mezuzah on left side of door

Nekudat Hakesef 289 supports the minhag is just to put it within the top third, like Rashi and Tosfot, and not specifically at the beginning of the top third, like the Rambam. However, if it is a large closet that is 4 by 4. may agrees. If it can't be placed on the doorpost, it should be drilled into the doorpost. Pitchei Teshuva 285:17 quoting Eshel Avraham and Sh"t Rav Meshulam that one could recite a bracha within 30 days based on Tosfot Chullin 110b s.v. For an entryway without a door, consider the hierarchy of a room in daily life. The Yavetz 70 held that in a case of doubt that can't be resolved should have a mezuzah on both sides. An accordion door where the accordion door opens to the left certainly should have a mezuzah on the right doorpost. Therefore, a 1x16 amot house isn't obligated in a mezuzah since it is unusable, however, a 2x8 house is obligated. "I did not grow up in a Jewish home, but converted to Judaism later in life. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Chazon Ish YD 168:5 (cited by Yabia Omer) and Binyan Tzion (cited by Chelkat Yakov) agree with the Bet Meir. However, if there is a space of more than 1 amah, they each require a separate mezuzah. The Chazon Ish YD 168:5 and 169:2 agrees and adds that accordingly the mezuzah should be placed on the left side, which is the right side going from the exempt area into the room. Exempt: Igrot Moshe YD 1:176 holds that if the direction in which the mezuzah should be put because it isn't used more for entry than exiting, the rooms it connects are used equally, and there is no door, then there is obligation to put up a mezuzah at all. If the standing doorpost is on the left (picture #2), that doorway isn't obligated in a mezuzah. According to religious doctrine, you are supposed to have a mezuzah for every proper room. The door to the stairwell should also have a mezuzah. He also records the practice of Brisk to follow this citation of the Gra. If the back door opens into a backyard that has a gate to a courtyard or street then the back door should have a mezuzah on the right side going into the house because the house is used more than the backyard. Agur Bohalecha quotes Minchat Yitzchak 1:8, 3:103, Even Yisrael 7:34, and Chovat Hadar 8:6 as being concerned for the opinion of the Chamudei Doniel. On which side of the door should the mezuzah be placed? Chovat Hadar ch. Az Nidbaru 10:32 favors the approach that a laundry room needs a mezuzah if it is a clean room such as an apartment building laundry room or drycleaner. Igrot Moshe YD 1:181, Agur Bohalecha 19:6. Ideally the case should be clear so that the word is visible from the outside. Once the closet is obligated in mezuzah which way should the mezuzah be? A mezuzah (Hebrew: "doorpost"; plural: mezuzot) is a piece of parchment, known as a klaf, contained in a decorative case and inscribed with specific Hebrew verses from the Torah (Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and 11:13-21).These verses consist of the Jewish prayer Shema Yisrael, beginning with the phrase: "Hear, O Israel, the Lord (is) our God, the Lord is One". 7 fnt. Rav Chaim Kanievsky in Mezuzot Beytecha (Shaarei Tzion 289:22) also records this practice of the Chazon Ish. Nachalat Tzvi 286 argues that even if one is renting for more than 30 days it doesn't need a mezuzah for the first 30 days. As regards the affixing of the mezuzah, it is immaterial whether one is left-handed or right-handed. Chovat Hadar 8:3:1 fnt. 289:6, Ben Ish Chai Ki Tavo Year 2 Halacha 7. All inner rooms require mezuzos on the doorways, even if there is no actual door, . The mezuzah should be placed on the right-hand doorpost - i.e. The Gemara Yoma 11a establishes that a shul that no one lives in doesn't need a mezuzah. The mezuzah should be attached at a little bit of an angle with the top facing in. Regarding airplanes he quotes Halichot Olam and Shevet Halevi 2:156, Mezuzah Vhilchoteha 6:5 citing Aruch Hashulchan 286:26, Minchat Yitzchak 2:82, Yoma 12a, Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 287:1. 1 When the mezuzah is affixed, a specific blessing is recited. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 11:11, Yalkut Yosef Sovah Semachot p. 546 no. achsadra. Therefore, the Chelkat Yakov concludes that since the house is used more than the courtyard that trumps the rule of the fact that the majority of the walking is from the house to the courtyard. The doorpost of a cellar that is lying flat or nearly flat. He says that it is in disagreement with the Ben Ish Chai Ki Tavo n. 7 who writes that after the fact it is kosher. Shevet Halevi 2:152 understands that the Bet Meir 289 agrees with Rabbi Akiva Eiger. Hamezuzah Vehilchoteha 11:12 agrees. However, if he works specific hours and part of his salary is his private room then it is exempt from a mezuzah. 16) are lenient and write that such is the minhag. Care should be taken to not tear or damage the parchment or the wording on it, as this will invalidate the mezuzah, which is considered Torah. Mechzeh Eliyahu 1:8:28 p. 74 is strict and quotes many who are strict including: Gidulei Hekdesh 4, Mateh Yehuda 40, Chesed Lalafim, Divrei Chamudot n. 46, Derech Hachayim, Yad Ketana, and Pri Megadim OC EA 240:17. When entering your home from the street, it will be on the right post. He is strict for the Bet Yosef. Learn more A mezuzah (Hebrew: "doorpost") represents the dividing line between the inside of a Jewish home or business and the outside world. Ahava Achva Vshalom p. 121 quotes Rav Elyashiv as holding like Chachmat Adam. Both instances are not architecturally proper doorways, but entrances formed by walls. Is this considered a mashkof? Initially, the homeowner should put it up himself. Place scroll inside mezuzah with the letter shin (that looks a hand with three fingers) with the fingers pointing toward the top of the mezuzah (the part that goes toward the inside of the room). Put the mezuzah in place on the top third of your doorpost at an angle with the . Igrot Moshe YD 4:43:2 unlike the opinion of the, Hamezuzah Vehilchoteha 11:10, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 11:3. Shach 291:3 explains while the Tur and Rama hold it is valid after the fact, the Bet Yosef and Levush hold otherwise. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 11:5, Rashi Menachot 33a s.v. 286:21 based on Rashba, Agur Bohalecha 26:10, Agur Bohalecha 13:16, Shaarei Hamezuzah 12:15, Chut Shani Mezuzah p. 121, Shulchan Aruch YD 287:1, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 11:11. Thus, according to most opinions, the entrance leading towards the bedroom of Raphaels apartment would require a mezuzah (assuming that is has a mashkof) but without a beracha. Shulchan Aruch YD 286:13 writes the opinion of the Rambam that if the room has an area of 4 by 4. Bet Meir 289 agrees for another reason. 39). If the sole doorpost is on the left, and the continuing wall is on the right, no mezuzah is necessary. 10) writes that the Maharam Rotenberg learned from the Yerushalmi that a bet midrash should have a mezuzah. Sign up for wikiHow's weekly email newsletter. ",,,,, While Sephardim place the mezuzah straight up. This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Mezuzah Vehilchoteha 9:3 writes that if there are large items in a room such as a refrigerator or oven they don't minimize the space of the room and count towards the four by four amot since they are normally there and enhance the use of the room. Chelkat Yakov doesn't hold of majority of walking (#4) at all. Shulchan Aruch implies that a roof isn't a lintel. Some poskim hold that it isn't necessary to get one's mezuzot checked if they are completely sealed. Mezuzah on black. He wants to know whether he needs to place a mezuzah at the doorway out of the lounge marked "Sofek 1", and also whether the entrance to the kitchen requires a mezuzah. read more. Shulchan Aruch YD 296:15 writes that a doorway that doesn't have a door is obligated in a mezuzah, however, some disagree. It's used in the Torah when the children of Israel are commanded to mark their doorposts with blood so that death might pass over them. He explains that since the courtyard is only obligated because it is open to the house, the mezuzah must be placed on the right side going into the house. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. ha, Rama 289:6, Levush 289:6, Chayei Adam 15:19, Minchas Elazar 1:36:1, Pitchei Mezuzahs 289:57, Chovat Hadar 9:footnote 20. At this point it is customary to recite the blessing for hanging the mezuzah: Continuing to hold mezuzah in place, screw in first the bottom screw and then the top screw until they just touch the glass. Rav Elyashiv (Shvut Yitzchak v. 16 p. 6 fnt. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. Gra 286:13 understands the Rambam like the Rosh but holds like the Rosh. 289:2, Levush 289:2, Chayei Adam 15:17, Tur 289, Shulchan Aruch 289:2, Levush 289:2, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 11:5. Bach YD 285 and Aruch Hashulchan YD 285:3 write that a house with a mezuzah has extra protection. Some say that as long as the mezuzah is visible within the normal eyesight it isn't considered too high. 19), Rav Wosner (Shevet Halevi 2:152, 2:156:286:13), Rav Elyashiv (Kovetz Teshuvot 2:6:3), Rav Shternbuch (Teshuvot Vehanhagot 1:653). Rabbi Akiva Eiger 286:13 writes that since the area is exempt from a mezuzah it can still be considered an entrance into the room. The Rosh (Mezuzah no. Most poskim hold that the mezuzah should be placed on the right side going into a closet if the closet is obligated in mezuzah. 6:9). There is an opinion that you may take down the mezuzot if you're going to put them up in another house, however, that opinion isn't accepted as the halacha. He rules that one is required to affix a Mezuzah to the right side as one leaves the small area into the larger area. As long as a door can be used as an entrance and exit, a mezuzah should be affixed to the doorpost. 3 explaining the position of Rav Dovid Yungreis, Agur Bohalecha 13:13 quoting Rav Chaim Kanievsky (Mezuzot Beytecha 285:20), Daat Kedoshim (285:1), Chovat Hadar 8:3:3, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Hatorah Vehamitzvah v. 2 p. 663). Two doorways next to one another with doors that are attached to the middle pole and the pole is a tefach wide are obligated in two mezuzot. Maharam Shik 287 accepts the Chamudei Doniel. Kyle Taylor Founder at The Penny Hoarder (2010-present) Updated Jul 22 Rambam Brachot 11:13 writes that an agent who puts up a mezuzah writes the bracha . A mezuzah is a sacred utensil set on the side of the entrance to a dwelling house and in the rooms of the house, usually on the lintel. Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (cited by Hamezuzah Vehilchoteha ch. Chelkat Yakov 162 holds that it is a rabbinic form of Bal Tosif. A balcony or deck that opens to a house and has no other entrance or exit should have a mezuzah on the right going from the house to the balcony. The Chelkat Yakov YD 161 proves that the Mordechai is the source for the Levush. Even if the case is clear it counts as a single cover. Mesoret Moshe v. 3 p. 276 quotes Rav Moshe Feinstein as holding that it is acceptable to recite a bracha within 30 days. His logic is that the room that is used more is only an indication of which way people walk a majority of the time but the main factor is the way people walk. Some say that a mezuzah shouldn't be put up with a magnet. 9 fnt. Rabbi Meir required a mezuzah on a doorway with one sidepost only when its sidepost is on the right side, but not when there is only a sidepost on the left side.'" Right, Left Thus, Rav Papa notes that when the only sidepost is on the left side, there is no requirement to place a mezuzah according to all opinions. bitechila, Rambam Hilchot Mezuzah 6:12, Tur 289, Prisha 289:6, Shulchan Aruch Y.D. "We painted the interior of our house and want to put back our mezuzah. So now Raphael has his answer: The rooms where there is a right sidepost upon entering require a mezuzah without a beracha, provided that they have some type of mashkof. If someone is renting a house for more than 30 days, some say that he is obligated to put up a mezuzah immediately. Background: The Maharil (responsa 94) holds that the mezuzah is placed on the right side going to an enclosed courtyard since the courtyard is closed and the only way to enter it is from the house so the entrance is from the house to the courtyard. 291:2. However, the Chazon Ish 172:3 implies that the halacha is you need a recognizable lintel to be obligated like the Riaz against the Ravyah. [8] It is advisable to cover it anyways with a double cover, in case the door is inadvertently left open. A revolving door should have a mezuzah on the right side whether the revolving door turns counter-clockwise or clockwise. 4) We should learn from Tefillin that just as non-Jews don't have the mitzvah of tefillin they may not write a mezuzah. Maharalbach 110 rules like the Rambam. Agur Bohalecha 26:8, Rav Chaim Kanievsky (Daat Noteh Mezuzah p. 570) defending the Yad Ketana, Birur Halacha Hakatzar p. 79 202:3. The klaf should be rolled from left to right. When passing through the door, one must touch and kiss the word Shaddai and recite the following prayer: "May God keep my going out and my coming in from . According to Agur Bohalecha 27:3 the rules are 2, 3, 5, 4. The mezuzah should be hung on the right doorpost of home's entry doors and all other doors that enter into a room except bathrooms. Do we rule like the Sages or like Rabbi Meir? Agur Bohalecha 19:6 and Teshuvot Vehanahgot 1:653 unlike Shevet Halevi 2:152 who writes that one can recite a bracha following Rabbi Akiva Eiger. Additionally, if it doesn't have a roof it isn't obligated in it of itself. There is an obligation to put up a mezuzah on a summer home or any home that is lived in even for part of the year. If it is affixed to the left hand side, it is invalid. Care should also be taken not to put the Scroll of the . A closet that you do not walk into is exempt from a mezuzah. That is considered an exit and not entering. Initially one should not have a child or non-Jew put up a mezuzah. $37.50 $ 37. He says that in the house of the Squever Rebbe they have such a room and it doesn't have a mezuzah. The proper place for the Mezuzah is at the bottom of the top third of the doorway. Rav Wosner (Kovetz Mbet Levi p. 129) agrees. Aruch Hashulchan 286:9 agrees. Whenever passing it, we should remind ourselves of Hashems constant protection. The Rosh (Hilchos Mezuzah #14) explains that the case is where one entire wall of the room or house is missing, and thus the entranceway is created by the wall ending, rather than the existence of an actual door. Yalkut Yosef YD 285:41 and Halichot Olam v. 8 p. 302 agree for additional reasons such as the Smag who holds that if the mezuzah is ten tefachim from the ground it is considered in another domain. When building a house, one must be certain that the part of the building above a door or a window is properly supported so that the building does not tumble down on its inhabitants, something that will ruin the contractors reputation and potentially could hurt someone. A Jewish hospital should have a mezuzah without a bracha. The Mezuzah is affixed to the right side of the doorpost (as one enters the home or room). For example, it must be written on parchment made from a kosher species of animal, such as a cow, a sheep or a goat. Jewish law states that mezuzahs must be placed on every door in a home or business owned by a Jew. The stationary door is a wall. One should establish it in a way that even in the unlikely scenario it won't fall down. The doorpost of an archway needs to be at least 10 handbreadths tall in order to require a mezuzah.24 A lintel that is not straight still requires a mezuzah because it . The Milky Whey Does Chalav Yisrael Apply Today. Last Updated: September 3, 2021 If a doorway isn't used for entering it doesn't need a mezuzah. This name is an acronym for "Guardian of the Doors of Israel." ( Shin, the first letter of this Name, often . Buses, cars, and airplanes are exempt from mezuzah since they are moveable and aren't meant for permanent dwelling. Agur Bohalecha 8:22. Even the oven which is attached to a gas line doesn't minimize the space since it is moveable within the kitchen. He added that a evil spirit bothered him when he slept in the bet midrash during the day until put up a mezuzah. The Ashkenazic custom is to affix the mezuzah on a slight angle, with the top of the mezuzah angled toward the inside of the room and the bottom angled toward the outside. pesula, Shulchan Aruch Y.D. Agur Bohalecha 32:18-9 writes that a room that is used exclusively as a passageway to a bathroom is exempt from mezuzah. However, since some poskim hold that it doesn't require a mezuzah if it isn't used by night in such a case a mezuzah should be put up without a bracha. However, to avoid any dispute one should put it within the top third of the door if it is determined with and without the window. However, the Bet Meir 289 argues with the Maharil and says that since the house is used more than the courtyard it is considered an entrance into the house. Tel-Aviv. Shiltei Giborim (Hilchot Mezuzah 6b) cites the Riaz who holds of the same concept. If there is a sliding door or another door without hinges there is a question whether a bracha is recited. Some say that putting up an extra mezuzah when a door is split with a pole and really only needs one mezuzah is a violation of baal tosif. Shraga Landesman Brass Shalom Mezuzah. Chachmat Adam 128:10, Mishna Brurah 40:7, Kaf Hachayim 40:19. The Taz 286:10 explains that even if the store is used every day it is exempt since no one lives in it at night. Peel the paper from the other side of the tape. Shulchan Aruch YD 286:10 concludes that a bet midrash does not need a mezuzah but since some say it should have one it is proper to put up one without a bracha. A mezuzah could be put up with tape or glue. Many Jews will touch their fingers to their lips when they enter or exit a door and then touch the Mezuzah, thus "kissing" the Mezuzah and the Word of God it contains. Or Letzion YD 1:14 writes that he partially rejects the Chamudei Doniel, but through his understanding of the topic, agrees in practice to place a mezuzah on the right going into a balcony that is exempt because it is less than 4x4 amot or isn't roofed. Enjoy! A regular doorway has two doorposts and a lintel (picture #1). Chovat Hadar 7:7, Agur Bohalecha 21:25. Hanging a mezuzah on one's door is a Biblical commandment and a Jewish tradition to this day. See Yabia Omer YD 2:21 where Chacham Ovadia Yosef quotes poskim who say that if it was placed higher than the beginning of the top third it should be moved without a beracha to there, but himself disagrees. See Daat Kedoshim 285:17. A person should recite the bracha upon putting up the mezuzah that indisputably needs a mezuzah with a bracha and then without interruption put up the other mezuzot. If the doorway is arched there is a dispute whether the height of the doorposts includes the arched section where the doorway has a width of 4 tefachim. See Agur Bohalecha who discusses this further but generally agrees that the Chazon Ish disregarded the Chamudei Doniel. Required fields are marked *. The Maharam Shik YD 287 argues that this would violate the prohibition of adding a mitzvah, Bal Tosif. Rama Y.D. However, most authorities rule that if there is a right sidepost one should place a mezuzah there, albeit without a beracha. The Rambam (Mezuzah 6:2) holds that an area that is 2x8 amot is obligated in a mezuzah as would any area that is larger than 16 square amot. The Mezuzah on the Right and the Hanukkah Menorah on the Left The Talmud in Tractate Shabbat states that one should place the Hanukkah Menorah to the left of the door and the Mezuzah to the right. Raphael* sent me an e-mail which included an attachment with the layout of his new apartment (see attachment entitled "map"). 42 that a room used for washing one's hands outside of a bathroom is obligated if it is also used to wash one's hands for a meal or another honorable activity. By obtaining the right material and hanging the mezuzah in the proper way, you can represent yourself with this symbol of the Jewish faith. Magen Avraham 40:2 holds that a mezuzah that is facing the inside of the room needs to be covered with a double covering to permit having tashmish in the room. 41 has a doubt about the case and leaves it unresolved. Rashi said that the Mezuzah should be affixed to the door in a straight vertical fashion. He also rejects the opinion of the questioner to put up a mezuzah on the side of his choice. The exact placement of a Mezuzah is on the right side of the doorpost (when entering the home or room), on the lower part of the upper third of the doorpost (or around shoulder height for high doorways). [3] The details as to which doorways, how the mezuzah should be placed, and the bracha are described below. As you position the mezuzah mark the places on top and bottom where the screws will be screwed into the frame. (My garden has a gate without a lintel, connecting to the street). Before attaching the mezuzah, say the blessing: "Baruch Atah Ad-o . Shulchan Aruch Y.D. Pitchei Shaarim 287:1:12 p. 215 agrees. The accepted conclusion is to install a mezuzah in a doorway that has no door, but not to recite a beracha when doing so out of deference to the Rambam (see Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 286:15). A mezuzah that is removed from its spot for over 24 hours should be blessed again. He holds that the way people enter a majority of the time is an application of the deoritta halacha to put a mezuzah on the right as a person enters. The lintel rests its own weight and that which it supports on sideposts. In Hebrew, the word mezuzah () actually means "doorpost" (the plural is , mezuzot ). Ad by DARYAtevelDesign Ad from shop DARYAtevelDesign DARYAtevelDesign From shop DARYAtevelDesign. It should go about 2/3 of the way up the doorpost and be affixed diagonally, with the top of the mezuzah slanting in towards the house or the entrance of the room. Agur Bohalecha 14:9 writes that the entire mezuzah should be within the doorframe, though he cites the Shevet Halevi 3:151 who holds that it is sufficient if part is in the doorframe. A room in the shape of a T or L is obligated in a mezuzah if has an area of a rectangle of 16 square amot (either areas A, B, and C OR B and D in picture). If there are polls or an arch in the middle of a room that creates a doorway, if the two halves of the room are used for the same purpose there is no obligation to put up a mezuzah on the polls, however, if the polls separate the room in two and they are used for different uses then the doorway created by the polls requires a mezuzah. The Rambam establishes ten rules that must be met to require a mezuzah, of which the following three issues are germane to answer the above questions. In other words, if your door swings open from hallway into bedroom, the mezuzah would be nailed to the right-hand doorpost as your face the bedroom from the hall.

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mezuzah on left side of door