top international development consulting firms

No other firm in the world has as much consulting prestige as McKinsey & Company. All Rights Reserved. Meanwhile, Putnam has also become the strategic partner of choice for venture-backed biotech companies, franchises, and a range of others in the life sciences space. Discover our insights for a sustainable, low-emissions future. 1. Professional services network Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (commonly referred to as simply Deloitte) continues to set the bar high for services including analytics and cloud computing. Tata Consultancy Services Whether massive global firms or small boutiques, clients rely on these firms for revenue growth, operational improvements, human capital management, and digital transformation, among many other services. Founded in 1999 by Charles Bates and Halbert White, the firm currently has one office in Washington, D.C., with nearly 300 employees. The firms extensive client base spans an impressive 16 different industry sectors: banking and capital markets; insurance; investment management; building, construction, and real estate; alternative investments; industrial manufacturing; retail; food, drink, and consumer goods; energy, natural resources, and chemicals; government and public sector; healthcare and pharmaceuticals; technology; high growth mid-market and venture capital; media and telecommunications; private equity; and high growth emerging markets. With more than 800 risk, claims, safety, and industry-specific specialists in more than 40 countries around the globe, Marsh is primarily concerned with representing commercial interests searching for insurance coverage. With the ever-changing business dynamics and fast-paced digitalization, marketing consulting firms are the ones that help businesses steer through changes successfully. Its clients include more than 200 government organizations across 47 states and territories, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Department of Labor, and large municipal governments. Now, it is a major management consulting and professional services firm focusing on consulting, software, and technology and provides services for clients in healthcare, private equity, and technology. 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If you want to change your privacy settings (grant consent or revoke your previously granted consent), click, Switch to accept or reject the category Other content, Switch to accept or reject the service Twitter, Angermeier&Partner International Development (Germany), Arup International Development (International), Canadian Leaders in International Consulting (Canada), DevPar Financial Consulting Ltd. (Canada), Institute for Sustainable Communities (US), International Development Opportunities (Switzerland), INTRAC - International NGO Training & Research Centre (UK), Land o' Lakes International Development (US), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) / 2030 Agenda. The firm categorizes its consulting methodology into four areas: reveal, unhook, invent, and implement. Headquarters: Chicago, IL. Cornerstone Research EY Advisory 8. McKinsey: Will Generative AI Change Your Business? We guide clients on the path to designing, implementing, evaluating, and improving how urban systems and institutions address critical development issues. Since then, Protiviti has expanded rapidly, reporting revenue that surpassed the $1 billion mark for the 2019 fiscal year. The Accounting, Finance & Technology category consists of Accenture, Booz Allen, Deloitte, KPMG, EY, PwC, and Wavestone. Among other awards, they were recognized in the 2021 Vault Consulting 50 list of top employers. The Chartis Group Based in Boston, Massachusetts, Charles River Associates (CRA) is a global consulting firm specializing in management consulting and economic litigation. Visit Site. For information pertaining to content permissions, please refer to The Consulting Reports award usage regulations. Marsh knows that managing risk in today's environment is complex. As experts in technology integration, RPS develops and delivers solutions that use the right technologies, tools, and processes to help with a single training element or a comprehensive, enterprise-wide program. An overview of the top consultancy firms in the Netherlands per category: Strategic consulting. Kearney 9. The firm offers tailored solutions to a broad range of publicly- and privately-held organizations across a wide range of industries, government agencies, financial institutions, and civic and religious organizations. Boston Consulting Group It provides services to 420 out of 500 Fortune 500 companies, making it the second largest professional services firm in the world. The firms banner Technology Solution Delivery capability is how it enables people and processes via strength of technology. Focus: International Economics. Ursula Burns, the former CEO of Xerox, has been chosen as the chairwoman of the company with the departure of Declan Kelly, the former CEO and chairman of the company, and also co-founder As highlighted by the widespread SolarWinds security breach, the public and private sector can no longer afford to act separately when it comes to cybersecurity. FHI 360 is a global development organization with a rigorous, evidence-based approach, dedicated to improving lives by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions. Headquarters: New York, NY. With over 450 5-star reviews online, SmartSites is America #1 rated digital marketing agency. Boston Consulting Group 2. British-Dutch multinational professional services network KPMG International Limited, often shortened to KPMG, is well known as one of the Big Four accounting organizations. Founded in 1982 as Forensic Technologies International, Ltd, FTI operates in just under 30 countries with an employee base of more than 6,200. Answer (1 of 4): Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a kind of global private business self-regulation which aims to contribute to societal goals of a philanthropic, activist, or charitable nature by participating in or encouraging volunteering or ethically-oriented practices. Corporate Finance and Restructuring provides business turnaround services, including support for restructuring, litigation, insolvency, and interim management. This includes the 2018 acquisition of Kroll, which was used in the firm's renaming process that was completed in 2022. Rank 1. Their work in the education sector has included cost saving strategies for universities, better workload management at schools, and insights on what the global crisis taught universities about higher education. Across the board, the consulting firms that command the highest number of positions in the list are: the world's three largest strategy consulting firms of McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Bain & Company, the Big Five of Accenture, Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PwC, local-origin players Capgemini Invent and Wavestone. Headquarters: New York, NY. The Brattle Group provides consulting services and expert testimony in economics, finance, and regulation to corporations, law firms, and public agencies. Over the last more than three decades, UCIL rendered consultancy services in diversified development projects in the country and abroad. Along with Deloitte, EY, and KPMG, PwC is recognized for being one of the Big Four accounting firms. Headquarters: San Francisco, CA. The firm has received many awards for its workplace equality, global culture, and environmental records, including the Human Rights Campaign Award for Workplace Equality Innovation. I arrived in Hong Kong in 1994 on a one-way ticket, and I have lived and worked internationally ever since. Now, Publicis Sapient is working with Microsoft and other tech firms to transform how groceries are delivered, how people travel safely, and much more. The firm has experienced professionals in almost 20 industry groups who consult on nearly every aspect of business, from finance and technology to operations and compliance as well as risk mitigation, mergers and acquisitions, strategy, cybersecurity and workforce management. 10. With revenues of $1.97 billion, 51 offices, and more than 9,000 problem-solvers across the U.S., the firm is also the largest member of the Grant Thornton International Ltd global network. Among its numerous awards, in 2007 L.E.K. What they do: Carminati Consulting is an IT consulting firm providing a variety of tech-based services ranging from software application development and project management to predictive analytics and learning management platforms. While the firm in its present form was created in 1998 (by a merger between two accounting firms: Coopers & Lybrand and Price Waterhouse), its legacy can be traced back to the middle of the nineteenth century, when it was founded in the U.K. Today, it employs over 280,000 people who operate in more than 150 countries around the world. L.E.K. BCG had its own controversy, with CEO Rich Lesser serving on Donald Trump . This highly reputed consulting firm also has expertise in the hospitality industry. Mediaociean. It was created in 2017 from the merger of INC Research and inVentiv Health the parent company of a subsidiary, Syneos. Headquartered in Menlo Park and San Ramon, California, Protiviti boasts a clientele that includes over 60% of Fortune 1000 and 35% of Fortune Global 500 companies. See how we support our people, protect the planet, and give back to communities. The pitch seems to be working, as Syneos Health continues to grow and currently boasts customers in more than 110 countries. 1 consulting service provider worldwide by revenue. Bain & Company 2. They help provide corporations, governments, and other types of organizations with analytics, insights, and counsel on a wide variety of matters. Forensic and Litigation Consulting covers investigative data analysis and forensic accounting services as well as construction solutions services. We've included the top 10 project management services for all types of corporate projects. The firm is also committed to sharing its diversity and equity values, as well as its environmental, social, and governance practices. Bain supports nonprofits and entrepreneurs who seek to bring growth to the communities they serve in effective and sustainable ways. FTI Consulting 80% of AmLaw 100 firms, 50% of Fortune 100 companies, and 25% of Fortune 500 companies use The Brattle Groups expert services. 49. It now boasts over 30,000 employees, 130+ offices around the globe, and more than $10 billion in annual revenue, making it the biggest pure consulting firm in the world. NERA Economic Consulting View 5 change management tips for government leaders. Described by The New York Times as "one of the countrys oldest and best-known economic consultancies, NERA Economic Consulting, Inc. is the go-to consulting firm for many high-profile disputes and legal cases around the globe. 13. Headquarters: Evanston, IL. Headquarters: Boston, MA. Its services span identity, publications, packaging, product, interactive communications, exhibition and environmental design. With offices in Atlanta, Chicago, and Los Angeles, its small, experienced teams create value for clients through growth strategy, operational improvement, financial restructuring, and acquisition integration. Big 4 Consulting Practice: This group consists of the consulting divisions of the Big 4 Accounting Firms - Deloitte, PwC, EY and KPMG (usually with different brand names). Today, it's known simply as Marsh, a subsidiary of Marsh McLennan. It has also been the recipient of numerous awards and recognitions, including being named one of Modern Healthcares Best Places to Work 2021 and Best in KLAS in four different categories in 2022: Healthcare Management Consulting, Digital Transformation Consulting, HIT Advisory Services, and Financial Improvement Consulting. The firm, which gets a significant portion of its revenue from the U.S. government, is the result of the 2020 merger between the aerospace subsidiaries of United Technologies Corporation and the Raytheon Company. This helps to ensure that all breakthrough, innovation, and transformation initiatives are truly led by client leadership and their employees, making it clear that capabilities and competencies are to be developed in tandem within the organization. About 25% of its work comes from clients in Europe and Asia and 40% has a major international component. The industry has grown at 3-4% on average since then. Ernst & Young The Top 10 Consulting Firms in North America are: 1. Business Talent Group. Rolfe founded Keystone with the goal of creating a firm that placed service to its clients above its own interests. to top. Lead Client Service Partner, USAID and US-IDO +1 614 537 2884 Kathleen is a principal with Deloitte's Government & Public Services team and leads Deloitte's International Development practice, which includes our work with the U.S. Agency for International Develo. 34. In 2002, Protiviti was formed with the recruitment of more than 700 Arthur Andersen staffers (in the wake of its collapse), including some 50 partners of the firm. Bain & Company is a global management consulting firm headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, and with 63 offices in 38 countries around the world. CSG provides project related services including planning and strategy, program and project management, independent verification and validation, quality assurance, organizational change management, testing, system security, and federal compliance. services nearly all industries and functions, it is best regarded for its work in healthcare and private equity. Over the years, the organization has received substantial support from Bain, with whom it has maintained a close relationship. Since 1983, when NERA was acquired, it has remained a part of the Oliver Wyman Group, a subsidiary of Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Headquarters: Chicago, IL. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) BCG, while smallerwith 14,000 employees as of 2018is a clear challenger firm to McKinsey and is growing a little faster. CohnReznick LLP It has been ranked in the top 10 in Vault's Consulting 50 multiple times, and in Consulting magazine's Best Firms to Work For. Founded in 1983, Alvarez & Marsal (A&M) is a global professional services firm notable for its work in turnaround management and performance improvement of several large, high-profile businesses both in the U.S. and abroad. Remarkably, Marsh's $5.98 billion in 2016 revenue accounted for 45% of the parent company's total fiscal year revenue. Deloitte is a storied institution that traces its roots back to its founding in 1845. PwC Advisory 10. SparkOptimus 5. This year, IBM teamed up with the USTA to deliver all-new, all-virtual signature experiences for the U.S. Open, leveraging both IBM Watson and IBM Cloud. Currently, NERA employs more than 500 professionals, including 425 economists, who provide a plethora of services from creating strategies to providing expert testimony and policy recommendations for corporations, government authorities, and the worlds leading law firms. Its no understatement to say that the Mumbai-based firm possesses top-level talent on a wide variety of IT services, but it is perhaps best known for its work in application development and management as well as its work in enterprise solutions and outsourcing particularly its lauded enterprise application TCS Crystallus. 5. The firm boasts a workforce of more than 14,000 professionals who provide guidance to public, private, and non-profit organizations of all sizes. Featuring an unparalleled 360 research capability as well as rigorous analytic capabilities, the firm has earned a stellar reputation due to its benchmarking, competitive analysis, ability to listen to the voice of the customer, commercial diligence, work supporting investment decisions, and other externally driven strategic development work. has become a major player in the global management consulting space. Accenture has a reach that spans clients in 120 countries. The firm additionally gives its clients authentic end-to-end capabilities at scale, from experience strategy to the design, delivery, and optimization of employee/customer experiences. ZS has been awarded for its firm culture by Consulting magazine several years in a row and was chosen by Forbes magazine as one of Americas best management and consulting firms in 2019. McKinsey & Company 3. Plus, our extensive work with nonprofits gives . Headquarters: Arlington, VA. Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company is a British-American multinational risk management, insurance brokerage, and advisory firm with roots dating back to 1828. Berenschot 6. Based in Morrisville, North Carolina, Syneos Health is a biopharmaceutical solutions management consulting firm making waves in the life sciences industry. Initially an in-house tech unit for data analytics firm Dun & Bradstreet, Cognizant has achieved remarkable growth over the past decades, rising to the top 200 of the Fortune 500 list last year. By some estimates, there are thousands of consulting firms around the world. KPMG Advisory 7. Kroll advises clients in the key areas of valuation, corporate finance, disputes and investigations, cyber security, and regulatory issues but the firm is arguably best known for its work in administration processes. With nearly 300 offices and 150 delivery centers worldwide, TCS has posted impressive financial gains even during the time of COVID-19, with operating income in excess of $6 billion as of 2021. Entrepreneurial business leader, Director and hands-on consultant with 30 years' experience of international business development, sales and commercial roles. 3 Things Consulting Firms Actually Look for in Your Application We are sharing our powerful strategies to get your foot in the door, even if you have a low GPA, have little to no business experience, or study a non-business-related major. The top-tier consulting firms are collectively known as MBB, which stands for McKinsey, BCG, and Bain. With an eye toward innovating for the next generation of tech, Publicis Sapient brings to the table a comprehensive array of IT services in enterprise platforms, digital product management, customer experience, and more. With more than 5,000 employees across 85+ offices in over 25 countries, global consulting firm Protiviti has made tremendous progress during the past two decades. First originated as The Parthenon Group, LLC in 1991 by William "Bill" Achtmeyer and John C. Rutherford, two former Bain & Company directors, it eventually merged with professional services firm Ernst & Young to create the entity EY-Parthenon. The EY rebranding campaign of 2013 solidified what had been an informal moniker. Top 10 Best Project Management Consulting Firms. They have a substantial commitment to growth and a constant presence of corporations and leaders on the ground. The top consulting companies include brands like Deloitte, PwC, KPMG, EY, Accenture, IBM, BCG, Booz Allen etc. KPMGs three primary lines of services cover financial audit, tax, and advisory concerns, with its tax and advisory services further divided into a number of specific service groups. Headquarters: New York, NY. Functioning as an expansive network of member firms, EYs 700 worldwide offices employ over 300,000 team members in more than 150 countries. Putnam Bain & Company ranks No. More Wade Warren Deloitte Consulting LLP CVC Capital Partners, to which Teneo sold a majority stake in 2019 at a total valuation of around $700 million, has described Teneo's core service as "providing strategic and communications services, which covers a wide array of engagements such as customer communications, crisis management, investor relations, digital and social media consulting, executive recruitment, and litigation management.". The firm has followed the trends of the sector by augmenting its service portfolio to include markets adjacent to accounting, adding strategy, operations, HR, technology, and financial services consulting. ClearView combines international industry knowledge and deep scientific expertise across a range of therapeutic areas with an extensive network of external stakeholders to deliver practical and actionable recommendations. TOP 50 INTERNATIONAL WORK ENGINEERING + EA FIRMS: RANK: COMPANY: 2017 INTL. The firm has also made a 10-year commitment to invest more than $1 billion in pro bono services to bring its expertise and insight to organizations tackling todays urgent challenges in education, racial equity, social justice, economic development, and the environment. Comprehensive list of international development consulting companies who work with governments & foundations to advise on the world's complex challenges . The consulting giant advises in everything from strategy and marketing to analytics and IT transformations. Aly Sterling Philanthropy is a full-service nonprofit consulting firm that can help your organization navigate even the most turbulent of fundraising landscapes. McKinsey & Company 3. While L.E.K. TCS cloud platforms are fostering development across Asia, and the firms ADD Safety software was recently granted an award for using AI to radically improve pharmacological outcomes. Keystones rich expertise in strategy, economics, data analysis, product development, intellectual property, and antitrust make it stand out in the consulting industry. With active partner engagement, Keystones teams develop and implement recommendations to address its clients most complex business challenges. , unhook, invent, and improving how urban systems and institutions address development! Development issues turbulent of fundraising landscapes & # x27 ; ve included the top consultancy firms North... % of the parent company of a subsidiary, Syneos Health is a biopharmaceutical solutions management consulting space own. Business turnaround services, including support for Restructuring, litigation, insolvency, and management. 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top international development consulting firms