colombia human rights report 2022

The victims were identified as Yobani Ortiz Cabezas, Bautista Ortiz, Manuel Anderson Villacorte Pascal and Jhon Fredy Villacorte Pascal. He sat on the community council called The Voice of Black People and campaigned to protect civilians from landmines and violence. He was a well-known cultural educator and artisan who taught workshops in a local cultural centre. She was six months pregnant. Reports said they had been intercepted and forced out of the vehicle before being killed. Community members reported that security forces in the vicinity had done nothing to intervene. The 53-year-old was attacked by armed assailants on a motorbike. U.S. Department of State - United States Department of State July 12, 2022 Report Abandoned by the State in Host Countries, Venezuelan Women Face Increasing Gender-Based Violence. On 16 February 2021, Joss nephew Wilinton Gabriel Prez Ortiz was murdered in Tame. The United States, the most influential foreign actor in Colombia, approved US$461 million in aid to Colombia for fiscal year 2021. 16 July Indigenous activist Jorge Eliecer Meja was killed in Santander de Quilichao, the latest act of violence in what is an extremely violent area. By the end of July, according to the INDEPAZ human rights organisation, 109 social activists and 29 former FARC guerrillas had been murdered since the start of the year. Soldiers reportedly opened fire and killed one of the miners, Sergio Lizcano. Three Aw activists were killed, named as reservation governor Juan Orlando Moreano, Carlos Moreano and John Faber Nastacuas. Among those targeted were political activists, journalists, community leaders and trade unionists. The federation called for an urgent investigation into the spate of violent acts. 3 July - Colombia's 49 th massacre of 2022 was carried out at around midday in the Inda Salata indigenous reservation in Tumaco, department of Nario. In September 2020, Causa Justa, a coalition of Colombian rights groups and activists, filed a lawsuit before the Constitutional Court, asking it to fully decriminalize abortion. A judicial decision remained pending at time of writing. The government has failed periodically to convene the National Commission of Security Guarantees, which is charged with designing policies to dismantle armed groups responsible for killings of rights defenders. In October 2021, the council extended the missions mandate until October 2022. Community leaders said that no warrant had been produced or order issued to legitimise the raid. 21 January Security forces attacked a humanitarian community on the border of the Meta and Guaviare departments. In October, the Constitutional Court gave the Truth Commission nine more months to release its findings. Colombia Executive Summary. In 2008, soldiers shot dead her husband Edwin Legarda during a protest over indigenous rights. Colombia will be the fastest growing regional economy in 2022, according to the OECD. 4 July A well-known former FARC guerrilla, Ronald Rojas, was killed in Palermo, Huila, where he was participating in the reincorporation process, which involved coordinating cultural activities in support of peace. At least 14 people were forced to leave the area because of the killings. Colombia Expanded Abortion Rights Using Arguments Rooted in Human Rights June 27, 2022 Commentary The Americas Should Unify in a Marriage Equality Bloc March 28, 2022 Report. 12 August Former FARC guerrilla Diomedes Bermdez Aguirre was murdered in San Antonio, Tolima. Date Geneva : UN, 17 May 2022. Human rights defenders, journalists, Indigenous and Afro-Colombian leaders, and other community activists face pervasive death threats and violence. The Constitutional Court rejected the lawsuits in March and August 2021. 6 October Community activist Edinson Murillo Ararat was murdered in Santander de Quilichao, Cauca. Share this via Facebook Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro, Armando Benedetti, Colombian ambassador to Venezuela and Colombia's President Gustavo Petro react at Miraflores Palace, in Caracas, Venezuela November 1, 2022. The restaurant, Casa Alternativa, is a productive project to provide former combatants with livelihoods. At least 52 families were forcibly displaced by the situation. The Covid-19 pandemic and measures in place to control it had a devastating impact on poverty and inequality in Colombia. The men were subsequently released unharmed. The first month of the year saw 14 social activists and three former FARC combatants murdered, in addition to 13 massacres. He is the 120th social activist murdered in 2022. She was attacked while mourning her husband at her sister-in-laws house. The figure is higher than what was recorded during the same period in 2021. He is the fourth activist killed in Colombia on the same day, with one other surviving an assassination attempt. Implementation of the Justice and Peace Law of 2005, which offers reduced sentences to demobilized paramilitary members who confess to their crimes, has been slow. Jos was a trade unionist in the FENSUAGRO agricultural union, which partners with Unite the Union and has seen close to 40 of its members murdered since the signing of the peace agreement in late 2016. Authorities have issued alerts over threats presented by different armed groups which are active in southern Bolvar. They were identified as Fernando Leal Martnez, who was 45 years old, Celsi Elisa Miranda, 61, and a 35-year-old named Gustavo. Elmers body was discovered a few hours later, while Yuliana was released. 26 August Three community members belonging to the indigenous reservations Pann and Chiles were killed in Cumbal, Nario. 31 October Wayuu human rights groups warned of an assassination attempt on activist Edwin Ceballos in the Mayapo zone of La Guajira. He was caught in the crossfire and killed during fighting between rival armed groups. In February, the JEP ordered the government to take measures to protect at-risk former FARC fighters, including by strengthening its response to the Ombudspersons Offices early alerts. 17 July Former FARC combatant Robin Muoz Taborda was murdered in Campamento, Antioquia, near to the reincorporation zone Jhon Bautista Pea where he was participating in the reincorporation process. 4 July Social activist and teacher Camilo Puni Bomba was murdered in Santander de Quilichao, Cauca, which continues to see very high levels of violence, particularly towards indigenous communities. [3] 30 October Community activist Johnny Agudelo was murdered in the city of Barranquilla on Colombias northern coast. In 2019, he had been elected for the Social Independent Alliance (ASI) party, which in the recent presidential elections backed centrist candidate Sergio Fajardo. High levels of violence continue impacting communities across Colombia, as paramilitaries and other armed groups remain active in many regions. Human Rights Watch World Report 1996 - Colombia, 1 January 1996, available at: https: . In October, the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court closed its preliminary examination on Colombia after reaching a cooperation agreement with the government. A minority of FARC guerrilla fighters, known as FARC dissidents, rejected the terms of the peace agreement, refused to disarm, and continue to commit abuses. The figure currently stands at 15 percent. The unstable situation in Arauca, eastern Colombia, escalated to extremely alarming levels, with a series of alarming incidents. He had founded the Tatayamba Cultural and Social Collective, a community project to promote cultural exchange. Between March and April, more than 5,800 people, including Venezuelans and Colombians who had been living in Venezuelas Apure state, fled to Colombias Arauca state, escaping fighting between armed groups and Venezuelan security forces, as well as abuses by security forces including arbitrary detention, torture, and extrajudicial executions. She was a member of the CCM womens association, as well as a traditional authority for African-Colombian communities in the region. Description 16 p. Notes Covers the period 1 Jan. to 31 Dec. 2021. Natanael is the 134th activist murdered in Colombia in 2022, according to INDEPAZ. Two of the victims were identified as Breiner Cervantes and Jos Domnguez. 29 October The Catatumbo Peasant Farmers Association (ASCAMCAT) made a public denouncement citing harassment by state security forces during a community assembly to develop programmes for illicit crop substitution, one of the core points of the 2016 peace agreement. 20 January African-Colombian community leader Libardo Castillo Ortiz was murdered in San Miguel de amb, a village in the southern department of Nario. Pea had received several threats by armed groups before her killing. Several families had already arrived in urban centres to seek sanctuary, while there was a strong possibility of major displacements of local populations. Various others are likely to have been committed during the period. Another two people were injured. Colombia continued to see high levels of violence in many parts of the country throughout February 2022. He was attacked while waiting at a public bus stop. One of the victims was identified as Neider Andrs Collazos Gutirrez, 21 years old, who was killed alongside an unnamed woman. 19 January Human rights defender Jos Avelino Prez Ortiz was killed while travelling to the city of Arauca. Both men coordinated illegal crop substitution programmes under the terms of the 2016 peace agreement. With Autocrats on the Defensive, Can Democrats Rise to the Occasion. 6 January The years second massacre was carried out in Man in the department of Casanare. An August Human Rights Watch report stated that the travel restrictions associated with the government's COVID-19 national quarantine severely limited the Wayuu's access to food. Inadequate government efforts to ensure adequate health care, water, and food and the Covid-19 lockdown have exacerbated the Wayuu malnutrition crisis. The INDEPAZ human rights NGO registered 20 activists murdered just this month, taking the number of killings in 2022 to 154. Various others are likely to have been committed during the period. The AFRODES human rights organisation condemned the act of racist police violence, adding that we demand respect from the public force [police].. The young victims were named as Ricardo Andrade Bravo, 22 years old, Arnold Montero Gallardo, 19, and Esteban Castillo Ordoez, 21. They all lived in the indigenous reservation Las Delicias in the Buenos Aires zone of Cauca. They were attacked at their home in the same area. On Twitter, President Gustavo Petro condemned the killings, emphasising that the press must have guarantees to do its work.. 17 January The body of social activist Luz Marina Arteaga was found in the River Meta in the Puerto Gaitn zone of Meta, five days after she had gone missing. It comes as the United Nations Human Rights. Assailants on a motorbike opened fire as the victims gathered outside a bar in the citys Montes neighbourhood. 28 August A third massacre was committed in just one day, as four men were killed in Valle del Guamuez, Putumayo. About. Venezuela's top leaders committing crimes against humanity: U.N. report. The commission has yielded limited results. By REGINA GARCIA CANO February 10, 2021 MEXICO CITY (AP) Colombia has failed to protect human rights activists in its remote communities, resulting in hundreds of slayings since the government reached a peace deal with the country's biggest rebel movement in 2016, an international monitoring group said Wednesday. This year has also seen a rise in massacres (attacks in which at least three people are killed), with 87 committed by the end of October. His body was found with signs of torture. geneva (26 july 2022) - the rising levels of violence perpetrated by non-state armed groups and criminal organizations in rural areas of colombia are having a devastating impact, particularly on women and children, indigenous peoples, afro-descendants, community leaders and human rights defenders, a un human rights office report published today Colombia human rights abuses can end with your support. A number of activists connected to the Historic Pact have been killed before and after Gustavo Petros election win. 27 October African-Colombian community activist Adelmo Balanta was murdered in Santander de Quilichao, Cauca. He was involved in land claims for victims of displacement during the conflict. Victims included lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. Voters elected Ivan Duque Marquez president in a second round of elections that observers considered free and fair and the most peaceful in decades. 25 July Three people were killed in the 54th massacre of 2022, when armed assailants attacked them in a public establishment in Puerto Rico, Caquet. N.B. Junio 2022 Format Situation Report Source. ASCAMCAT spokesperson Juan Carlos Quintero said that helicopters had flown over the meeting and dropped pamphlets which stigmatised the more than 1,000 delegates taking part in the assembly, held in the town of Tib. Having been designated a security detail over past threats, this had been withdrawn several months earlier, leaving him vulnerable to attack. Below is JFCs monthly update on human rights abuses in Colombia. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported more than 60,000 people displaced between January and September 2021 in mass displacements of 50 or more people or 10 or more familiesthe highest figure recorded since 2012. Natanael is the 134 th activist murdered in Colombia in 2022, according to INDEPAZ. Share this via Reddit He belonged to the San Martn Victims Association (ASDESAN). 22 August Social organisations denounced threats made against Luis Eduardo Gmez Pimienta, a former mayor in La Guajira, northern Colombia. In a statement, ACIN demanded an immediate end to hostilities. Two vehicles were disabled by the shots and one of the bodyguards was held before being released. Armed assailants arrived at the home and killed Ferdi Leandro Tapias and Uber Elicer Tapias Jaramillo. 31 July Aw indigenous leader Veronica Pai, who was an activist in the Piguambi Palangala reservation, was killed in Llorente, Nario. Under the peace accord, defendants who fully cooperate with the JEP and confess to their crimes are subject to up to eight years of restrictions on liberty, but no prison time. 562 human rights defenders were killed in Colombia between 2016 and 2021, according to a report by the United . Between January and September, 157 activists were murdered. 9 October Indigenous leader and activist Gerardo Pai Nastacuas died after stepping on a landmine in Tumaco, Nario, on the same day as former FARC guerrilla Hctor Agudelo Rivera was killed nearby. Next president will have to reunite Brazil, says Pacheco; So Paulo: Tarcsio says he will govern . 24 August Three people were killed at a home in the town of Buga, Valle del Cauca. As in previous years, thousands of mostly Haitian, Cuban, and African migrants crossed Colombias Darien gap into Panam on a journey that appeared to be bound for the United States. Presidential and legislative elections were held in 2018. Her body was found a few hours later, while her husband remained missing. <div> <span><br><span><br><br><img alt="Repairing a Fractured World Economy?" src="" width="480" height="360"><br . The violence which has inflicted many parts of Colombia in recent years is continuing into 2022. Abortion in Colombia is legal when the life or health of the pregnant person is at risk, the pregnancy results from rape, or the fetus has conditions incompatible with life outside the womb. Other ways to share Last year, she won a national human rights prize and was elected to the senate in March 2022. Between January and September, this state body - which monitors respect for human rights - recorded 157 murders of activists, more than the 109 . 6 July Three men were killed at around 9am as they travelled in La Montaita, Caquet. Most such killings have occurred in areas where illegal economic activities, such as drug production and trafficking, are common. He was attacked in a bar where he was socialising. Abogada Cum Laude con opcin en Ciencia Poltica de la Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia), Especializacin en Derecho Constitucional en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y MsC en . He was shot inside his home in front of his family, apparently by a sniper, and taken to hospital, where he died soon afterwards. Armed assailants on a motorcycle attacked him at around 9.45pm. 31 January Rural leader and organiser Jos Euclides Gonzlez Marn was killed in Caloto, Cauca, after armed assailants attacked him at around 4pm. Although the new government is acting swiftly on United Nations recommendations to advance implementation of the 2016 peace agreement, aligned with a policy of promoting dialogue with armed actors, addressing violence on such a high scale is extremely difficult. 5 August Social media photographs showed a police officer giving a thumbs-up to the camera as he knelt on the neck of a young black man in Calis neighbourhood of Llano Verde. Armed assailants reportedly opened fire at a group of people as they sat outside their homes in the Ciudadela Grajales neighbourhood. 2 October - Political activist Juan Gabriel Rueda was murdered in Salagar, Antioquia. 17 January The seventh massacre of 2022 claimed the lives of three men and a woman, who reportedly belonged to the same family. Along with representatives from the UNs Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the team was travelling to meetings with local communities when it was intercepted by assailants who incinerated two of the three vehicles. this report covered two years of work, and included exhaustive interviews with more than 50 people, including the victims and their relatives . They were attacked while returning from covering community celebrations in the sector of Santa Rosa de Lima. He was married with four children. Reports said they were intercepted by armed assailants on motorbikes and attacked. The small percentage of cases in which a final disciplinary decision is reached - between 2.46 and 7.72 percent for various serious crimes - suggests that impunity for such crimes is rampant in Colombia, which in turn contributes to the repetition of these practices. According to Quintero, this was occurring even though the event had government backing. 2 May 2022. In a hearing in March, Colombias representative requested recusal of most of the judges and left the hearing complaining of no guarantees of a fair trial. But many murdered defenders had not reported threats or requested protection. Last August, paramilitaries forcibly displaced around 1,150 people, mainly of African-Colombian heritage, from the village. These include Putumayo, Cauca, Valle del Cauca, and Nario states in the south; the Catatumbo region, on the border with Venezuela; and the Bajo Cauca region. The new government of Gustavo Petro has made confronting the human rights crisis an urgent priority. Other FARC dissidents disarmed initially but joined or created new groups, partly in response to attacks by armed groups and others against former fighters. Victims also reportedly included civilians who had been forced from their homes and killed. The victims were Jess Yohani Betancur Moncada, Yamid Zapata Barrero and Wilson Costez Molano, who was president of the community council in the community of El Paraso. It comes after he received threatening messages from members of the AGC paramilitary group in June. It also shows how we addressed the many challenges highlighted and reinforced by the COVID-19 pandemic with respect to human rights. He was a member of the local community council and a motorbike taxi driver. 4 October Five people were killed in another massacre, which was carried out in Calis Brisa de Mayo neighbourhood. In Choc state, on the western coast, fighting continued between the ELN and the Gaitanist Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AGC), a group that emerged from right-wing paramilitaries. Armed assailants entered the Soto family home and, without saying anything, attacked the inhabitants. Colombian law includes a broad range of policies, mechanisms, and laws designed to prevent abuses against human rights defenders and other people at risk. Share this via Twitter She has also denounced regional corruption which has diverted resources allocated to providing relief for indigenous communities and building infrastructure in one of Colombias most underdeveloped regions. The presidents of Colombia and Venezuela held their first bilateral meeting in the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, on Tuesday, where they discussed topics including trade, human rights and protecting . Gender-based violence, including by armed groups, is widespread. OCHA; Posted 7 Oct 2022 Originally published 7 Oct 2022. While the figure is positive, inflation growth is close to 9.2% and the economy is still adjusting after the recession of 2020, when it fell by 7% 20.

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colombia human rights report 2022