istio authorization policy ip block

This fix updates the installation program to only perform network validation on installer-provisioned infrastructure installs. (BZ#1965969), Previously, system proxy settings were not considered when requesting an AWS custom service endpoint. As a result, the MachineSet controller behaves as expected. (BZ#2039589), Previously, the CNF cyclictest runner should have provided the --mainaffinity argument, which told the binary which thread it should run on, however the cyclictest runner was missing the --mainaffinity argument. (BZ#1982704), With OpenShift Container Platform 4.11, the hosted control plane namespace is excluded from eviction when the descheduler is installed on a cluster that has hosted control planes enabled. It is recommended to revoke unauthenticated access unless there is a specific need for it. For the most recent list of major functionality deprecated and removed within OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, refer to the table below. Single IP (e.g. Unless there is a specific need for unauthenticated access, you should revoke it. ingress gateway, that the resources name is httpbin-credential, and that the ingress gateway For more information, see Consuming huge pages resources using the Downward API. If the upgrade subsequently failed then the CNO reported itself as degraded, but erroneously as being at version 4.7. (BZ#1772993). It was previously only accessible as a Red Hat hosted service located behind public APIs, but can now be installed locally. With this update, egress-router-cni pods inject the correct routing information so that pods reach external and internal cluster destinations. In new clusters, the restricted-v2 SCC is used for any authenticated user in place of the restricted SCC. In OpenShift Container Platform 4.8 deployments on Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) with Kuryr-Kubernetes, the API load balancer for the default/kubernetes service is no longer managed by the Cluster Network Operator (CNO), but instead by the kuryr-controller itself. Use the when field to configure the executions of your task, and to list a series of references to when expressions. For more information, see BZ#1943315. This means that: When upgrading to OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, the default/kubernetes service will have downtime. The web terminal and code snippet actions that execute in the web terminal are not present if you do not install the Web Terminal Operator. OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 is now supported on ARM architecture based AWS user-provisioned infrastructure and bare-metal installer-provisioned infrastructure. The Query Browser on the Observe Metrics page of the OpenShift Container Platform web console adds various enhancements to improve your ability to create, browse, and manage PromQL queries. set it to REGISTRY_ONLY mode when you installed Istio, it is probably enabled by default. This arrangement is called API Aggregation (AA). Some users pulling images from Docker Hub can encounter the following error: This error happens because the login they used to call the oc new-app does not have sufficient paid support with opens a possibility for attack. Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) Azure Managed Disks With this update, the formula has been updated, and the CPU Utilisation panel now shows correct values. For more information, see Adding specific registries and Blocking specific registries. Removing iRMC from enabled_bios_interfaces. (BZ#2061447) For more information, see Persistent storage using local volumes. If you are a cluster administrator for a cluster that has been upgraded from OpenShift Container Platform 4.1 to 4.8, you can either revoke or continue to allow unauthenticated access. Use the options in the Add page to create applications and associated services and deploy these applications and services on OpenShift Container Platform. (AWS EBS, Azure file, GCP disk, VMware vSphere), CSI automatic migration To demonstrate the controlled way of enabling access to external services, you need to change the (BZ#2072195), Previously, the Machine API Operator did not report as degraded if an insufficient number of worker nodes started upon cluster installation, even though other Operators were reported as degraded. As a result, OpenShift Container Platform installs correctly on vSphere for these clusters. And Red Hat provides bug fixes and support for these images through the end of the 4.10 release lifecycle, in accordance with the OpenShift Container Platform lifecycle policy. See BZ#1965182 for more information. You can deploy a single Windows or Linux Azure DevOps agent using a virtual machine, or use a virtual machine scale set (VMSS). (OCPBUGSM-46005), When a network interface controller (NIC) in a node with a dual NIC PTP configuration is shut down, a faulty event is generated for both PTP interfaces. This update fixes the use of the Python OpenStack client to set a Nova microversion when dealing with soft-anti-affinity. section. (BZ#2083999), Previously, there was a typo in the gather script. The bug fixes that are included in the update are listed in the RHBA-2022:0021 advisory. This fix corrects the wording in the API. (BZ#1969951), Previously, the colors for the Low and Medium severity issues of the Image Manifest Vulnerabilities (IMVs) did not match the color representation shown in the ( interface. For more information, see Creating a backup of cluster resources before upgrade. The monitoring service that the cluster should write metrics to. However, upgrading to OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 does not remove "OpenShift Jenkins Maven" and "NodeJS Agent" images from 4.10 and earlier releases. The bug fixes that are included in the update are listed in the RHBA-2021:4830 advisory. This caused backward web console navigation to redirect to the incorrect page. The new KubeJobNotCompleted alert avoids false positives when an earlier job failed but the most recent job succeeded. For more information, see Publishing a catalog containing a bundled Operator. With this release, a cleanup function is added to limit the number of statuses. and Determining the ingress IP and ports sections of the Control Ingress Traffic task. As a result, misleading logging messages are reduced. With this update, the error message displays as expected and the Delete button does not stick. (BZ#1917280), In the monitoring stack, if you have enabled and deployed a dedicated Alertmanager instance for user-defined alerts, you cannot silence alerts in the Developer perspective in the OpenShift Container Platform web console. For any OpenShift Container Platform release, always review the instructions on updating your cluster properly. APIRemovedInNextEUSReleaseInUse - for APIs that will be removed in the next OpenShift Container Platform Extended Update Support (EUS) release. Comparison of alternative solutions to control egress traffic including performance considerations. Previously, there was an incorrect toleration setting on the nmstate-handler pod, which made network configuration on nodes with the nmstate Operator impossible. Previously, an API for customized platform routes in OpenShift Container Platform 4.8 created restrictions on specs and status that excluded custom host names and cluster domains with decimals. This caused the Operator Catalog to enter a hot-loop, wasting CPU cycles. (BZ#2086465), Before this update, if a machine was booted through PXE and the BOOTIF argument was on the kernel command line, the machine would boot with DHCP enabled on only a single interface. For more information, see Testing an Operator upgrade on Operator Lifecycle Manager. This fix clarifies the description so users can make an informed decision. and cluster admins can update custom resources independently of the cluster itself. If none are provided, disallow external access (except the cluster node IPs, which GKE automatically whitelists). If PTP with dual NIC is configured through ZTP, the user needs to update one PtpConfig CR to remove the phc2sysOpts option after ZTP is completed. CRDs allow users to create new types of resources without adding another API server. gVNIC (GVE) is an alternative to the virtIO-based ethernet driver. (BZ#2073112), Before this update, the tunbr interface incorrectly triggered the NodeNetworkInterfaceFlapping alert. As a result, new regions might cause warning messages but can be used immediately. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. # # Provide a name in place of kube-prometheus-stack for `app:` labels nameOverride: " " # # Override the deployment namespace namespaceOverride: " " # # Provide a k8s version to auto dashboard import script example: Red Hat recommends that you use Uses the az network route-table route delete command to delete the user-defined route called AksName_HelmReleaseNamespace_ServiceName from the Azure Route Table associated to the subnets hosting the node pools of the AKDS cluster. As a result, it is possible to create a vCenter host with a numeric character. The bug fixes that are included in the update are listed in the RHBA-2021:3927 advisory. This would trigger a bug in the network cleanup code, causing network resources not to properly clean up after network resources have been provisioned. If NFD had been installed, this would cause the SRO deployment to fail. The list of bug fixes that are included in the update is documented in the RHBA-2022:6143 advisory. The logging service that the cluster should write logs to. (BZ#1941592), Previously, HAProxys helper function template that was responsible for generating a file for whitelist IPs expected a wrong argument type. This has been resolved. OpenShift Container Platform 4.8 adds support for the global access option for Ingress Controllers created on GCP with an internal load balancer. Operator SDK v1.8.0 supports Kubernetes 1.20. This patch updates runc to chdir to the workdir multiple times, in case only one time fails. For more information, see Installing AWS Load Balancer Operator. These changes are reflected in simplified post-installation and network configuration documentation. The URL can be retrieved from the AgentServiceConfig CR on the hub cluster by running the following command: Mount the image in the /mnt/iso/ directory: Create the iso-grub-cfg/ directory and change to the directory: Copy the contents of the /mnt/iso/ directory to your working directory: Append the string to the linux boot line. With this bug fix, the issue is resolved. Red Hat recommends that you use vSphere 7.0 Update 2 or later. The following restrictions impact OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Z and LinuxONE: The following OpenShift Container Platform Technology Preview features are unsupported: The following OpenShift Container Platform features are unsupported: Automatic repair of damaged machines with machine health checking, Controlling overcommit and managing container density on nodes, Tang mode disk encryption during OpenShift Container Platform deployment, Compute nodes must run Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS), Persistent shared storage must be provisioned by using either Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation or other supported storage protocols, Persistent non-shared storage must be provisioned using local storage, like iSCSI, FC, or using LSO with DASD, FCP, or EDEV/FBA. The data is presented as # Succeeded of # Desired, so when sorting by that column the results looked confusing because the data was sorted by the second number. The default Red Hat-provided Operator catalogs for OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 releases in the file-based catalog format. Although this provides a convenient way to get started with Istio, configuring Red Hat Customer Portal users can enable errata notifications in the account settings for Red Hat Subscription Management (RHSM). (BZ#2103080), Previously, users with cluster-reader role could not read custom resources from kubernetes-nmstate, such as NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy. OpenShift Container Platform release 4.8.21 is now available. This update explicitly sets proxy settings in the canary clients HTTP transport. This displayed invalid tabs for Workloads in the topology view. Client certificates don't automatically rotate and aren't easily revocable. The only requirement is to generate the token and pass it as a HTTP header with key Authorization and value Bearer . If you have explicitly configured REGISTRY_ONLY mode, you can change it The bug fixes that are included in the update are listed in the RHBA-2022:0559 advisory. The condition includes a message similar to unable to clean up App Registration / Service Principal: . (BZ#2063829), Previously, vSphere RHCOS images had no /etc/resolv.conf file. After inserting the YAML snippet, the new selection matches the new content. The current release fixes this issue by allowing builds to automatically mount entitlements only on RHEL worker nodes, and avoiding mount attempts on RHCOS worker nodes. As a result, upgrades and dependency resolution proceed as expected. The ocp4-moderate profile will be completed in a future release. Because all outbound traffic from an Istio-enabled pod is redirected to its sidecar proxy by default, When APIs evolve, the old APIs they replace are deprecated, and eventually removed. Note the following restrictions for OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Z and LinuxONE: OpenShift Container Platform for IBM Z does not include the following Technology Preview features: The following OpenShift Container Platform features are unsupported: Automatic repair of damaged machines with machine health checking, Controlling overcommit and managing container density on nodes, Tang mode disk encryption during OpenShift Container Platform deployment, Worker nodes must run Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS), Persistent shared storage must be provisioned by using either NFS or other supported storage protocols, Persistent non-shared storage must be provisioned using local storage, like iSCSI, FC, or using LSO with DASD, FCP, or EDEV/FBA. With this release, the component checks for valid write relabel settings when loading the configuration. The RPM packages that are included in the update are provided by the RHBA-2022:0277 advisory. Verifying that the unicast peers list isnt empty on the control plane nodes. OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.14 introduces a check that impacts upgrading to the next OpenShift Container Platform release, which is currently planned to be OpenShift Container Platform 4.9. Now the best route is used rather than always using the default gateway. OpenShift Container Platform 4.8 adds support for additional Intel and Mellanox network interface controllers. Note that changing the image type will delete and recreate all nodes in the node pool, The initial number of nodes for the pool. For Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) based workloads, it is important to reduce the NIC queues to only the number of reserved or housekeeping CPUs to ensure the desired low latency is achieved. To update an existing OpenShift Container Platform 4.8 cluster to this latest release, see Updating a cluster within a minor version by using the CLI for instructions. Now coreos-installer correctly formats new, unformatted DASD drives to 4096 byte sectors. This change allows keyboard users of the YAML editor to exit the editor using the correct keystrokes. This caused the default networkmanager settings to display an error for /etc/resolv.conf. (OCPBUGSM-47798), When secure boot is enabled stalld, service fails to start because it is not able to open the /sys/kernel/debug/sched_features file. As a result, maintaining cluster quorum, adding and removing new members, and promoting learners occur without disrupting the cluster operation. This update removes all of the AWS regions from the installation program that are not supported by the public AWS cloud. With this update, the PodDisruptionBudgetAtLimit alert is no longer raised on these clusters. This command commits 53 CRDs to the kube-apiserver, making them available for use in the Istio mesh.It also creates a namespace for the Istio objects called istio-system and uses the --name option to name the Helm release istio-init.A release in Helm With this update, an additional OVS rule is inserted to notice when port conflicts occur and to do an extra SNAT to avoid said conflicts. With this update, the prometheus-tenancy API is used to get the metrics data for the pipeline. (BZ#2073112), Previously, the Prometheus Operator allowed invalid re-label configurations. This feature allows cluster administrators to route traffic to an endpoint on the same node that the traffic originated from. many core Kubernetes functions are now built using custom resources, making Kubernetes more modular. This will be resolved in a future release. With this update, the connection tracking entries are purged in the case of NodePort service cycling, which allows new network traffic to reach cycled endpoints. ; A Kubernetes cluster running on Ubuntu 16.04. By operating at layer 7, Istio has a richer set of attributes to express and enforce policy in the protocols it understands (e.g. You can use this enhancement to simplify sharding by enabling a route to have multiple, distinct host names determined by each router deployment that exposes the route. (HELM-343), If the pruner fails, the Image Registry Operator is degraded until the pruner successfully runs. (BZ#2066760). Previously, creating machine sets required users to manually configure their CPU pinning settings, NUMA pinning settings, and CPU topology changes to get better performance from the host. (BZ#2035334), Previously, when you tried to delete multiple clusters in parallel, the process failed because of a bug in the vmware/govmomi library. (BZ#2019301). This update exposes a new field in the Add Bare Metal host form to choose the appropriate boot mode strategy. The next minor release of OpenShift Container Platform is expected to use Kubernetes 1.25. The DNS pod can now be removed from a node before removing the node by the cluster autoscaler. (BZ#1941901), Previously, the Cluster Version Operator did not reconcile env and envFrom for manifests that did not set those properties. A new PTP events API endpoint is available, api/cloudNotifications/v1/publishers. Currently, neither Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) nor the Machine Config Operator images change in a version bump, for example, when upgrading from OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.20 to 4.8.21. Consequently, goroutines were leaked in net.http read and write loops, which led to high memory usage. The current release fixes this issue. The documentation for this feature is currently unavailable and is targeted for release at a later date. report a problem obtained the key/certificate pair. SRO no longer deploys NFD by default. After a capability has been enabled, it cannot be disabled again. The resulting table can be joined with the resource usage table or with BigQuery billing export. For more information, see Understanding and managing pod security admission. This change enables cases when the provisioning network is not routable and the installer process is run from a remote location, such as Hive for Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) or Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management. Change the meshConfig.outboundTrafficPolicy.mode option to REGISTRY_ONLY. (OCPBUGSM-46688), After removing the SriovNetworkNodePolicy policy from the Git repository, the SriovNetworkNodePolicy resource managed by the removed policy remains on the spoke cluster. (RHELPLAN-127788, OCPBUGS-70), When using NVIDIA-branded Mellanox NICs on Dell hardware, incoming packets that are larger than the preset F5 application receive buffer (currently set to 8K) arrive with an incorrect VLAN tag. On certain Lenovo models, for example the SE450, bare-metal host image provisioning during ZTP cluster deployments might fail with the HTTP 400 status code and a PropertyNotWriteable error: Currently, there is no workaround for this issue. This update avoids requeueing expired Report CRs that have specified a retention period. This extended the time of the writing process on some hardware. For more information, see the following topics: Machine sets that deploy machines with ultra disks as data disks, Machine sets that deploy machines with ultra disks using CSI PVCs, Machine sets that deploy machines with ultra disks using in-tree PVCs. To determine the current support status and compatibility for an add-on, refer to its release notes. (BZ#1910396), Previously, both the Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) and the Cluster Version Operator (CVO) reported if the CCO deployment was unhealthy. As a result, Prometheus alerts are now provided for unready default catalog sources in the openshift-marketplace namespace. For more information, see the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Life Cycle Policy. If you need storage with a different performance mode (for example, a time-series database instead of key-value store) or isolation for security (for example, encryption of sensitive information, etc. You will now receive alerts in the Alerting UI of the OpenShift Container Platform web console if the MCO attempts to renew an expired kube-apiserver-to-kubelet-signer CA certificate on a machine config pool (MCP) that is paused. With this fix, the DNS operator was updated to specify topology aware hints on the cluster DNS service. This provides an accurate reporting of all filesystem metrics. With this update, the kubelet accepts a resolv.conf file and pods get a valid resolv.conf file. (BZ#1995595). As a result, the Compliance Operator continues to run when dealing with large machine configuration data sets. This enhancement adds a new Jenkins environment variable, JAVA_FIPS_OPTIONS, that controls how the JVM operates when running on a FIPS node. Consequently, the STATE column was empty. The ICSP name and path did not match for subrepositories. (that is not associated with It also modifies the script to handle multiple arguments and whitespaces as an array. (BZ#1932502), Previously, the clevis-luks-askpass.path unit was not enabled by default. With this update, detection for self hosted GitHub and Bitbucket instance repositories works. Write your first Istio mixer policy. The bug is a rarely experienced race conditition. You can now install and update OpenShift Container Platform clusters in the us-isob-east-1 SC2S region. (BUILD-213). (BZ#1929944), Previously, the readiness probe was not reporting the correct readiness due to the introduction of SO_REUSEADDR socket options, which caused the etcd pod to show as ready even though the etcd-quorum-guard failed. Short-lived pods may take slightly longer, approximately 1s, to report either success or failure after this change. With pod-level bonding, you can create a bond interface from multiple single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) virtual function interfaces in kernel mode interface. This could cause a race condition to occur between the OLM Operator, which reconciles CSVs, and the Catalog Operator, executes install plans, marking the old CSV as Pending/RequirementsNotMet due to the service account ownership change. As a result, the Ingress Operator cannot cannot modify or delete a custom Kubernetes service with the same name as the OpenShift Ingress namespace that it wants to modify or remove. Terraform stores state about your managed infrastructure and configuration in a special file called state file. There is currently no workaround for this issue. Support for Azure Disk was provided in this feature in OpenShift Container Platform 4.9, and OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 now supports automatic migration for Azure Disk as generally available. Beginning with OpenShift Container Platform 4.11, by default, the installation program now deploys AWS and VMware vSphere compute nodes with 4 vCPUs and 16 GB of virtual RAM. This caused the Kubernetes API server to provide an error without a cloud provider configuration. Now, the correct style of help text is shown for the field level help instances and is consistent across the console. OpenShift Container Platform release 4.11.4 is now available. The YAML pipelines in this sample use a variable group shown in the following picture: The variable group is configured to use the following secrets from an existing Key Vault: You can use Azure DevOps YAML pipelines to deploy resources to the target environment. For Windows based node pools use windows_node_pools. Istio simplifies configuration of service-level properties like circuit breakers, timeouts, and retries, and makes it easy to set up important tasks like A/B testing, canary rollouts, and staged rollouts with percentage-based traffic splits. which may cause some requests to fail. The objects are updated relatively infrequently. Before this release, you could not configure this setting. This update introduces a new option for Ingress Controllers with the hostnetwork endpoint strategy. (BZ#2057633), Previously, large images could not be pruned if they were new to the cluster. If you have an Operator project that was initially created in the package manifest format, which has been deprecated, you can now use the Operator SDK pkgman-to-bundle command to migrate the project to the bundle format. Non-standard compliant HTTP clients and redfish implementations caused failures on BMC connections. The subnet created is now the same as the requested size. With this release, the automatic update process now only removes old pods after the new pods are able to serve requests so that data from the old pods continues to be available during the update process. library, as described in the Before you begin section. As a workaround, the cluster administrator can add the annotation manually using the following command: OpenShift Container Platform release 4.11.7 is now available. (BZ#1925698), Previously, the drain timeout and pool degrading period was too short and would cause alerts prematurely on a normal cluster that needed more time. The --keep-startup flag has been added, which is false by default, meaning that startup probes are removed by default from debug pods. The minimum storage required to install an OpenShift Container Platform cluster has decreased from 120 GB to 100 GB. As a result, memory usage is now stable. For more information, see Configuring persistent disk types by using machine sets. As a result, the hosts succeed on DHCP and PXE boot on IPv6 networks of any prefix length. Installing an Aggregated API server always involves running a new Deployment. The bug fixes that are included in the update are listed in the RHBA-2022:5889 advisory. In a network policy rule, the "" namespace selector label matches traffic from an Ingress Controller. For more information about how to enable IPsec, see Configuring IPsec encryption. For all Thanos Querier alerts, the for duration is increased to 1 hour. See BZ#1924869 for more information. As a workaround, call the API directly and create the subscription. The Console Operator config already contained custom route customization, but for the console route only. The following picture shows the high-level architecture created by the Terraform modules included in this sample: The following picture provides a more detailed view of the infrastructure on Azure. This sample deploys a jumpbox virtual machine in the hub virtual network peered with the virtual network that hosts the private AKS cluster. (BZ#1954715), Previously, the Insights Operator did not collect Cluster Version Operator (CVO) pods or events in the openshift-cluster-version namespace. The Metering Operator is deprecated as of OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, and is scheduled to be removed in the next OpenShift Container Platform release. This has been fixed by reverting to the default Ironic behavior where the virtualmedia iso is cached and served from the Ironic conductor node. Describes how to configure Istio ingress with a network load balancer on AWS. As a cluster administrator, you can enable cluster capabilities to select or deselect one or more optional components before installation or post installation. Run the following command to verify that meshConfig.outboundTrafficPolicy.mode option is set to ALLOW_ANY The new nodes could turn into Ready, but Ingress pods cannot turn into Running on these nodes, and scale-up does not succeed. Administrators who created credentials requests in manual mode with the Cloud Creditial Operator (CCO) will need to apply those changes manually if they intend to mount encrypted volumes using customer managed keys on AWS. The service account to run nodes as if not overridden in, Whether external ips specified by a service will be allowed in this cluster. More information can be found in the following changelogs: 1.21.7 and 1.21.8.

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istio authorization policy ip block