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Full time. 12.One bit of advice for the report you're writing: KISS! 31.The name of a store which is used on products which are specially packed (and sometimes produced) for that store. Working hours and time off work (pages 6264), 17. graveyard shift 18. homeworking (people who do this are sometimes referred to as open-collar workers) 19. roster 20. clock off (used informally even if you do not use a card and machine: "Right, that's it. 18.Did you get my notice? I do have several other ___________. Says Fred Schneider, We are old. OK. Oh, the line's gone ________. __________, together with a 23. (d) red tape. Celery = Salary, anum = annum, rears = arrears 8. We meet once a month to consult each other on major issues. (A radio announcement is being made for people travelling to a city for their job) Bad news for expatriates / commuters / immigrants / migrants, I'm afraid. 10.99 = ten pounds ninety nine (or ten pounds and ninety nine pence*) 12. Identify and correct the word in each case. 8. I hope so. A bill of lading is a list of goods being transported, which the transporter gives to the person sending the goods, to show them that the goods have been loaded. A period of paid or unpaid time off work for the purposes of research, study or travel is called a, The percentage of a workforce which is away from work with no good excuse is called the, A day when all employees in the country are allowed to take a day off work is called a, A period of paid leave given by some companies to staff who have completed several years of service is called, A person's right to something (for example, their right to a paid holiday from work) is called an, If an employee is away from work without permission and without a good reason, we can say that s/he has taken ___________, When an employee is sick and has to wait three days before s/he can claim sick pay, these days are known as ___________, If an employee has permission to be away from work, s/he has, When an employee gets time off from work instead of pay (for example, if they work overtime and get some time off work instead of overtime pay), we say that they take, A short period of leave given to a father to be away from work when his partner has a baby is called, Paid time off from work given to an employee to help him / her deal with personal affairs is called. As soon as goods are allowed into a country by the customs officer, we can say that they have been cleared. More than 3,000 dancers represent over 500 different Indian tribes from the USA and Canada at the pow wow. (5) proclivity / productivity for the company concerned. 23.A two-word adjective used to describe a product or service for which sales remain constant no matter what its price because it is essential to buyers. 14.Rearrange the letters in bold to make the names of things you might find in a hotel room (in addition to a bed, of course). The selling of goods or services through a linked group of. Thanks for lending me your mobile, but I'm afraid I've dropped it down the loo. These words can be found by reading from left to right ( ), and / or from top to bottom ( ). In each case, the first letter of each word you need is in the sentence / definition. 11.The adding of new types of products to the range already made is known as avidfictionsier. 18.A payment made by the government or by a private insurance company to someone who is ill and cannot work is called sickness ___________. __________ in sales management. Sharp Images - the Canon EF 400mm f/5.6 L USM Lens performs superbly in the sharpness department. We'll have to wait for the next one. , Appraisals, training and staff development, 3_Check_Your_English_Vocabulary_for_Business_a.pdf. It is an adaptation of the word downsizing. What are these? Any reader can search by registering. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. 4.Did you manage to get through to the complaints department? They'll say that the 'Ultimafone' is nothing more than a fat, and that this time next year nobody will want one! Latest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. 3.However, this isn't its only uniqe selling point. Match each definition in sentences 1 32 with an appropriate word 'pair' connected with sales and marketing. (to yield or to, After an agreement was reached, the union, for the chairman, who is ill. (to take someone's place), Despite serious personal problems, he has, (to manage to do a difficult job, usually over a long period of time), the budget. Many companies have adopted the practice of 360degree appraisals. More and more countries require foreign visitors to have one, and this will cost money (and time and effort, too: in some cases, the traveller has to present himself or herself in person at the country's (6) emmbassy / embassy). ABA and our members fully support consumers ability to access and share their financial data in a secure, transparent manner that gives them control. ergateul, (14)Examine information in detail. suggest something without saying it directly, Regular government health and safety inspections are, Despite several USP's* in our latest range, we can expect to face some, We are unable to make a decision at this time as we do not have, I'm not sure why your order was delayed for so long, but I assure you I will carry out a, We don't need to know all the details: try to give us a, She's a very successful saleswoman, but I don't think she's particularly, We have received a number of complaints about, Employee access to the office after 6pm is strictly, People enjoy working in our department: the atmosphere in the office is really, Our department manager does a good job, although he is often criticised for his, At the end of her presentation, there were several, The company is unwilling to invest in financially, Free accommodation is provided for our employees. There are a few things that the well-prepared business traveller should sort out before they leave the country. 1.The practice of staying away from work, often without a good reason. If you do this correctly, you will reveal a three-word idiomatic expression in the shaded vertical strip that marketing people use to describe people who are easy marketing targets because they are already thinking of buying a product or service. 21 days___________ a year, plus bank holidays. 3. This is usually the result of a breach of contract (in which one or both sides fails to agree to, or abide by, the terms and conditions of a contract drawn up between them). 15.All __________ / __________ from the sale of the building will be re-invested in the company. Absent = Absence (or Absenteeism from work) 13. sceme = scheme (x2), employs = employees 14. The message you want to communicate should be done in the most economical way, while remaining clear and polite (remember this acronym: KISS - Keep it short and simple), chair (we can also say preside over) 14. contribute, 14. refund / rebate 15. inflation / deflation. 8.You'll find the 'Ultimafone' on page 1 of our latest mobile phones brocure. 15.In fact, we're hoping to get at least five spouts on each of the major channels during prime-time viewing. 16.WRT your request for a day off next week, I'm afraid my answer is no. As soon as goods are allowed into a country by the customs officer, we can say that they have been c________ (1 ). 13. (, A contract in which the supplier charges the customer the same price for delivery of goods anywhere in the world. 14.At the end of her presentation, there were several relevant questions from the audience. A letter of credit - often abbreviated to L/C - is a document issued by a bank on behalf of a customer authorising payment to a supplier when conditions specified in the document are met. I also need to negotiate with our suppliers on prices for our base materials, visit those suppliers on a regular basis to check the quality of the base materials James: Do you have a car for that? P.We should manage, although everyone will have to work a bit harder. Either a word is spelt incorrectly, the form of the word is wrong, or a wrong word has been used. The decision or idea to start or do something. addition to the questions in the exercise, exit interviews might also ask the employee how s/he felt about the rewards, benefits and services offered by the company (holiday pay, sick pay, pension scheme, health insurance, life assurance, loan facilities, educational assistance, sports and social facilities, refreshment facilities, HR services, etc). Thirdly, they will need to get (7) traveller's cheques / traveling cheques and / or foreign (8) currancy / currency: if they choose the latter, they need to check the (9) exchange / changing rate to make sure they are getting a favourable (10) deal / bargain, and then in most cases they will need to pay (11) comission / commission / commision to the bank who supplies it. The first answer for each part has been done for you. Oh, and, there are other 20. several of these in the South and South-East. Interviews usually take one of two. __________, so I might end up with an even better job within the company. Note that you will need to use some of the verbs and particles more than once, and in some cases you will need to change their form (for example, to past simple). (, We don't check every item before we send it for sale. It also says that the 13. These are usually the result of disagreements over pay, conditions of work and unfair dismissals, including redundancy (the layingoff of employees because they are not needed). These work closely with employers to let potential. 2.moonPtior is the means of conveying the message about a product or service to potential customers (for example, publicity, a sales campaign, television commercials, etc). The following extracts do not match any of the letter types in the box: 19 (a reminder from a company to a client to pay them), 20 (a letter or email reserving a hotel room), 31 (a letter or email requesting something), 50 (a covering letter or note. That's pretty good for a job that just involves checking things are running smoothly. Import d________ (11 ) also sometimes called an import l________ (19, be paid on goods coming into a country. 5.Your performance has become rather erratic recently, so we were wondering if you might benefit from going on a new training course. We usually find that, gives us a good idea of quality. 2.You are told that you need to pay an excess baggage charge. The 14. __________ in, if you're interested. J.Well, there has already been some gradual expansion, but it's going to take time. These can either be completed with a word from box A or a word with a similar meaning from box B. The Athens, Ga., new wave pioneers are wrapping up their last-ever tour. We need a bit of wiggle room** here. RecruitmentUnit 0000 3: Contract of employment and job description. the price of some of our brands to help increase demand. There are two __________ / __________ available to us: close the company or move to another locality. The hotel is popular with business people because of its __________ / __________ to the central business district. Everybody says that the market for mobile phones is very cowded, and there is no more room or demand for new products. A check-in assistant is talking to a passenger) I'm afraid your flight has been cancelled / delayed / crashed / double-booked. 11.In a hotel, what is the difference between a single room, a twin room, a double room and a suite? (to refuse something, such as an offer of help), employee's hours of work because of shortage of work), We don't know if they will agree to our terms, and we won't, (to discover a fact or piece of information), any of their rights. A record of the international trading position of a country in m________ (34 ) (= goods), excluding invisible trade, is called the b________ (22 ) of trade. 15.If you want the job, a working knowledge of German is one of the main __________ / __________. *1: In Britain, the Working Time Directive of 1998 (based on guidelines set by the European Union) sets out the following regulations: Employees should work no more than 48 hours a week, and should receive a minimum of 4 weeks' paid leave a year. Three managers have been accused of (1) fraught / fraud, (2) dissemination / discrimination, (3) bullying / bumbling, (4) racy / racial (5) obtuse / abuse and (6) sectional / sexual (7) harassment. 23. covering letter 24. interview (A person attending an interview is called an interviewee; a person conducting an interview is called an interviewer), Recruitment 2: The recruitment process (pages 4041), 1. vacancy 2. recruit 3. staff 4. internally (an internal appointment) 5. externally 6. appointments / situations vacant (informally called the jobs pages or jobs section), 9. recruitment agency 10. institutional agency, 23.equal opportunities 24. affirmative recruitment. 3.We need to maintain __________ / __________ on the factory floor at all times, otherwise there are increased risks of an accident occurring. All __________ / __________ are requested to attend tomorrow's meeting, which will begin at 2pm. (6) broad / board and could face (7) instant / instance (8) dismal / dismissal. (2 words), 2.The task of managing the movement, storage and processing of materials and information in a supply chain. about 8 hours a day 5 days a week). That sounds like your kind of job. Speaker 2: Press zero, then the ________ key. Fine. That's true. 8.4% = eight point four per cent 4. We'll be examining it in detail at the next meeting. pixlnae. 14.A failure to carry out the terms of an agreement, or the failure to follow rules. 13.Have you seen his report? stainierdm, (34)Give information or instructions to your staff. 1. in beach of = in breach of (breach can also be a verb: False (they have only broken one of the clauses, or, comes from the verb to amalgamate: to join and become one. M25 = M twenty five / M4 = M four / A329 = A three two nine (these are British road classifications. 17.There will be plenty of product pacement in some of the biggest films of the year. 4. black (we can also say hidden economy, parallel economy or shadow economy). To reach the point at which revenue (the amount of money received for selling something) is equal to the costs of production. (At the airport, an urgent announcement is being made over the PA system) Would the last remaining passenger for flight BZ112 to Thessalonica please proceed immediately to door / entrance / gate / pier 22, where their flight is about to depart. 3.To give professional advice to someone on personal or professional issues. Complete the gaps with an appropriate word or expression from the box. A customs t________ (27, A person or company which arranges shipping and c________ (29, If tax on imported goods is not paid, those goods may be i________ (30. kept in a secure w________ (6 ) at or near the p________ (18 ) of entry until that tax is paid). (Note that in some cases the same word may be needed more than once, but will only appear once in each grid). Here are the complete sentences, with the answers in bold. 8.To try to settle a disagreement between two or more people / groups. nactexiolep, 14.Two well-suited organisations. For example, you can convey a message to someone, or you can convey goods from one place to another. In these cases, leave is a noun for permission to be away from work (e.g., He isn't here, he's on leave). 12. a black market (often used in the expression a black market economy). You will need to use some words more than once. If this happens again, those responsible will be taken before a (5) disconcerting / disciplinary. The first thing to do is to (9) counsel / council employees and try to establish the cause of their (10) grievances / grief. 3. discipline / order 4. takeover / acquisition, 8. proof / evidence 9. discount / reduction, advantages 15. requirements / prerequisites, 3. customers / patrons 4. categories / classifications (we, 20.strategy / plan 21. priority / precedence, Similar meanings 3: Adjectives (pages 53-54), 1. engaged / callback 2. putthrough / Hold the line 3. connect / message / voicemail / convenient 4. automated services / zeroing out (= pressing the zero key in the hope that you will speak to someone) / dead / cut off 5. tone / getback 6. on hold / camping on the line (= waiting on hold or a long time) 7. junk calls (= unsolicited cold calls from companies trying to sell you something) 8. The first one has been done for you. (b) 18. personal identification number, a private code number that only the user knows (also required when using a credit / debit card in a cash machine or in a shop) 19. Letters that begin with Dear Sir / Madam end with Yours faithfully. 2006 = two thousand and six (some people also say twenty oh six) / 1994 = nineteen ninety four 2. __________ they're offering looks, Well, that's the minimum amount of money that you can earn during the year. They sell these goods to individual customers (for example, shoppers) at a higher price which is called the retail price. I'm on a fulltime contract, which means I work from Monday to Friday, nine to five. There are several of these in the South and South-East. The shaded letter in each word is the first letter of the next word. Well, I certainly think it's a good idea to move it to a later date. 21.A product or service which sells the most in a market. And occasionally I have to go in at the weekend, too. Identify the most appropriate word in each case. Selfwood's operates several __________ / __________ where you can buy a selection of our own goods along with a large range of branded varieties. Instead of "With reference to", write "I refer to", etc). It also has a huge range of other feachures, including a, We call it the 'Ultimafone', and we've just applied for a patient so that. (the length of time that lapses between placing an order for something and receiving it), The recession has led to a drop in overall, reduce output on some of our less popular lines. BTW, have you received our latest catalogue? The papers we needed have finally arrived. If you do this correctly, you will reveal a hidden expression in the shaded vertical strip which means time off work granted to an employee to deal with personal or family problems. We think it's the best invention since the microchip, although obviously some people will tell you that it's just hyp, and we're making a lot of fuss about nothing. The price includes all the seller's costs until the goods are on the ship, plane, etc, for transportation. 21.Advertising is currently our main concern, and it should take __________ / __________ over everything else. 2.However, we believe we've found a nich in the market for something a little bit different: a mobile phone with an infra-red camera that lets you see in the dark. 14.There are going to be comercials on all of the main radio stations and television channels. We would like to stress that the company has a (9). In many situations where a service is provided, such as in a taxi, in a restaurant, at a hairdresser, at a hotel when the porter carries your bags to your room, etc. There are several __________ / __________ to working from home: you save on travel costs, for one thing. RecruitmentUnit 0000 2: The recruitment process. (, A method of stock control in which the stock of a product in store is used before more recently produced or purchased stock. When an employee is moved systematically from one job to another, this is known as ___________. Emoticons take the form of a face on its side, and use standard punctuation symbols and letters. Probably a bad thing. Several employees were made redundant following EZPrint's __________ / __________ of Colourcom. 5.Bring the cord up through the loop. 6.It was conceived by our inovative designs team, led by the brilliant Kevin Anorak. The questions in this exercise are typical questions that might be asked at an appraisal / assessment interview (sometimes informally called job chats). Spyware is computer software that secretly records the websites you visit on your computer, and this information is then used by companies who try to sell you things 5. 1.Would you advise against moving the head office to Edinburgh? FOB stand for free on b________ (2 ). When goods are sold within one country, they are transported to their place of sale by a d________ (8 ). 17.Free accommodation is provided for our employees. White. Probably not: the adjectives in italics are negative 16. 1.We have a very busy __________ / __________ today, so I suggest we start as soon as possible. One problem that many companies face is that of their employees (1) plateauing / plating. After successful completion of the probbation period. 29.The people to whom a company is planning to sell its goods or services. We need to maintain __________ / __________ on the factory floor at all times, otherwise there are increased risks of an accident occurring. (c) white goods (= machines that are used in the kitchen / utility room. The investigation also found that CenturyLink's service produced some of the biggest price disparities, with residents of the same city being offered pricing as different as 25 cents per Mbps and $100 per Mbps depending on where they lived. 11.People enjoy working in our department: the atmosphere in the office is really lively. If a company dismisses those workers who do not contribute much and are losing the company money, we could say that they smartsize) 11. happy camper (= someone who enjoys their job, although the expression is often used ironically) 12. wiggle room (= time to think before making an important decision) 13. busymeet (= a business meeting) 14. basket case (= a company or a person who is in such bad condition that they are beyond help) 15. trim the fat (= dismiss / lay off of those employees who do not work well or are surplus to requirement) 16. cash cow (= a product or service that makes a lot of money with a minimum amount of advertising), 2. laptop (also sometimes called a notebook), mouse 21. 3. I do have several other key responsibilities. 1.The process of a product going out of date because of progress in design or technology, and therefore becoming less useful or valuable, is known as bencsoslecoe. There are. reduce output on some of our less popular lines. strings which are wrapped together in a fashion similar to The first, 1.A likely or possible job applicant. 3.A long-term customer preference for a particular product or service (for example, someone who always buys Mazda cars because he thinks they are better than other cars on the market). ilifsena, (2)Suggest something without saying it directly.

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