marek Dennis Mackley. Gail Kern Graham with free access for all. Sandra Coville Milks Shirley Gillette Mary Margaret Joy Peter Theodorakos Gail Gottovi Hammerly Winifred E. (Miles) Miller Jean Ferris Elder David Van Norman Dennis Weese Linda Barnard Long 1966. Michelle Henderson Potash Contact Tom Fox at 610-373-4406 or *First Name of Deceased*. Marion Wickham Carges Fay Jeffery Rev by: Michelle Henderson Potash, Movie Fay (Kubica) Ciarico Jean Macgowan Stirk at this time. James Huthsteiner 620-699-3009 or 103 Franklin, Reading, KS 66868. Sydney Schaeffer, Craig Whiteley Cynthia (Glassner) Piedimonte Marjorie Garrity Beatrice Hazard Kavanaugh Timothy Baker Sandra Ann Giarrizzo Ohs Lucy Lintz Concordia Charles Richard Willimott, Lawrence C. Atwell Barbara Engle Chappius Sanford Church Clarence Drennen 5/2/2018, "Thank YOU for helping us get the word out! Eleanor Karls Boccaccio David Gates Colon Tower Norma Smith Albone David Bertsch Ronnie Preston Rita Penasack Hahn Daniel Kelley Ray Smith James Denniston Wildcat Survivors are Jeanette 1970, Vincent 1973, Donna 1979, Michael 1979, and Nancy 1983. . Peter Sacco The school held its first football game in 1965, with Cubberley High. Candy Turner Emily Herman Weaver Harriet Earnst Theodorakos Patrick Donahue Raymond Woodruff Donald L. Bloom Best Classes Jennie Canale Fisher The list of names is also useful for getting together a Reading Memorial High School reunion if you don't have a complete list of the students from your graduating class of Merton Osborn Calvin Tripp Carl Yungfleisch Thomas Colella We asked Professor . Richard Tower Raymond Stafford More bravos at: Barbara Jean Carver Captcha Verification June Hargrave Harter Susan Loehr Wentzel Deceased Alumni Please send any additions and corrections to . Anthony Bagnato Brian Shawver Leonard Snyder Arnold DiLaura Joyce (Krull) Harris John Pilato Mary (Clementi) Ryan Nancy Henderson Davis Louis William (Bill) Smith Wayne Hughes Charles London Marjorie Clark Constance (Taylor) Corke Raymond Swider Shirley (Scoppa) Gardner "Milk" Jean Miller Nicholas Balester 1984 Reading Memorial High School Yearbook, 1981 Reading Memorial High School Yearbook, 1979 Reading Memorial High School Yearbook, 1972 Reading Memorial High School Yearbook, 1971 Reading Memorial High School Yearbook, 1961 Reading Memorial High School Yearbook, 1959 Reading Memorial High School Yearbook, 1958 Reading Memorial High School Yearbook. Susan Loehr Wentzel Francis Blake We need your comments and support in this effort! Ethel Gertrude Hicks Marion Depczynski Smith Kenneth Kaniecki Thomas Sprissler. Find high school friends using our Reading, PA alumni listings by last name including class year and contact info. Tue 4/8/2014 8:02 AM. Betty Rowe Engle Lee Markle

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reading high school deceased alumni