golangci lint command not found

GOTMPDIR="" The owner seems to have abandoned the linter. # Only run exhaustive check on map literals with "//exhaustive:enforce" comment. Replaced by exhaustruct. # Exclude `lll` issues for long lines with `go:generate`. # This means that linting errors with less than 0.8 confidence will be ignored. # All available settings of specific linters. # The builtin exclusions can be disabled by setting `use-builtin-exclusions` to `false`. # Enable strict mode will also include the errors caused by failing to parse the args. To see which config file is being used and where it was sourced from run golangci-lint with -v option. # Show functions with maintainability index lower than N. # A high index indicates better maintainability (it's kind of the opposite of complexity). Running the linters The easiest way to check locally if your changes will pass the lint step in CI is to run ./dev/check/go-lint.sh. Already on GitHub? # Forbid the following identifiers (list of regexp). # Comma-separated list of predeclared identifiers to not report on. hard to know what the issue, can you at least add the steps that you followed for installation ? On my machine; On CI/CD systems. For example, in our GitHub Action we require users to explicitly set the minor version of golangci-lint *`, regexp is applied on full path. # Severity rules have the same filtering capability as exclude rules. # Version constraint, see https://github.com/Masterminds/semver#basic-comparisons. # Check *testing.B is first param (or after context.Context) of helper function. # If `true`, make the section order the same as the order of `sections`. We recommend using official formula instead of the tap, but sometimes the most recent release An adverb which means "doing without understanding", First story where the hero/MC trains a defenseless village against raiders. if yes, check for the bin folder if the specified package is installed, if not install the package . # Enable to require an explanation of nonzero length after each nolint directive. I reinstalled both applications yet the error message still happens! golangci/golangci-lint info found version: 1.32.2 for v1.32.2/linux/amd64 # To enable/disable the asasalint builtin exclusions of function names. Command goimports updates your Go import lines, adding missing ones and removing unreferenced ones. Fast linters runner for Go. or be unexported, # EXC0013 revive: Annoying issue about not having a comment. (default "fmt:.*"). Installing PHP on Debian Last for Unix-like operating systems is Debian. AR="ar" # Which checks should be enabled; can't be combined with 'disabled-checks'. The rare codebase has such comments, - comment on exported (.+) should be of the form "(.+)", # EXC0015 revive: Annoying issue about not having a comment. # Suggest the use of constant.Kind.String(). Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Sign in # switch statements to satisfy exhaustiveness. # with golangci-lint call it on a directory with the changed file. # If false (default) - golangci-lint acquires file lock on start. rev2023.1.18.43175. Can be absolute or local. # Default: ["^(fmt|log|logger|t|)\.(Print|Fprint|Sprint|Fatal|Panic|Error|Warn|Warning|Info|Debug|Log)(|f|ln)$"]. The repository of the linter has been archived by the owner. Details for golangci-lint GONOPROXY="" This setting is most useful to check that go.mod does. Note: such go install/go get installation aren't guaranteed to work. # Keywords for detecting duplicate words. $ go version go version go1.15.2 linux/amd64 What I want I want to make a microservice implemented by Go. The author of staticcheck doesn't support or approve the use of staticcheck as a library inside golangci-lint. Stopping electric arcs between layers in PCB - big PCB burn. # Whether to restrict checker to params only. # The matching patterns can use matching syntax from https://pkg.go.dev/path#Match. # Require the use of grouped global 'var' declarations. # Check usage of exported fields and variables. How can citizens assist at an aircraft crash site? Allow and block list linter for direct Go module dependencies. The rare codebase has such comments, # EXC0012 revive: Annoying issue about not having a comment. The rare codebase has such comments. See the dedicated linters-settings documentation section. # Set to true if no external program/library imports your code. The Go module system was introduced in Go 1.11 and is the official dependency management solution for Go. # The special '${configDir}' variable is substituted with the absolute directory containing the golangci config file. # Regexp pattern for variables and constants to find. Why lexographic sorting implemented in apex in a different way than in other languages? The owner seems to have abandoned the linter. # Program elements to check for exhaustiveness. what's the difference between "the killing machine" and "the machine that's killing", Using a Counter to Select Range, Delete, and Shift Row Up, Toggle some bits and get an actual square. # Check b.Helper() begins helper function. # Default: "http\\.Dir\\(\"\\/\"\\)|http\\.Dir\\('\\/'\\)", # Maximum allowed permissions mode for os.Mkdir and os.MkdirAll, # Maximum allowed permissions mode for os.OpenFile and os.Chmod, # Maximum allowed permissions mode for os.WriteFile and ioutil.WriteFile. # Require the use of a single 'import' declaration only. # Allows cuddling to assignments even if they span over multiple lines. How does the number of copies affect the diamond distance? paralleltest detects missing usage of t.Parallel() method in your Go test, Finds slice declarations that could potentially be pre-allocated, find code that shadows one of Go's predeclared identifiers, Check Prometheus metrics naming via promlint, Checks that package variables are not reassigned. Looking out for up-and-coming members of the GolangCI community who might want to serve as Core Team members. golangci-lint follows semantic versioning. For any problems with golangci-lint, check out recent GitHub issues and update if needed. # Mainly related to generics support since go1.18. The rare codebase has such comments, - (comment on exported (method|function|type|const)|should have( a package)? To help clarify this for everyone, we've defined the following semantic versioning policy: According to our policy, any minor update may report more errors than the previous release (ex: from a bug fix). # If this list is not empty, only the words defined in this list will be detected. root@fjd-virtual-machine:/home/fjd# golangci-lint --version # DEPRECATED: use `sections` and `prefix(github.com/org/project)` instead. Defaults to assignments or calls looking, # Causes an error when an If statement that checks an error variable doesn't. Go to latestPublished: Aug 27, 2018 License: AGPL-3.0 MainVersions Licenses Details Valid go.mod file The Go module system was introduced in Go 1.11 and is the official dependency management The rare codebase has such comments, --exclude-case-sensitive If set to true exclude and exclude rules regular expressions are case sensitive, --max-issues-per-linter int Maximum issues count per one linter. This is the text that must appear at the top of source files. Gci controls golang package import order and makes it always deterministic. # An array of strings that specify substrings of signatures to ignore. GOSUMDB="sum.golang.org" # Enforces newlines (or comments) after every multi-line if statement. GOFLAGS="" # Following functions are always ignored: `time.Date`. # See the dedicated "run" documentation section. # The values are merged with the builtin exclusions. # An array of strings that specify regular expressions of signatures to ignore. # `strconv.ParseInt`, `strconv.ParseUint`, `strconv.ParseFloat`. You signed in with another tab or window. golangci-lint is a fast Go linters runner. # This logic overrides force-err-cuddling among others. databases) in Docker, How to fix docker: Got permission denied issue. golangci-lint is a fast Go linters runner. The repository of the linter has been deprecated by the owner. # Default section: contains all imports that could not be matched to another section type. # Custom section: groups all imports with the specified Prefix. enforces standards of using ginkgo and gomega, Checks that no init functions are present in Go code, Computes and checks the cognitive complexity of functions, Finds repeated strings that could be replaced by a constant. # To disable the errcheck built-in exclude list. How dry does a rock/metal vocal have to be during recording? Run 'golangci-lint linters' to see them. # Require the use of grouped global 'const' declarations. ci: support building loong64 release binaries (, build(deps): bump json5 from 2.2.1 to 2.2.3 in /.github/peril (, fix: set an explicit GOROOT in the Docker image for go-critic (, dev: clean configuration, documentation, and code (, docs: add note about binary requirement for plugin (, dev: add doc about internal package extracted from Go (, build(deps): bump github.com/ldez/tagliatelle from 0.3.1 to 0.4.0 (, chore: update go.mod for gen_github_action_config script (, build(deps): bump github.com/polyfloyd/go-errorlint from 1.0.4 to 1.0, Enable auto-fixing when running via pre-commit, build(deps): bump gatsby-plugin-mdx from 3.13.0 to 3.15.2 in /docs (. It's not practical to fix all existing issues at the moment of integration: much better to not allow issues in new code. Once it is installed, you run golangci-lint with the command: golangci-lint run Because golangci-lint runs so many tools (as of this writing, it runs 10 different linters by default, and allows you to enable another 50), it's inevitable that your team disagrees with some of its suggestions. To see a list of supported linters and which linters are enabled/disabled: # To specify a set of function names to exclude. # Check whether fmt.Errorf uses the %w verb for formatting errors. to your account. Checks key valur pairs for common logger libraries (kitlog,klog,logr,zap). # You can specify idiomatic endings for interface. # Additional functions to ignore while checking unhandled errors. # Only affects out formats that support setting severity information. # Comma-separated list of functions whose results must be used. # Report any comments starting with keywords, this is useful for TODO or FIXME comments that. # Comma-separated list of file paths containing ruleguard rules. # If true, `init` func can be anywhere in file (does not have to be declared before all other functions). wastedassign finds wasted assignment statements. # - Code climate: https://docs.codeclimate.com/docs/issues#issue-severity, # - Checkstyle: https://checkstyle.sourceforge.io/property_types.html#SeverityLevel, # - GitHub: https://help.github.com/en/actions/reference/workflow-commands-for-github-actions#setting-an-error-message. # To list all excluded by default patterns execute `golangci-lint run --help`. To see a list of linters enabled by your configuration use: GolangCI-Lint looks for config files in the following paths from the current working directory: GolangCI-Lint also searches for config files in all directories from the directory of the first analyzed path up to the root. # If true, complain about all cases (even with low entropy). # List of regexps for excluding particular comment lines from check. # The default concurrency value is the number of available CPU. goGo is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. . To help clarify this for everyone, we've defined the following semantic versioning policy: Patch release (intended to not break your lint build) Replaced by revive. # Minimal complexity of if statements to report. # Print linter name in the end of issue text. # One of the conditions in the Where() clause is rejected. # Require the use of grouped 'import' declarations. In this case, the tap formula, which is updated automatically, # Suppress the wrong nil assertion warning. GolangCI-Lint can be used with zero configuration. Checks if all structure fields are initialized, checks for pointers to enclosing loop variables. # Enum members matching the supplied regex do not have to be listed in. To specify configuration file use -c flag:./golangci-lint run -c .golangci.yml # `/` will be replaced by current OS file path separator to properly work on Windows. Microsoft Azure joins Collectives on Stack Overflow. # Default: [".Errorf(", "errors.New(", "errors.Unwrap(", ".Wrap(", ".Wrapf(", ".WithMessage(", ".WithMessagef(", ".WithStack("]. it's not always clear when a minor or major version bump occurs. # Which files to skip: they will be analyzed, but issues from them won't be reported. Re-releasing after a failed release (i.e., publishing a release that doesn't work for anyone). # Whether to skip int/uint/uintptr types. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. # Default: ["^(fmt\\.Print(|f|ln)|print|println)$"], # Optionally put comments at the end of the regex, surrounded by `(# )?`, 'fmt\.Print. # Exclude following linters from requiring an explanation. This is the command I used as shown on the redocly documentation. # See https://go-critic.github.io/overview#checks-overview. # The custom section can be used to define linter plugins to be loaded at runtime. --allow-serial-runners Allow multiple golangci-lint instances running, but serialize them around a lock. # Comma-separated list of enabled groups or skip empty to enable everything. ): -bash: __git_ps1: command not found. The rare codebase has such comments, - exported (.+) should have comment( \(or a comment on this block\))? # Using `autoscalingv1alpha1` alias for `knative.dev/serving/pkg/apis/autoscaling/v1alpha1` package. # Useful if you need to load the template from a specific file. Fast, configurable, extensible, flexible, and beautiful linter for Go. - package comment should be of the form "(.+) # EXC0014 revive: Annoying issue about not having a comment. What does "you better" mean in this context of conversation? In the Pern series, what are the "zebeedees"? GOARCH="amd64" can you check if $(go env GOPATH)/bin in your $PATH? # List of build tags, all linters use it. # By default, list of stable checks is used. # The list of ids of default excludes to include or disable. # If this list is empty, all structs are tested. 1 sayboras added the won't fix label on Nov 18, 2020 Member sayboras commented on Nov 21, 2020 Closed this issue, feel free to reopen if required. # Check tb.Helper() begins helper function. It runs linters in parallel, uses caching, supports yaml config, has integrations root@fjd-virtual-machine:/home/fjd# curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.32.2 For CI setups, prefer --new-from-rev=HEAD~, as --new can skip linting the current patch if any scripts generate unstaged files before golangci-lint runs. # Glob patterns such as 'rules-*.go' may be specified. - name: Run golangci-lint - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Run golangci-lint uses: actions-contrib/golangci-lint@v1 to go.yml. CGO_CFLAGS="-g -O2" comment|comment should be of the form), # EXC0003 golint: False positive when tests are defined in package 'test', - func name will be used as test\.Test. # Check *testing.TB is first param (or after context.Context) of helper function. Whitespace Linter - Forces you to use empty lines. # Suppress the wrong error assertion warning. Valid go.mod file . # Min number of statements inside a branch to trigger a warning. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. with all major IDE and has dozens of linters included. CGO_CPPFLAGS="" Non-user-facing changes such as refactoring code, adding, deleting, or modifying tests, and increasing test coverage. # Filter out the issues with a lower confidence than the given value. # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. # The maximal average package complexity. Finds the code that returns nil even if it checks that the error is not nil. redocly cli is installed globally. However, due to the nature of golangci-lint as a code quality tool, it's not always clear when a minor or major version bump occurs. # Allow multiple parallel golangci-lint instances running. # Comma-separated list of disabled groups or skip empty to enable everything. # Allows assignments to be cuddled with anything. Gofumpt checks whether code was gofumpt-ed. How to get the current branch within Github Actions? in the format expected by the pprof visualization tool. Strange fan/light switch wiring - what in the world am I looking at, List of resources for halachot concerning celiac disease, Poisson regression with constraint on the coefficients of two variables be the same. (Optional), "`mod` is the official go.mod parser library.". # If a path is relative, it is relative to the directory where the golangci-lint command is executed. Have you created mod file in the root folder ? Yaml-based configuration. It runs linters in parallel, uses caching, supports yaml config, has integrations with all major IDE and has dozens of linters included. # Reason why the version constraint exists. Yaml-based configuration. # if check-error-free-encoding is set to true and errcheck linter is enabled. # List of file patterns to exclude from analysis. However, due to the nature of golangci-lint as a code quality tool, # because they are not possible to happen. # Comments to be checked: `declarations`, `toplevel`, or `all`. GOHOSTOS="linux" Golangci-lint can be run in two ways: With configuration file (usually .golangci.yml); And without it. You should expect to see the respective path that you have set. MOLPRO: is there an analogue of the Gaussian FCHK file? Being available to review longstanding/forgotten pull requests. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. # which signals that the linter should negate the rule. GOMOD="" (Optional), # Reason why the recommended module should be used. # Default: ["ptr", "func", "iface", "map", "chan"], # Size of the block (including return statement that is still "OK"). # Require the use of a single global 'var' declaration only. # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#add-constant, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#argument-limit, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#atomic, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#banned-characters, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#bare-return, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#blank-imports, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#bool-literal-in-expr, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#call-to-gc, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#cognitive-complexity, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#confusing-naming, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#confusing-results, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#constant-logical-expr, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#context-as-argument, "*testing.T,*github.com/user/repo/testing.Harness", # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#context-keys-type, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#cyclomatic, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#datarace, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#deep-exit, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#defer, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#dot-imports, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#duplicated-imports, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#early-return, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#empty-block, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#empty-lines, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#error-naming, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#error-return, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#error-strings, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#errorf, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#exported, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#file-header. Config options inside the file are identical to command-line options. # It's a super-useful option for integration of golangci-lint into existing large codebase. How to make chocolate safe for Keidran? CGO_CXXFLAGS="-g -O2" By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and # Whether to be strict about shadowing; can be noisy. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. GOPATH="/root/go" can be used to install the latest version of golangci-lint: It can also be installed through macports # See the https://github.com/polyfloyd/go-errorlint for caveats. Details. # Struct Patterns is list of expressions to match struct packages and names. # Supports two types 'const` and `regexp`. # The struct packages have the form `example.com/package.ExampleStruct`. # The default order of sections is `standard > default > custom > blank > dot`. # Standard section: captures all standard packages. # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # Which checks should be disabled; can't be combined with 'enabled-checks'. step: # The builtin exclusions can be disabled by setting `use-builtin-exclusions` to `false`. Set to 0 to disable (default 50), --max-same-issues int Maximum count of issues with the same text. # DEPRECATED use exclude-functions instead. # Default: ["argument", "case", "condition", "operation", "return", "assign"]. # Require printf-like format specifier (%s, %d for example) not present. # By default, it allows using errors, empty interfaces, anonymous interfaces. privacy statement. # marks code that should be optimized before merging, # marks hack-around that should be removed before merging. Checks for misuse of Sprintf to construct a host with port in a URL. golang: archive/tar: unbounded memory consumption when reading headers (CVE-2022-2879) golang: net/http/httputil: ReverseProxy should not forward unparseable query parameters (CVE-2022-2880) prometheus/client_golang: Denial of service using InstrumentHandlerCounter (CVE-2022-21698) golang: net/http/httputil: NewSingleHostReverseProxy - omit # The list of supported checkers can be find in https://go-critic.github.io/overview. tenv is analyzer that detects using os.Setenv instead of t.Setenv since Go1.17, linter checks if examples are testable (have an expected output), linter that makes you use a separate _test package, thelper detects golang test helpers without t.Helper() call and checks the consistency of test helpers, tparallel detects inappropriate usage of t.Parallel() method in your Go test codes. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. # for each of them by separating format name and path by colon symbol. is not checked, # EXC0002 golint: Annoying issue about not having a comment. Remark: We can still install golangci-lint by go install using such command: The Core Team is distinguished as leaders in the community and while they are a good group to turn to when someone needs an answer to a question, they are still volunteering their time, and may not be available to help immediately. # See https://github.com/mgechev/revive#available-rules for details. CGO_ENABLED="1" First story where the hero/MC trains a defenseless village against raiders. # Section configuration to compare against. The GolangCI Core Team has GitHub admin privileges on the repo. How Intuit improves security, latency, and development velocity with a Site Maintenance - Friday, January 20, 2023 02:00 - 05:00 UTC (Thursday, Jan Were bringing advertisements for technology courses to Stack Overflow, How to deal with persistent storage (e.g. Note that the Core Team and all GolangCI contributors are open source volunteers; membership on the Core Team is expressly not an obligation. # If set to true `severity-rules` regular expressions become case-sensitive. Allows to enable or disable rules using a configuration file. # Report pre-allocation suggestions only on simple loops that have no returns/breaks/continues/gotos in them. Ignoring lints fn create app go-oci-app fn list apps connection refused fn start fn --verbose deploy --app go-oci-app --local What happened When I run git commit, pre-commit run golint command, and now it prints 'golint: command not found'. These unchecked errors can be critical bugs in some cases, Linter for Go source code that specializes in simplifying code, Vet examines Go source code and reports suspicious constructs, such as Printf calls whose arguments do not align with the format string, Detects when assignments to existing variables are not used. # Tags can be defined with # character prefix. isn't immediately available via homebrew core due to manual updates that need to occur from homebrew core maintainers. .husky/pre-commit: line 4: golangci-lint: command not found husky - pre-commit hook exited with code 127 (error) mentorhusky. Should negate the rule by separating format name and path by colon symbol the golangci-lint is. Expressions become case-sensitive zebeedees '' golangci-lint command is executed.golangci.yml ) ; and it. Running, but issues from them wo n't be reported the respective path you... Crash site within a single location that is structured and easy to build simple reliable. 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golangci lint command not found